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Everything posted by Cerbera

  1. Cerbera

    Feed the Fishes

    Oh you may well be right... it just triggered my alarm bells because I still remember when Vimeo first discontinued embedding for non-pro people ! CBR
  2. Cerbera

    Feed the Fishes

    That is odd. I could understand it if they stopped guest users embedding, but if you have a PRO account, as @jed does, then surely that should let you do everything !? CBR
  3. C:\Users\your username\AppData\Roaming\MAXON\R20\library\scripts CBR
  4. Hope you're all having a suitably relaxing time between xmas and new year. Found this video by youtuber Tom Scott very interesting, so sharing it here in case you might too. It's a slightly nostalgic look back at one small aspect of televisual history - the title sequence, with reference to a long-running British out-takes TV show 'It'll be alright on the night'. Bear with it - he takes a while scene setting, and giving us the history of the show, but then gets on to the more technical aspects, which for me at least show why it's worth going the extra mile even when you don't have to. Happy New Year, and may your titles be brave and adventurous, creative and brilliant ! CBR
  5. Damn you beat me to it πŸ™‚ Likewise, Happy Christmas, or whatever you do instead, to Igor, Hrvoje and all the cafe staff from me... And of course from us to you, and the team at MAXON, and last but not least, our wonderful Cafe Community Hope everyone stays warm and safe, well and happy πŸ™‚ Oh, and a couple of the obligatory xmas 3D videos to you all, one of which may be 360 this year ! CBR
  6. Cerbera

    U-Render F1 Car

    Have I found an Easter Egg ? Is that the initials of people on the U Render team ? πŸ˜‰ Almost didn't spot it because the I for Igor is perilously close to the grey stripe πŸ™‚ CBR
  7. Cerbera

    Any symmetry plugin ?

    Well that's patently untrue ! In fact there have been consistent improvements to the way modelling tools deal with UVs in most releases. If you are still on R19 you may be unaware of a lot of those changes. And in a lot of workflows, where suitable diligence is paid to correct order of operation, people don't try and UV stuff until after they have finished modelling it. CBR
  8. Cerbera

    U-Render F1 Car

    πŸ‘Œlookin' gooooood. Nice model too πŸ™‚ CBR
  9. Cerbera

    Cyberpunk 2077

    Well look at that ! Sony have stopped selling it while they sort the problems... https://twitter.com/i/events/1339756155610963968 CBR
  10. I am confused by your use of the word "Texture" in that sentence - could you explain ? Also trying to imagine a situation where you might want to copy all this data at once that couldn't be more easily solved by just making the new object a temporary child of the object whose PSR you want to assume, and hitting Reset PSR... could you give an example ? But I can confirm that is not possible within Native Cinema, so you would need a script. I don't know of one, personally but I'm sure someone does... CBR
  11. You need to make a new user data slider, and link that (usually via a range mapper) to the parameter you want to change, rather than dragging other HUD elements to the VP directly. Here's one I have done today for a client... So first you just create a null, on which to hang your controls, and add the sliders you need to it using the 'add user data' function. Then you can drag the null into xpresso so we can access its user data, and route it wherever we like... CBR
  12. Cerbera

    Any symmetry plugin ?

    You can have control of both sides of the mesh using autoflip / flip commands in Cinema's standard symmetry... Or there is nitro 4D's Magic Symmetry, which is free. Boolean Symmetry is available in the excellent HB modelling bundle. CBR
  13. Cerbera

    Candy Wrap

    Please could you post that reference image !? CBR
  14. Come on KK, you've been around long enough to know this goes in the jobs / market section where I've moved it now for you ! 😿 CBR
  15. I think I read recently that if you were on R23 subscription you can DL and use versions back to R21. Octane does work with 23 - the guy I am working with right now is rendering in exactly that, and it's all coming out fine... CBR
  16. Cerbera

    SH-09 2

    Thank you dude !
  17. Often on the cafe I see newer people reporting various issues they are having with GI, and in a lot of those cases they are only using a single HDRI on a sky to do all the lighting in the scene, sometimes resulting in overly soft and undefined shadows, and making images look flat and not necessarily as good as they good be... I was going to make a tutorial about why we might consider other options, but in doing my research I see there already is a very good one ! As I would like to refer to it in future posts, I am doing a new post here so it permanently appears as a searchable topic on the cafe. So thanks to DAVID ARIEW and School of Motion for this quick tip and article about the subject... https://www.schoolofmotion.com/blog/professional-guide-renders-better-stop-lighting-with-hdri?utm_content=147079736 CBR
  18. Close enough, my friend, close enough ! πŸ™‚ Affinity does a really pretty remarkable job of being as commercially useful as PS whilst a) not being subscription, and b) being considerably cheaper, and now even more so ! I bought it when it was last on special, and have been very happy with it so far. CBR
  19. If we are going for stylised over real, then I'd consider upping the saturation overall a bit to get some additional richness in there... i think I'm looking for slightly more orangey sun, more saturated browns (which I'd also nudge a bit more red-wards) and brighter greens... CBR
  20. There's some slightly incongruent inconsistency in the house for me. We have a roof that is seriously stylised and warped atop an otherwise perfectly constructed building. It's almost like they started the build with precision engineering robots, but then sacked them all and got a pack of comedy fairytale dwarfs in to finish the roof πŸ˜‰ I reckon let the dwarfs build all of it... I would therefore make the house much more angular and rickety than it is now, especially the window frames, chimney stack and main silhouette. I guess if you are going to cover it all in Ivy that might mitigate this issue, but I would imagine not enough to hide the overall straightness of the walls and features. CBR
  21. No, you mentioned it - this one... As that appears closed when you first do Vertical tags, you can open just the one you're working on, which mitigates the massively long OM you'd get were this not the case... CBR
  22. Welcome to the cafe πŸ™‚ I wouldn't say Cinema is particularly optimised for game level design, but you can certainly use it to make assets to use in a level editor for example, presuming that can import in a format Cinema can usefully export to. Hopefully you should find some good help here... CBR
  23. Yeah, but it's bloody helpful for UVing ! The new R23 default folder does kind of alleviate the problem of not being able to control it on a per-object basis, so not too unhappy with that... CBR
  24. Lols - no - I hadn't noticed that πŸ™‚ but I have been using coloured icons and v e r t i c a l selection tags a lot ! CBR
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