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Everything posted by jacobite

  1. Anyone who knows I’m only interested in modelling real-world stuff to original scale. Normally I find the landscapes to be an issue. I have many grass textures and materials and they look good from a distance but not convincing closeup. I have used Hair and Forester in c4d and find them heavy on processing and render times. I have been looking at Grass Kit 5 by lesterbanks but not sure if it is any good for large areas. The only alternative is placing real grass, again heavy processing. Anyway, is anyone using Real Grass 5 and what is your experience or are there anyway I can pull this off with less impact on processing? The grass does not have to be animated but look good in closeups. What do you masters of landscapes do and use? Does it make a difference if I scale down my model then apply grass? Any feedback would be very much appreciated. Jacobite
  2. Watched this tutorial by Nick at GGS a while back. The problem I had was that the project I was on had 600 materials included at the time. Therefore, this method was not useful to me. I was wondering if any of the plugin geniuses at the Core4D would consider tackling this as a project. I’m sure a script could be written to modify materials to speedup Render times using Nick’s technique. I’m sure this would be a valuable asset to the community. Let me know your thoughts. Jacobite https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thZ7TRegehk
  3. I have used Apple since the early 80' and I have never seen such a shambles. Steve Jobs would have Neve went in the direction. The launch the M1 and put it in the Studio, then launch the M2. Therefore who is going to buy the Studio M1? I was hoping the M1 or M2 would go into the 27", so I have been waiting for some positive vibes from Apple, but nothing as yet. As far as I know the M2 went into the MacBook Pro and Air 13" with 8gb of unified memory (Really). Therefore, the price of the monitor does not justify me buying a Studio. I love my 27" Late 2013 iMac and it runs C4D brilliantly, ok the Ryzen threadripper does the rendering. The currency conversion is a rip-off. $2000 in the USA £2000 UK = about £500 more, better flying over for a holiday. I really playing a waiting game. Otherwise I will get a M2 Laptop and use my 27" to do the display. Jacobite
  4. I know you can select random polygons via Fields. When I was researching this method I think I came across a way to do it through Indexing for points. I think I thought at the time, don't think I'll have a use for that one and deleted the cookies out of my head. It may have been a Chris Schmidt tutorial, that guy is an Alien. LOL Thanks for the link MJV Jacobite
  5. Amazing MJV, I can't even imaging how you got all that weaving going on. A Tutorial would be great. Jacobite
  6. Now to my next problem. Once the light show on The Kelpies (Pics Above) ends, Images are projected onto them. I looked at my Pink Floyd Archive and worked out the procedure. Anyway, I have to fake the affect, therefore, I will text the Kelpies using the image that will be projected then have the image via a light source to simulate the projection. Everything is working fine, except that the light does not fan out as predicted. Think of it as a old Cinema Projector. At the score is tiny, then it fans out to full the screen or target. I have move every parameter with no or little effect. Lighting is a specialist subject and I'm not one of them. Take a look at the file and let me know your thoughts. Jacobite Kelpies Projection.c4d
  7. Thanks Deck and what a great discussion. I'm like you, I learn a cool tricks and forget how I did it. Then I have to go back to review old projects. Thank you for the files and hopefully I can put this one to bed. As always, the answer is found at The Mighty CORE4D. Jacobite
  8. Very interesting solution Cerbera. I'll certainly give that a go. I know I didn't explain very well in my first post. Anyway I am doing the final render on The Kelpies. On this scene day turns to night and as they do at the Kelpies, they are lit up from the inside. After a few tests, the scene look really good. I thought I could use a Multi Shader to rotate through a colour sequence to colour the light inside the models. I suppose I could simplify it by key-framing the light colour inside the light settings. Around The Kelpies there are a lot of light going on. Deck lights, Lampposts and behind the camera in the pictures, there are 32 spotlights. I'm not a lighting expert but I will have to play around with the light intensity to get the balance right. I also have to project images onto the models. I'll have to go back to my old Pink Floyd project to remember how to do that one. Thanks again for your help.
