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Everything posted by BoganTW

  1. Ryan Summers has posted a long thread of impressions on Twitter. I've linked it here twice but all that comes up each time after I do so are ads, so I'll let others go find it (@Oddernod)
  2. A solid online help for Autograph is here. They have an icon on various pages discussing differences between Autograph and AE / Nuke, which is pretty cool. https://www.left-angle.com/public/doc-autograph/dev-master/welcome.html#migrating-to-autograph General consensus among everyone is that the software is overpriced and Left Angle have misjudged things there - ie if they had launched at a third of the price, they'd likely be getting more than 3 x the sales. Ryan Summers (@Oddernod) has chucked up some threads on Twitter and is trying things out. There's also a new Reddit page up for Autograph, with a sole post from one guy lamenting the price. I might have a long read through the documentation before I muck around with the demo. Maybe in the interim someone will drop the price a bit.
  3. I will try the demo. There's a couple of months to get under the wire for the (still pricy) annual sub, with the option in a year of taking the hit for the remainder of the upgrade price to perpetual.
  4. Interesting real time Sketch and Toon stuff. Francois is a Left Angle guy and his Twitter page has a few more examples of Autograph bits and pieces.
  5. I'll take a robust main app running on new code and go from there. They can always improve it, whereas with AE it seems there'a fair chance the main code and its overall reliability will never be improved to the degree I'm hoping for in my lifetime. Also, the Autograph UI looks fun. Nuke is too expensive for me, Fusion (which I own) doesn't do Mograph. Haven't looked at the others.
  6. Left Angle's Autograph, a long waited After Effects competitor, launches later this month. The developers have taken their time about things. The last video below was from a conference a year ago. The three above it, including the top beginner's intro, are from the past few weeks, as Left Angle prepares to release it. The UI has a lot in common with After Effects, but has a number of new tricks and polishes. Left Angle's official site notes that the software is intended for both motion graphics and VFX artists, but the initial preview videos are mograph heavy. I intend to check things out when it launches (and I'm no expert), hopefully others will do the same when it's available. Purchase or sub pricing has not been listed yet. I currently have an AE sub but there's a ridiculous number of threads on both Reddit and the Adobe site detailing the current buggy / crashy state of AE. I have occasional freezes and crashes, but reading the numerous reports of same from experienced users is a bit of a downer. Autograph is all new code and is optimised for Apple Silicon. If it's not too expensive I'll buy it, and if they only offer a fairly priced sub, I'll likely sub. Curious what others will think if and when they check this new software out. I would be fine sticking with AE if they'd shown smooth progress in updating and optimising the software, but I've been waiting for Adobe to do this for many years and am not getting any younger. So I'm open to being impressed by Autograph if they can do a lot of the same things.
  7. New version is out. Looks cool, will try and have a look very soon.
  8. Thanks Daniel, looking forward to the new release and delaying for a bit instead of dumping that bug on people is a classy move, happy to check out this new version when it appears.
  9. Did that new Vue update come out, or did I miss it? The most recent release on the Eon page is noted as a 2021 version.
  10. This is heaps of info and will hopefully be enough for Maxon to get it sorted. Thanks for the info.
  11. Works fine for me in 2023.1.2, maybe I'm missing something.
  12. Fruitless but I've seen a handful of people bemoan the same thing. So I just wanted to point out, just learn what things do, rather than specifically where it is, and the 'where it is' issue becomes way easier to navigate as you'll find yourself digging and finding and using it very quickly without being fussed about UI changes. Lionel's Udemy courses mention the R25 refresh in a couple of videos, then largely stick with R23 or thereabouts for the actual training, but I've found his deep dives into comparing Effectors and other bits and pieces to be more useful and on target than a lot of other videos I've come across, so it's kind of fun learning what he talks about then jumping over to C4D 2023 to see how it all fits together. All that said I definitely like the UI and am happy they changed it. Happy holidays folks.
