It's not a bad effort by a long shot, but would probably agree there is a way to go yet...
Things I like about it, and are probably fine as they are include:
The nice soft, even diffuse lighting, and the pools of light that accumulate on various areas of the ceiling...
The chrome surfaces
Things immediately jumping out at me include:
Brick wall - has unfeasibly sharp edges around the window frames. Texture there also looks quite 'flat' and I can see obvious repeats in it.
There is something unconvincing about that floor, though not sure what it is yet.
Perhaps we could benefit from some very subtle depth of field ?
Is it contrast-y enough, overall ? I imagine the darker bits not under the skylight should be a little darker still ?
Over-perfection: I don't think there is a single sign of wear and tear on any object in this scene ? Difficult to know where that should go in a brand new kitchen in such a wide shot, but I think you have to find somewhere to add some subtle variation into surfaces.
Over-exposure: I get that stuff outside does look overexposed in the real world in photos, but wonder if it is too much so here - a bit distractingly bright in places, which is taking away what could be some nice detail and image-enhancing sky, and making that light hanging down over the island look like it is almost untextured / fully luminant !
Other than that, it's kinda difficult to pin down what is wrong here, so definitely appreciate your dilemma !