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Everything posted by Cerbera

  1. Cerbera

    Zbrush 2018

    Hugely powerful as always, but I wish someone would throw that entire interface in the bin and start again ! :) CBR
  2. That bevel tool has some hidden secrets. Who knew about the live sub-selections ? Certainly not me ! Good old CV to the rescue again... https://www.cineversity.com/vidplaylist/cineversity_1on1_quick_tip/bevel_tool_secret_-_tapered_and_non-uniform_beveled_edges Just making sure as many people see that as possible, as that is a nice trick to have up your 3D sleeve... CBR
  3. But not here please, as it's not what this thread is about ! ;) I have already submitted a scene to MAXON that demonstrates OpenSubDiv not working with UV mapped objects if that's any help ? Did that about 2 years ago ! CBR
  4. My list of excuses for not downloading that are dwindling fast. I might just have to... CBR
  5. Thanks for the info there - good to know. £300 seems like such a small amount for such power :) I see you found my Ionic Capital GIF :) I was working on Part 2, but half way through decided it might be better to do the whole column and in fact a whole Greek Temple scene in a video tutorial instead. I am still finding out if I am any good at those, and will release that if it turns out I am ! ;) CBR
  6. Nice to see your result there Bob. I don't think I will ever not model in Cinema, but I do sort of like that stacked nodes approach, and it's great for making tutorials where you can just keep stepping back right to the start. Talking of which, a Houdini question if I may ? Looking at that node list there, what would happen if you went back to one of the first nodes now, and changed something ? Would that change propagate all the way up the list, or would it do what 3DSMax's stack would, and warn you that you will break later stages by doing this ? Just trying to find out how truly parametric it is ! CBR
  7. Yes. I think you should have the Xpool tab, on the left of the Xpresso editor, where you can just start typing in the search box to find nodes. Also right clicking anywhere in the Xpresso window brings up a navigable list of nodes, which can be quicker sometimes. CBR
  8. It's embarrassing I'm afraid. Just doesn't work with UV mapped objects, so is utterly useless in a professional workflow. And still is ! Nearly 2 years and 2 full versions after its integration nothing has been done to fix this, despite my frequently calling it out and reporting it !!! And we have nothing as great as Max's smoothing groups, and the way that works with OSD. CBR
  9. What do you mean C4D version 'None' ? We need the right information in your profile please. CBR
  10. That was ******* awesome :) A* for that man ! Soundtrack as impressive as the CG, and that's very rare ;) CBR
  11. Cerbera

    The Same Song

    Made me smile :) And enjoyed your nice fire / smoke dynamics too. CBR
  12. Sounds like my perfect kind of job !! Mail sent. CBR
  13. Moved to the correct section, which is not 'the job Line' where you posted this originally ! That is only for offering paid work. CBR
  14. Hmmm. Nothing weird for me there either - my CPU does the same with the CGS C4D Forums open as it does here - not much ! But agree that would be totally out of order if it was happening without user consent. CBR
  15. I usually do flashing with splines in lofts, with some thickness applied... CBR
  16. Still on the columns theme, this time we're going to start making an Ionian Capital. Why not a Corinthian Capital to match the columns ? Simply because that won't fit into a couple of GIF tips. The Doric Capital on the other hand is too simple, so Ionian is our friend because it's mid-level and looks great, even atop our previous Corinthian columns. And we can do it in 2. And there is historical precedent for this sort of thing - columns that combine multi-styles like this are called composites. So here's Part 1 of that. I am aware of the odd grammatical error and typos :) Sorry about that - ScreentoGIF won't let me go back ! And I can't distribute the reference, but you can find it where I did. CBR
  17. Funnily enough, the totally parametric nature of Houdini would actually help me make these tips :) Got a new one for you, as requested ! CBR
  18. Me too. It's in my layout I use it so much... CBR
  19. Aha - thought I noticed that happening the other day :) Path select makes a decent alternative til they fix it I guess... CBR
  20. Oh I haven't noticed that, and I use the knife tool all the time. You sure that was broken in R19 ? CBR
  21. Forgot to mention my wish list of the modelling tools we are still badly in need of, which include but are not limited to: Shell command, with inner and outer distances and control loop options. Push command that works with edges and points and polys. Set Flow Adjusts edge / point selections to match the surrounding curvature. Create loop end Generate Specialist Topology (Merk Vilsson has plugged this gap with his new plugin, but even so!) Turns quads into diamonds and other special types. Proper Face Constraints and Edge Constraints like 3DSMax has. Should work with scripts so we can 'Points to circle' whilst face constrained. New ProBoolean toolset that creates quads. A native Greebler, beyond extrudifier. A rewritten Landscape Primitive with a lot more options than currently. Floating Geometry and last but not least, OpenSubDiv that works with UV maps. No idea how much, if any of that will be in R20 but I've been putting them in their suggestions form for quite a while now ! CBR
  22. Cerbera

    Best software

    Came here to say almost exactly that !! :) CBR
  23. Nobody who knows can tell you :) But if I had to guess, and that's all it would be, I would say: New core integrated, ProRender improvements, Nodal material system, bodypaint / UV improvements. But I'll happy if they just make OpenSubdiv work properly ! CBR
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