  9. Cool Cairyn, I'm not a fan of Expresso but your setup is pretty straightforward. Thank you for taking your time and solution. Jacobite
  10. I am trying to create random coloured light using the Multi Shader. Just like what you would see at a concert. I am only using two lights, each will project the same colour. I setup the light and the Multi Shader and I cannot connect them both. I tried a Random Effector with no joy. I then put the light in a cloner with Random Effector, again nothing. There must be a simple way to override the light colour I would thing. I suppose maybe Xpresso. Jacobite
  11. Martijnp, CBR is the Man, he has helped through some tuff problems on many occasions. Can you not cache it through "Project Settings/Dynamics"? Jacobite
  12. I have not experience that one. Did you try to bake the animation or run from zero and pause at 100 and render that frame? Anyway the Masters at the Core will give you a more technical solution I'm sure. Jacobite
  13. Thank Deck, works a treat. I suppose these elite S26 guys have already forgotten the R18 days, LOL. Been thinking of upgrading to S26 but at my age I cannot be bothered with the learning curve of nodes etc.. I suppose I got to get with the times and upgrade. Thanks to all of you for your help! Jacobite
  14. Cheers CBR. Dam thing breaks on my end. Think I will have to delete preferences in my version or reinstall. Many Thanks CBR for your valuable time. Jacobite
  15. Hi to all, Strange going ons in the dynamic world of C4D. This file is part of a very large scene. Child holding a group of balloons and releasing them. Sounds simple, however, in my simulation the dynamics work as intended but when I run the simulation a few times it mysteriously stops working after going back to frame zero. This is even more frustrating because it take on average 12 minutes to render a frame of the full scene, therefore, some time is needed to know if the dynamics are working or not, so far it has always been NOT. Ok, what’s under the hood? 5 very nice balloons each with a Spring a string (Spline with Sweep and anchored with a null). All the nuns are triggered with the controller (Null). Each Balloon has a Dynamic Body Tag. In the Project Settings Dynamics, I have the Gravity set at -1500 and I even increased the Step by Frame to 10. Still no joy. The Controller is triggered at frame 1332 and runs to 1761. The Scene is built in R18 (I just feel more comfortable in there) but I have tested it in R23, R25 with the same results. I have also Baked the animation only to find the same result. I find that when I start the Compute (Mac or Pc), launch the file, it will work, then all of a sudden it won’t. This leads me to think it is some problem with a C4D cache issue or something. Anyway feel free to obliterate the project as see what’s going on and maybe add some effectors to make it look more realalistic, that would be very much appreciated. If indeed it works perfectly for you, them my Computers are haunted and will need an exorcism. Thank you in taking your valuable time in reading me dilemma. Jacobite Dolly Balloons.c4d
  16. Why don't you just make life easy and set up the scene in real life (Wrap a bottle up in brown paper). Use whatever equipment you can lay your hand on and do a 3D Scan.
  17. Thats Very Cool ICECAVEMAN. Jacobite
  18. Why not use a Render Farm, save a packet and when and if the business takes off, then Render in-house. Ask yourself the same questions a Bank Manager would. After all it's a Dog Eat Dog world out there! I wish you all the very best in your venture. Jacobite
  19. Maybe just another way. Just animate the spare or whatever. Hope this may help. Jacobite Test.c4d
  20. It's all cool CBR, worked it out and it is looking good. Cheers Jacobite
  21. Hi CBR, this is where I am. The bottom section is a problem. Once I did the rotation at 51.6 degrees off Y. I have went wrong. I thought that once I created the Lathe, (which worked out a treat). I could Extrude and this would give me the bottom part where the doors would go. However, because the second point in the spline is a curved point, I cannot close it to Extrude. I have included my file. I have really enjoyed working through your tutorial and that you have taken your valuable time in helping me. I feel great in the fact that I’m almost there with such a complex shape and you making it so simple. Yes I will be modelling the Falkirk Wheel. I think I have the knowledge to complete about 80% of it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k27gOmrDgpo Once a boat descends the wheel it can travel up the Canal to the Kelpies. I have completed the Kelpies and is still rendering. Therefore the final animation will connect the two projects to show the journey between both. This is not a commercial project, it is something I had a desire to do and to become better at modelling. I thank you all at Core4d. Please advise. Jacobite. Falkirk Wheel Visitors Centre.c4d
  22. CBR, you are a Master. You make the most technical stuff sound so simple. I can't tell you enough how much I appreciate the work and time you put into this. I will follow your instructions as well as I can but please don't delete your project file, who knows what I may end up with. With all the amazing help from the most amazing people around the world "This is what makes Core4d the place to be" Jacobite
  23. You guys are amazing. Thank you both in taking your valuable time with this. Jacobite
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