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Everything posted by Langley

  1. Hi CBR. What I was thinking I saw was that you could change the projection on the one material and then create a new UVW tag (also keeping the original) that would be in addition to the current one. So basically you could make a part of your texture using say cylindrical projection make a UVW tag then apply that thorough the nodes. Does that sound familiar? Im going to have to look that up again as it looked very handy for this kind of thing.
  2. Thanks as ever CBR. I’ll be sure to give the tri planner idea a go. What makes this particularly difficult though is that the actual foil hood I have modelled is oddly shaped at the base and comes into a point at the front. This also needs a thin gold area that won’t have the pattern on it. I did manage to unwrap the model to allow me to have that separation between the pattern and the foil so I’m not sure how using the tri planner will work for this. What I did see sometime ago though with using RS is that I can apply more than one type of projection to the same material so I might have to investigate that further. Do you know if that’s true? As you say though these type of models take done doing and aren’t ever straight forward.
  3. Great idea I’ll give that a go. Thanks for your input, appreciated 👍🏻
  4. Hi Mash Thanks for the examples some of those look pretty good considering. I too also tried using cubic projection and got some good results. The flat one also works ok for straight on renders. Thanks again but I reckon I'll have to cheat it to a degree 👍
  5. Thanks again Mash I hear where you're coming from but the diamond pattern cant physically stretch because its in essence a piece of foil so it has no stretch so to speak. If you look at the example i uploaded you can see the pattern doesn't change shape and stretch, yes it moulds to the shape but it cant be stretched. The foil in its original state would be a flat piece of paper/foil so the pattern is uniform, its only when its applied to tapered shape of the bottle neck it forms itself to the bottle shape but the pattern doesn't change. I think im either going to have to cheat it or find another way, perhaps using UV's, my worst nightmare really. Thanks again for your input.
  6. Hi all Heres another couple of examples of what im trying to get to. Im guessing this will be a UV issue but I did try that but it wasn't very succesfull so hopefully somebody else knows better?
  7. Hi Mash Thanks for your answer. Thats a great example btw 🙂 I guess what im trying to replicate is, say if you print a pattern onto a substrate then apply that to a non uniform shape. Basically the pattern will remain the same but the object underneath will deform the substrate but not the pattern if you follow? There must be a way to do that? If you look at this example of a pattern on a quilt its the same overall but flows with the shape. Sorry about the poor example but this hopefully explains what im trying to achieve. Thanks again.
  8. Hi all I'm really struggling with this one and really hope someone can point me in the right direction here. I have a simple diamond shaped pattern that I need to apply to the hood/closure of a champagne bottle but Im really struggling to make it not flare out and distort in scale where the object enlarges. Ive tried altering the pattern material itself and and trying to get clever with UVs but to no success. What I am really hoping is that there is a simple solution to this as im sure it must have been discussed before as I cant be the first? Im attaching a simple file that simplifies the issue. Big thanks in advance here to anyone who can share the answer🙏 Lang diamonds and cyl shape test.zip
  9. Hi Jeff H1. Thanks again for your answer here and I can see it defo works. What I am finding though is that my texture or material become very pixelated or jaggery around the edges, is this just due to the fact that I didnt use a 16 bit image for my displacement or is it something else im not doing? I tried just converting the image to 16 bit but that didn't make any difference. Thanks again.
  10. Hi Jeff H1. Really appreciate your answer and I’ll be sure to check it out fully in the morning. I forgot about the 16 bit thing too so thanks for reminding me 👍🏻
  11. Hi Cerbera Im attaching my working files. Hopefully you or someone else will find the best way to get around this one for me? Thanks again redshift grain issue.zip
  12. HI all I'm having an issue with rendering a very reflective sliver material where its just very grainy. Ive looked at my settings and still need the image sharp and the material roughness to not make the it look flat but cant find the solution. In the past I would've just rendered for longer (more passes) which would hopefully smooth out most if not all imperfections. Is there a way to do this with redshift or am I missing something? Theres no noise in this texture btw but as you can see its very noisy. Thanks in advance all.
  13. Langley

    UV Problem

    HI all Can anyone help me to get this UV right as im a complete novice with UVs of this sort, see attached file and screen shot. Basically im trying to have the UV's on the shoulder area of this bottle top transition smoothly down to the bottom edge and not distort. Is this something that can be done with C4D UV's? Thanks in advance to any help on this one. Lang bottle _top_uv.c4d
  14. How about the projection mode? Would that work better on odd shapes etc? My knowledge of this deformer is bad.
  15. Just a quick one on this CBR. If your object is much more organic and random, would you in essence still have to do this for it to work correctly?
  16. Cool thanks CBR. I never stop learning with this stuff and I would've never thought that the UVs would make any difference with this but it just goes to show you how wrong you can be. Thanks again and I'll give that a go.
  17. Thanks for your reply HP. Im not too bothered about the UVs at the stage as my only query is why the surface deformer does this? Originally I had a cutter guide that I used and extruded flat, then made editable and then applied using this method but that was a right mess so I remodelled the label aspect and then tried the deformer. I can worry about the UVs later which in all honesty shouldn't be a problem unless what you're saying here is that for the surface deformer to work my UVs need to be right? The surface deformer is just for objects isnt it? Can you see the screen shot ive attached?
  18. I get a message asking me to register but i am already registered and paid up.
  19. Hi all. Ive never had much luck with the surface deformer and heres another example of why. I am trying to wrap an object (a label) around a bottle and the shrink deformer isnt the right one for this so have resorted to the. surface one. I just cant get round why it keeps clipping the edges when I try and move the object around the shape. Can somebody please show me where Im going wrong here? Thanks in advance for any help. surface distort issue.c4d
  20. Thanks for that info Bezo. It does seem to do the trick if i want to render a static image. What I have found though is that when I keyframe the rotation under turbulence it kind of does some of other weird stuff and what i need to do is animate the rotation. Surely it should work or is it like ive said a bug with this effector? Are there any other ways apart from going down the road of using separate units to render and not use the effector?
  21. Just to add to my own topic. It seems to work ok if I set the clones to iterate but does this crazy thing on grid. Ideally id like to use grid as i don't want to have lots and lots of cloners working separately. Must be way to make it work correctly?
  22. Hi all Im using a cloner with grid layout set and trying to animate the rotation, quite simple. Im using a random deformer to rotate the objects independently but am getting what can only be described as the texture splitting up (like shown in the screen shot). Just wondering how to stop this, anybody know? Ive never seen this before. Ive tried changing the mapping from cylindrical to UV but nothing seems to work so hopefully someone here can tell me if its just a bug? Thanks all Lang random deformer issue.zip
  23. Hi all Ive been trying to find a way round this but am not not having much luck. I have a simple box that I need to be able to show where it has been torn from the top. I have a texture in place and all looks fine but when I render using a puzzlematte for the mask its using more or less the whole shape. I have it set to see the object ID and I thought this worked for me before but for this no. Basic file supplied. Hope someone can help on this. Cheers alpha_render_prob.zip
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