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Everything posted by grantpd

  1. @Cerbera that was it! I kept trying to get my mouse point into that little cube, I was clicking on literally the only space on the screen where it wasn't going to work. Thanks!
  2. yes, that's the one. I used to be able to hover my pointer over that and the cube would turn white. I could then click and hold, and the axis would move freely around without being constrained to one/ two axes at a time.
  3. In 2025 I seem to not be able to grab the little cube at the center of the object axis, the one that allows the axis to be moved freely in all directions. Is there a key I need to hold when doing this?
  4. I have an existing 3d model in c4d that needs to be reworked. It is a model of a building, but it is not accurate to the actual survey data that I have (3d model as well). I'd like this model to be reworked to match the survey data. If you are interested please pm me and we can have a look at the model and discuss...
  5. yes....the last person I worked with on this did his work in marvelous designer.
  6. I'm looking for an modeler/rigger/animator that can produce some animations of theatrical drape reveals for me. These would be in HD resolution, approx 10 second animations. I'm looking to create animations of: Tabbing Curtain Venetian - Straight Lift Venetian - Contoured Austrian - Straight Lift Austrian - Contoured Flat Panel (Black) - Stright Lift Soft Pleated Main - Straight Lift Initially I'd just like to discuss this job and get some pricing/timelines so I can put it in front of the client. If you are interested please drop me a message.
  7. I'm working on an assembly animation that explains how to put together a piece of curtain track. This is the type of thing that involves pulleys and rope to open a drape like in a theater. I am looking for someone who can do the following: Can animate a piece of rope through its path as it winds it's way along the track, ultimately tying in knot around the end. Can animate two big curtains being attached at the top to some hardware via hooks. Can animate the entire system lifting up and lifting the curtain up from a heap on the floor to hanging. Can animate the drapes pulling apart as the mechanism works. There is some other animation but it is really basic so I expect if you can do the above you can do the rest. I'm hoping to get the file with all of its parts finalized this week, and storyboarded by the end of this week. So I'm looking for someone to start early next week, with a 1 week turnaround. I use c4d w/ redshift for rendering. This will be rendered at 1920x1080 at 30fps, but you do not have to render the frames for me, just set up the animations. Please email me if you are interested, I'd like to see some examples of similar work
  8. This was the webinar in question. It does look like the raytracing is realtime (with a pretty great RTX card). Note however, at the end when he talks about getting stills out, the process looks very similar to how gpu rendering works in a renderer like redshift or corona: low quality at first and then better at the expense of time...
  9. The webinar I watched was highlighting real time raytracing with RTX cards. It looked pretty compelling as I watched, but after thinking about it, if one had a comparable set up and did the same work in C4D with Redshift or some other gpu renderer the results would probably be pretty close. I did kind of laugh at the end as the presenter showed their methodology at the end for getting stills...it was kind of a bizarro screen grab process. But I do find the technology pretty compelling. It has come so far so fast, I'm excited to see what happens in the near future.
  10. I'm just watching a webinar on unreal for archviz, and wondering if this is going to be the future of archviz? I do mostly stills of exteriors/interiors, not motion graphics. I love C4d because my drafting software (vectorworks) ports nicely over to it, and it renders beautifully. But it is really hard to argue with real time rendering and the rendering from the unreal engine looks pretty dang good. I'm wondering if other cafe members have thoughts/opinions on the subject? Obviously for motion graphics I think C4D is practically unbeatable, but how about for architectural/environmental stuff?
  11. Wondering if anyone has used this plugin. I have a client who is married to 3ds max and wondering if we can use it for file exchange. http://www.3dtoall.com/products/maxtoc4d/
  12. I do work for architecture and television interiors, I would be interested in working with you. My portfolio is here: www.gvzmedia.com
  13. I'm revamping my contract work agreements for 2017, and wondering if any out there had good advice or resources for this. I'm sure we've all been in the situation of having a project change its scope mid process, or had trouble getting a client to pay on time. What does/doesn't work in contract agreements in your experience? Do you renegotiate the contract if the scope of work changes? How much revising occurs before you say "enough!" Do you find that payment in installments works best? thanks for your input in advance!
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