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Everything posted by Freemorpheme

  1. Here is almost the final result of my labours making this vending machine animation, something that represents about a year's work in really trying to get to grips with modelling, unwrapping, texturing and rendering. Thanks to everyone who helped me, including the usual suspects @DasFrodo, @Cerbera, @Igor, The Artist Formally Known As @C4DS and @bezo. Dotty_Main_1_lowish.mp4
  2. I am surprised that MAXON dont have more direct involvement with the Cafe. A community centre where you can come and get direct help with a problem, get the news, maybe a giveaway, a competition, a route to speak to the bigwigs would surely be worth its weight in gold to a product like C4D. Literally the only reason I am a C4D user is because of the Cafe, and because you could get help from Nigel (sometimes pretty acerbic help, but you learned to enjoy that pretty quickly). Now you can pretty much rely on Cafe mods and regulars to help with problems in a way you simply can't with any other software. I wish Substance had a place like this, or Octane, or any Adobe product, you name it. Maybe I have missed something and there is already an arrangement? We are so close - I am posting just below Rick and Dave themselves and this kind of engagement is great, long may it continue.
  3. There is a script for this on the Cafe somewhere, you can select all UV island edges so you can break them before baking.
  4. I got so fed up spending ages trying to get anywhere with the UV tools in Cinema I bought a copy of Rizom and have yet to regret it. However since then the unwrapping tools have had an update, so you should give them a go before committing to anything.
  5. The only video on the MAXON YouTube channel seems to be broken. So I have no idea what has happened.
  6. This looks great. I would say you maybe went a little OTT with the particles - unless your house is particularly dusty!
  7. Lots of people feel making monthly car payments is the best way, dont they? Sometimes I feel like I'm the only person who owns their own car. Although I might consider it if every September the car company replaced it with one that was better and more valuable.
  8. Well it looks great. How long did it take?
  9. Looks great. What is a gender reveal exactly? I mean, I can probably guess. But who is doing the revealing and who is it being revealed to?
  10. that's very interesting, is that a standard way to work?
  11. There's always one player who tries to escape the map.
  12. I work full time for a studio outside London which is (semi) stable, although they have cut everyone's wages by 20%. Although if they do go under, which is always a possibility, pity me as I'll be going into the marketplace against Cerbera who lives basically next door!
  13. 1. Viewport improvements. From speed of simulations to having a better sense of how materials will render. 2. An actual monthly subscription rather than an annual subscription, this would be so much easier to sell to management as they love a monthly cost and dread an annual cost. 3. I used to wish for UV tools but I got fed up with waiting and bought Rizom instead, but if they can come up with something of its calibre, so much the better. Frankly, R22 is going to have to be pretty damn dazzling to keep people on board. I love C4D and want it to flourish but... well, we all know.
  14. Had you? I'm so sorry, I didn't see that. I thought your comment said that selecting UV edges was not currently a part of the tools you were making. I will revisit the comment.
  15. Does Blender have the capability to make a selection at UV Edges? I have a workflow issue that I have unwrapped a model with Rizom, reimported into Cinema, and now I need to set the Phong Edge Breaks to be the same as my UV splits, or I get baking errors in Substance Painter. C4D doesnt allow you to select UV edges, so I am wondering if I can use Blender as an intermediate step to sort out the smoothing before I import to Painter. How does Blender handle Phong edges / Smoothing groups?
  16. I have heard they cloned him from DNA taken from Ben Kingsley and George Michael.
  17. What are you texturing with in these?
  18. Freemorpheme


    How did you model in the round cobblestones? I dont see them in the mesh.
  19. http://workbench.tv/ are looking at this this week. I would recommend everyone look at their site and consider donating to their patreon as they dont get the love they deserve.
  20. Ugh, it does seem terrible timing that MAXON doubled down on the '3D for the World' line just as Blender released 2.8. R21 in comparison seems like very thin gruel. God knows we have 60 pages of moaning on the other thread and I don't want to start all that up again but now more than ever, MAXON have their work cut out for them. Everyone will be looking at R22, and I hope they have a hell of a roadmap. I mean I really hope they do! I love C4D and don't want to go anywhere else, but it's getting harder to justify. Anyway, onwards and upwards - I have some volumes and fields to manipulate...
  21. Can anyone lay out for me the areas C4D is in front of Blender 2.8? Since we discovered the monthly cost was actually much more than the advertised monthly cost, people are in the studio are saying helpful things like 'What about Blender?' and I dont know what to tell them as I havent looked at it in depth for years.
  22. I didnt get much from the video, can anyone explain what this does?
  23. How exciting. Do all the polys have to be planar? And do you extrude the loops to get the next loop or do you use the poly pen?
  24. What is this mystery site you speak of.
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