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Frischvergiftung last won the day on May 16 2023

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    Cinema 4D
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    RTX 2070 + RTX 3080Ti

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  1. Tried lowering Voxel Size and adding Substeps, but the Rings stay where they are. I thought the would get more numerous with smaller Voxelsize, but no...
  2. Hey! Thanks for your reply! These rings can actually be seen in the viewprt before rendering. Attaching a Screenshot and the c4d File. Can you see the rings too? Amore_Smoky_04.c4d
  3. Got this pyro smoke hitting a wall. In the render i see concentric rings... how to fix that?
  4. Yeah, i've paid too and still get the notice. Also shouldt there be an area in the personal profile settings where my subscription status can be seen? I happily pay for core4D but the i shouldnt be getting all these banners and mails, this really doesnt feel like a membership.
  5. Ah, thank you, i worked all day with rope now... seems to do what i want. Thanks for pointing out that legacy mode! Maybe soemeone else can make useof that info! Cheers, Max
  6. It is not in Tags / Hair tags Anymore? I am trying to follow this tutorial, at 3:17 he choses the Hair tag from there, but its not there for me in version 2023-2.0
  7. Asset Browser got MUCH faster on startup!! Thank you!!
  8. I've noticed that loading an image into a simple Material now takes 3 or 4 seconds, compared to instantly in the release before. Could that be related to the material being prepared for redshift in the background altough i'm in Standard render mode? This is really annoying. Anyone elso notice that?
  9. I host my Asset Databeses on my NAS, 1gBit Ethernet... that might slow shit down. If i is coded so that everthing needs to be read first.... which is silly.
  10. The more i use that new browser the more i hate it. Startup time is midieval as well.
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