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Everything posted by Freemorpheme

  1. this is what I'm after, I just dont want to add the extra cut if I can help it.
  2. Your wish, as ever, is my command sneky.c4d
  3. Hello quad fans - can someone remind me how to fix the end of this channel to get a nice rounding when under sub D? I am tempted of course just to run some cuts all the way to the outside edges of the model, but I know there's a better way of doing it internally and it's a slightly difficult question to google.
  4. Yes, the attraction of Kuula was the markings you could put in the standard scene, perhaps that was a distration from what I wanted, which was to share a scene that someone could move about in without a big technical overhead.
  5. Someone at work demoed me their workflow of building environments in Rhino, then using a platform called Enscape to import the environment and render it - then another called Kuula to create a sharable link so you can email anyone your environment to look at. Is there a similar workflow for C4D people use? What woukd be the easiest way I could get someone 'walking around' my environment without going to their office with a PC and a VR headset?
  6. I'm so glad you guys are here to help chumps like me.
  7. Ah thank you. Is there a way of doing it with a field and an effector, is is that simply the wrong way to approach it?
  8. Why do you suppose these two objects behave so differently when the field goes through? I assume its because the cylinder is so regular. If this is the case, how would I make the other object scale to nothing and vanish? linear field.c4d
  9. Thanks both. I modelled some tubes out, but I can definitely see them asking for it to be animated with the growing branches, so any brainy ideas always welcome.
  10. I was trying to google these tubes up to see if anyone had a good idea for modelling them, but couldnt think of anything really Googleable. If you can think of something the mighty algorithm might latch onto - or if you have a bright idea for a generative way of making something like this? My solution would be to model a complicated one of these then poke it through the cube a few times and Boole off the excess which seems a bit stone age. Thanks
  11. AI will change everything - as big a change to the creative industries as desktop publishing was. All the old engravers, hot type experts, letterers, camera operators and board artists were out on their ear in a couple of years. But it opened the door to new jobs - computer artworkers, digital designers, a world of motion graphics and everntually CG effects. This will be the same, the question right now is, are we the hot type setters in this scenario?
  12. I do have Octane installed, but these are not Octane materials and not an Octane scene, its just the vanilla Asset Inspector that doesnt want to relink things, even when I have shown it the correct path.
  13. IS there a way of relinking many assets without using the Project Assets inspector? I have a lot of materials with missing textures - I relink them all with PAI - it is perfectly happy and gives them all a nice tick - but then nothing updates in the individual materials so nothing really happens. Have tried saving with assets and relinking from desktop etc, but no dice.
  14. Ah, changing the axis is the clever bit I was looking for. I ended up doing a nornal extrude, and then chopping the bulgy deformed bits off with a Boole, then tidying the mesh up. Not very elegant, but it will get the job done and the geo is OK for bevelling later etc. Thanks.
  15. Thanks Cerb. What's a Manual Extrude? Do you mean use the extrude tool along the normal as usual and then cleaning up the mesh manually?
  16. I need to add some thickness to this arch, and everything I try makes a real mess, which makes me think I have missed an obvious and elegant solution, can anyone advise? thicky.c4d
  17. Ah thanks, I. suppose what I meant was 'what is a capsule'? as I had never heard of them, but a little googling has put me in touch with this development, a fruit of the new codebase we have been talking about for years, I guess? Looks interesting.
  18. What is a solidify capsule, by the way?
  19. After messing around with some soft selections I made this shape the cheat way - booling it out with a flattened cylinder and doing some cleanup. Obviously I would have preferred to make it correctly, can anyone tell me what I should have done? lens2.c4d
  20. If anyone else is struggling with this and comes across this thread - I have been frowning at a default cube for a while trying to understand why the values reset: if you have a component mode activated by mistake insteal of the full model mode, but no actual components selected, then the coordinates in the manager will reset themselves as described here.
  21. Hi there, Having an issue with the bevel tool - when I try to bevel an edge on an object it fails and does nothing, just deselects the edge. If I split the geo off and try the same edge it works fine, but I cant work out why. Thanks bevel questionc4d.c4d
  22. Using R25 as a new setup, and I'm getting a behaviour where switching to point, edge or poly mode is automatically activating Xray mode, which I'm not expecting and cant turn off, can anyone point me to the off switch for this? Thanks
  23. This is certainly getting me somewhere, Cerb - only trouble I run into is limiting the sculpt tools to the selection I have, would you know a way to achieve this? I have used a mesh rather than a live smoothing object so I dont think I can use the restriction tag. EDIT I have deleted/edited something and this selection is working now - I have no idea what I'm doing, clearly 🙂
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