  13. Not arguing as I always do this and won't do it here, but just a couple of observations I guess. Cineversity, both the old and new site, is official. Go to the old Cineversity site and look down the bottom right side and you'll see in tiny letters 'Copyright Maxon'. Go to the new Cineversity site too and down the bottom of the page there's a 'Copyright Maxon Computer'. Both pages are owned by Maxon. The old Cineversity site has a very useful forum but it's there mainly for assistance, help, and queries in learning the software. I wish I had more time to use it than I do, as you can ask pretty much any question there and you will get a useful answer. Thank you Dr Sassi for your help there. Core4D was originally C4DCafe and had a lovely laid back feel when run by Nigel / 3DKiwi. Some Maxon folk used to post on it then, the same ones and maybe a few additional Maxon folk continue to post on it now that it's Core4D - and I still like Core4D, otherwise I wouldn't be here. Blender is great, they do nice updates, they have a big community, Ton Roosendaal is a lovely guy and I like the Blender Today channel. There are probably heaps of fun Blender Youtube channels, in fact. But I don't quite know how you view C4D as having 'no resources' online as there are many, many, many C4D based tutorial channels, and heaps of tutorials old and new to pick from. In fact I feel a bit sad sometimes as I know I'll never be able to properly sit down and make my way through the volume of cool C4D tutorials that are out there. I won't make a list of them as there are too many to list, but no-one should ever be stuck for C4D tutorials to look at. Probably at some point if I'm bored I'll make a new thread with a semi comprehensive listing of the C4D tutorial channels I find useful. It would take a while as there are a lot. I simply feel that with this comment and the next one comparing it to Blender, people who want to use C4D will do so, and people who want to do things with Blender will do that. If you're not going to recommend Blender to new users it's probably fine. No one ever sat next to me and urged me to try C4D, I really just decided to do it myself. And you note elsewhere that Blender is 'really janky'. I'm sick of janky software and am happy paying the sub for C4D each year to get something a bit less janky than that. Again, Blender is doing fine and the people who happily jump into Blender will also do fine. We're together here. There are also pretty solid communities I see on Reddit, Twitter and elsewhere. You're right in that there's not a giant all-encompassing C4D forum with the amount of traffic and posts as the main Blender forum gets, but I wonder if this is also partially because the C4D users are too busy working on their stuff to walk through and start endless new forum posts. I could post more but while I think there are arguments to be made for reorganising how and where some of the C4D tutorials are listed or archived (and Maxon just started doing that anyway with the new Cineversity site) I think the amount of tutorial info out there is very substantial. Side note - I bought the very detailed Udemy C4D courses (made by Lionel from the Maxon training team) and even though the UI has changed, it's not a big deal. A cloner is still a cloner. The Bevel tool still bevels. The shortcuts are all largely the same. You can search with the commander to find a tool if it's moved somewhere. Generally it's like learning how to cook and someone tells you the flour has been moved from cupboard A to cupboard B, they show you where it used to be, and also where it is now. You just smile and get on with it and don't stress about the ten seconds it will take (just once) to learn where something new has been moved to. And Lionel's courses are so great I intend to go through them carefully. The TutorialCells guy on Youtube is also midway through a veeeerrrryy comprehensive C4D tutorial series and he uses the new UI exclusively. Worth a look if anyone is keen to learn with a free resource.
  14. Groovy - And to Dasfrodo, sorry, I've had a rough several weeks at work, and have just realised I'm taking my narkiness out unnecessarily in these hot thread rants. My apologies to you and to the others here.
  15. All good stuff. I do note, the old Cineversity now has a message at top. A new version of Cineversity has been launched. This legacy site and its tutorials will remain accessible for a limited transition period There's a few tutorials there I need to double back and check out. I better not wait around from the sound of it.
  16. You swore in your third sentence, telling us your feelings about the link to Chaosgroup. Plesse don't ask me to read it a third time, twice is more than enough. Not really language that would require a thread cop to haul you off for arrest, but a bit over the top given that your Google search for a place for Maxon feedback was declared a disaster because the link titled 'Bug reporting, fixing and feedback' at Maxon.net was just a few links down the page. If someone can learn 3D I'm assuming they can also manage browsing a page of Google results. But I take your broader point that the current situation with Maxon and Cineversity could maybe be tidied up a bit. They should bring Dr Sassi and the Cineversity ask-your-questions forum over to the new Cineversity.maxon.net page and give it a slightly more modern look, and possibly also mention this in their Maxon Training Team recordings - "don't forget, you can ask questions here if you have any issues" - and that would probably sort things out.
  17. Core 4D is not the official Maxon site but some Maxon folk hang around here and post. Cineversity is a website, not sure how it could also be a plug-in? Also not sure how it is not a Cinema 4D forum when it has many years of C4D tutorials and is set up to answer C4D questions. That is the old Cinevesity forum I'm talking about btw. They also just added the new training based forum here, same name. https://cineversity.maxon.net/en
  18. Maybe just read what Maxon tells you when you subscribe rather than running to Google? They tell subscribers when they subscribe that Cineversity is there for them. If people forget what they're subscribing to then it's probably on them, unless Maxon are suppose to pass out dietary supplements to users to stop their memory from clouding. The official Maxon support link is just two links under that Chaosgroup link you cited. If looking two links down is hard, then life itself if probably going to be hard too, so no wonder you're swearing so much.
  19. If you're subscribing to C4D you have access to Cineversity, and Dr Sassi there has responded to all the various queries I've posted there usually within an hour or so of me posting them. So calm down a bit.
  20. I obviously liked the C4DCafe name, with Kiwi at the helm the site had a very laid back and helpful vibe. But I also like what Igor is doing here and appreciate his efforts, and since he picked the Core4D name, if he is happy with it I am too.
  21. Yeah you're right Jops, tell Igor to put the price up immediately, I can't believe we've been ripping him off like cheapskates all this time.
  22. What's wrong with Core4D? It's like C4D, but with a special nugget of ore in the middle of it. The users hard work gets to determine whether it's a dirty lump of coal or a diamond. I think this site needs some threads on 'favourite tutorials' or 'cool new tutorials of note', whether it be official Maxon ones or ones that other folk have done on Youtube. I'll probably post a couple soon. This goes for the other DCC's as well so if Igor sees something Houdini related or whatever and wants to chuck it up, hey guys, look at this cool technique, I'd be happy to check it out.
  23. Yep. Still, we can rant about the usual things and occasionally post funny GIF's, that's surely worth the big bucks.
  24. Planetside have announced a new app with C4D support and a way more intuitive interface than before. It's in early access but doesn't look like it's too far away. The channel linked here has a few videos up already digging into the settings Interesting stuff.
  25. I agree and this is an accurate assessment, many newcomers looking for specific answers will see the thread titles that --maybe-- could provide an answer, but they won't know for sure unless they cough up some bucks first. Probably 0.05% of people surfing the web and seeing the thread titles will do this. The flip side though is I see Igor's point, he can't constantly throw money at this forum without some sort of support. So while imperfect the current solution allows the forum to exist and allows everyone here to keep on posting. Could be worse.
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