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Everything posted by natevplas

  1. Yeah, I've been a bit quiet lately, but I'll try to get on more often. Thanks for the kind words, Dan!
  2. @Igor thanks so much, man! I really appreciate it!
  3. Hi, you might know me from around the Cafe already (been here for several years), but I wanted to put an official introduction out there. My name is Nate VanderPlas and I've been using C4D since 2011. I also do lots of other animation stuff besides 3D- like VFX, compositing, motion graphics, and 2D character animation. I have a brand new website and reel. Check it out: natevanderplas.com Thanks for reading and have a great day! Nate
  4. Thanks, Nose Man! I went through the whole thing twice, following all your steps exactly, but I can't get the Rangemap to do its job to reverse the data. My spheres look just like yours before the Rangemap (kinda lumpy and squished in the wrong places), but when I add it and adjust the Max Output to negative, it's like the Smoothing is just turned off. Any ideas? I'm on R20- not sure if it only works in R21, but I don't know why that would be. Has anyone else tried it in R20? I've attached my project file if that's helpful. Thanks! Sphere Packing Problem- Nate v1.c4d
  5. @Hrvoje thanks! For 132 Block Gap Effector, if I wanted to connect the block and gap values in the Python code to User Data that I create on an Xpresso tag, how do I write that? I'm completely unfamiliar with Python- more used to Javascript expressions in AE.
  6. Great work again on these! I couldn't figure out how to get the typewriter to type more than one letter. I typed a word into the "keystroke" Userdata, but it would just do one letter and stop. Not sure I understand... Also, what causes the Fracturing Inheritance one to transition the pieces from one state to the next almost like a Linear Field/falloff, but there are no fields?
  7. Oh, ok. Thanks for explaining! I had to look up Modulo in the Help menu- never heard of that before!
  8. That's the part I don't understand. If I wanted to edit this, how would I change the timing of those freeze points? I don't see any keyframes or user data or anything.
  9. That Winding one is genius! So fun to dissect! Very clever on the Sine Wave too. Could you explain the Deformer Freeze and how that works? I couldn't make sense of your Xpresso, and have no idea how you're even turning it on and off. Thanks so much for sharing!
  10. I think I get what your problem is, but a screenshot or better yet, a project file would be really helpful here. Are you using XP 3.5 or 4? I only have 3.5. I just quickly set up a scene based on your description and the particles are following the displaced surface just fine, even if I animate the rotation of the sphere. What doesn't stay on the surface is the trails, but that's what you'd expect because they are just tracing where the particles have been. Here's what my setup looks like: And I attached my project file. XP Trails on Displaced Sphere v01.c4d
  11. Great work, and congrats on the cool gig! I worked on the Walking Dead motion comic way back when they were promoting the first season :D
  12. This is really great! Your materials are super rich! Does he have a body?
  13. Thanks, yes, I think I understand better now!
  14. Thanks @Hrvoje! Could you explain some of these a little? What are the benefits for your setup in the Dorito Effect, for example? And why do you have to have a Proxy cloner in the Collision Color Change file?
  15. Not sure, but do the spheres show up when you render to Picture Viewer?
  16. Ah, sweet! Thanks for the heads up!
  17. I'm willing to bet a LOT more than 1% of C4D users have XP! I'd be curious to know the real number, but I'd guess at least 10%. It's one of the most popular C4D plugins.
  18. I assume you're submitting a feature request for creating smoke/fire and other fluid volume effects shipped with C4D? Because there are a couple options for plugins if you need this in Cinema now: Turbulence FD X-Particles If you are making a feature request, I suggest going to MAXON's site for that. There are certainly Cinema developers on this forum, but no guarantee they'll see this.
  19. Nice work! I actually like the poly hair better than the "Hair" hair. A lot of kids' shows with characters like this that I've seen don't have actual hair- just sculpted mesh in the shape of hair. It's a nice stylized look and I'm sure simplifies production.
  20. So many great ideas in here! Thanks @Hrvoje!
  21. Haha! MographMemes gets me every time!
  22. Oh, ok. That's good to hear. And yes, I have migrated to the warm waters of RedShift. If you ever need RS materials I'd love to help you!
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