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Everything posted by Freemorpheme

  1. Hey there - I am trying to export a simple test object out of C4d with a jpeg texture and import into AE with the jpeg texture - but I cant make Cinema export the texture image. I woould have hoped that the GLB or GTLF options would export the image but so far no luck - has anyone any help with this?
  2. Thanks Cerb, you are the reason I keep my sub to this site current, inspirational and helpful in equal measure.
  3. Is there a handy dandy retopo solution for a squiggly mess like this? Or is it best to just start again? I would be tempted to break out the Boole for the base section now - maybe if I made one and then put it in a radial cloner? bottle.fbx Some investigation has led me to discover they have incorporated zremesh into C4D when I wasnt looking, which I will investigate, but I would probably prefer to remake it just because we all know it's the right thing to do 🙂
  4. Actually I've managed to get old of the CAD file and can see the bottom of the bottle now - quad fans you might want to take a deep breath when you see this one:
  5. Very educational as always, Cerb, thanks.
  6. How would you model this bottle? I was thinking about starting with the feet as a cloner of spheres and then cutting in half and matching the polys with a tube or just raising them up to form a tube. I would want it to be pretty accurate and I see a problem turning spheres into a nice smooth transition into the main body. Whiile I'm asking, would you model all the little grip bits into the cap or use a texture for that? It's going to be a bit odd as the label wrap goes over the top of it.
  7. I got asked to make some renders for these dog chews and got a ref image. I only got a couple of hours to do it, so I'm reasonably happy with what I cooked up, but I am wondering, if you had to take this further and go for more realism, what would you address first? The modelling, the lighting, the materials, the camera?
  8. That looks like what I want, except when I try it in my real scence I just get the shadow catcher in my render. Is that using the physical render? EDIT I think its because there are no physical lights in the scene and the GI doesnt respond to the shadow catcher - although some experimentation reveals physical render is not the issue. Perhaps my question would be better phrased as 'how can I catch the AO shadows in my render?' shadow catch test.c4d and no shadow 😞
  9. Is it possible to render out an alpha with some shadows in using the physical renderer? I have a legacy product file using soft ground shadows using mostly AO, and I need to render it out on a transparent BG with the shadows intact, but in my test file I can only get the shadow catcher to work with the Standard render. shadow catch test.c4d
  10. baking PLA for AR.mp4 Here is what I did in the end
  11. Thanks I will bear this in mind, especially the idea about a 'schematic' and also a 'lit' version of the work, this might be a good fit for my workflow.
  12. I make a lot of exhibition stand concepts in C4D and iteration and speed of development has always been more important than photorealism. Recently of course, I have been competing with AI generated images which, while lacking in a lot of departments, are always pretty to look at and more photorealistic. So I am wondering what you would concentrate on elevating to take my CG renders up to a more realistic level - do you think the magic might be in the lighting, the texturing or does it have to be both? Or do you think in the timescale (a day or so to do the whole thing) its a lost cause? I was thinking maybe I could create a 'blank' exhibition hall scene in Redshift with perfect lighting and textures and use that as a base every time but I'd be interested to get other opinions. Here's an example of a rendered stand and an AI one.
  13. I am happy for any solution of course, it's all good learning. Here is an image of the scene I made, the client said 'is there any way the squares can be blue on the floor and then go yellow when they are a little bit above the ground?' And I of course said 'Absolutely'. My alternative possibly would be to remake it with another cloner with a hidden yellow square, that interacts with the same fields and gets bigger/changes colour as the fields interact, but thats not quite as elegant, is it.
  14. How do you save it though, I couldnt get it to work? I thought it might save out as a .tplt or .ctmplt or whatever to load back in as a template file, but it just saved the scene out as a .c4d file.
  15. I am trying to set up a plain effector to change the colour of the top poly of a cube, as the cube grows in Y, like this: I havent found a way of just changing one poly on an object, so I tried splitting the object and using the Field Color, but that hasnt quite worked as it goes white instead of the material colour. I also, ideally would like to set it up so that the color changes fully when the tower reaches a certain set height, rather than the full height the field takes it to. I wonder if anyone can help with this. I also tried experienting with the Colour Shader, but this again likes one object rather than one poly on an object, as far as I can work out. tower color.c4d
  16. The goal is to get it to appear in this dropdown, is that right?
  17. Just trying this myself, is this the command to save the template - it will save the file out as a .c4d file rather than a template file you can load back in.
  18. I have this target image here with a random sort of cross shaped field affecting the cubes. My attempt is here, using spherical and box fields and random effector: Can anyone help me get a little closer to this random effect? I feel like I'm after a kind of 'Spline Field' where I can draw out what I want. Thanks Untitled 1.c4d
  19. here's a baked version - cant get this out to glb either with the animation in TEST FOR AR_baked right down.c4d
  20. something like this. Baking a spline wrap itself is quite tricky, I'm not sure if I need the whole thing to go down to PLA animation or not, as some test objects convert the animation fine when simply saving to FBX or GLB. Some dont though. TEST FOR AR.c4d
  21. I have an polygonal object travelling along a spline with a spline wrap, for about 120 frames. If I save it out to glb, the animation is not baked. If I try saving an FBX and converting it, the geometry and textures are not preserved. Various problems, so I thought I'd ask if anyone has a workflow they trust.
  22. Does anyone have a good workflow for baking an animation down in a project and save out as a glb or gltf file? I have been trying but with patchy success at best. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesnt and I'm not sure what the parameters of success are.
  23. Hmm, no that makes a big lump in my snake (so to speak)
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