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Everything posted by Cerbera

  1. Well it's a good job it was done for good reasons, and not for a silly trivial one like that then isn't it ?! CBR
  2. Welcome to the cafe πŸ™‚ May your learnings (and teachings) here be fun and rewarding ! Nice car rig video. Enjoyed the soundtrack too. CBR
  3. Did you check extensions menu ? CBR
  4. Absolutely - couldn't be a better guy for the job πŸ™‚ Well done buddy... and thank you Hrvoje too ! CBR
  5. Yep, my opinion is much the same as Igor's - you are comparing 2 different things as if they had the same goal, which they don't. CBR
  6. Cerbera

    Ellie 3.0

    'Flawless kill' modelling goes without saying, but I'm not sure overall face proportions are right for a female. Maybe too wide / heavy-set jaw ? CBR
  7. I do like a nice mechanism, and that is one nice mechanism, deftly modelled ! Lovely job so far... CBR
  8. No that is not your user folder. Your User folder you get to with that button in your screenshot - open prefs folder. CBR
  9. No it goes in your user plugins folder and you have to add the path. (see instructions under details) CBR
  10. Good good πŸ™‚ You'd hate what I am doing at the moment. Converting a hard surface model using baked in bevels and tris to SDS and edge-weighting exclusively ! But though I say so myself, it is looking pretty sh1t-hot πŸ˜‰ Previewed here quickly in the clay style so I don't break thread theme... CBR
  11. Yes it's almost as good as cat videos for restoring faith in humanity, and general wellbeing to the soul... Now what we need is some brand new models to make more sexy clays out of πŸ˜‰ CBR
  12. Here is as good a place as any. That's what the market / jobs section is for. If you have a smaller job that needs doing, why not list it there, and try some people out ? Nearly all my repeat clients and ongoing working partners, not to mention my students, found me here for example, and I won't be the only one ! And indeed, your current project is the sort of thing I would jump on immediately if I wasn't pre-booked for the next 3 weeks ! πŸ™‚ CBR
  13. Cerbera

    Ball on a surface

    Well I would recommend the roll-it plugin, but C4D lite doesn't support plugins as I recall, so maybe that is no help to you... Cafe search should be though. This question comes up quite a lot, and usually gets answered quite thoroughly... Like this one, for example... CBR
  14. Hey Kalle, welcome to the cafe πŸ™‚ Yep, it's the best place to be for the Cinema learnings, at all levels... Nice showreel ! CBR
  15. Welcome to the cafe πŸ™‚ May your learnings here be excellent and rewarding... CBR
  16. That's an uncommonly seen level of nicely made model, and your edge loops look pretty much ideal for animation, so that's all excellent. Perhaps less so is the decision to model clothes separately. That is going to lead to lots of horrible potential intersection problems later down the line, (if you are animating in Cinema rather than something specialist like MD) and is the reason that it is usually preferable to combine the shirt, shorts and socks ( and maybe even shoes!) with the body mesh in such a way that there is no body in areas where there is clothing, so the conflicts cannot take place. This should be practical for the purposes of your project IF the character doesn't need to take off these clothes at any point of course, or if the camera wouldn't be getting close enough to see independent movement of clothing over the body. Other than that it's all looking very good... CBR
  17. Just a general heads up that today sees the welcome return of Rocket Lasso after his yearly break. That'll be 8 pm GMT (9 pm CET, 2 pm CST) if the time slot is the same this season, which I note he hasn't confirmed yet ! https://rocketlasso.com/rocket-lasso-live-season-3-coming-soon-more/ For anyone who doesn't already know Chris Schmidt is something of a C4D pioneer / uber-god, and has the sort of brain synchronicity with C4D we can all learn something from, so his streams and presentations are usually well worth watching (and supporting on patreon!). CBR
  18. That made me chuckle when I saw it πŸ™‚ Piers Anthony is the sci-fi author isn't he ?! CBR
  19. Lols. Good old Bryce hey ? Absolutely atrocious by today's standards but at the time it was such a cool thing to play with, and I still miss that landscape editor sometimes πŸ™‚ CBR
  20. Cerbera

    Diamond 100

    Viewport + live magic bullet looks. Gotta love R23...
  21. Cerbera

    Diamond 100

    From the album: CBR Model Wires

    © J Wood / Luminetrics

  22. From the album: CBR Model Wires

    © J Wood / Luminetrics

  23. From the album: CBR Model Wires

    © J Wood / Luminetrics

  24. From the album: CBR Model Wires

    © J Wood / Luminetrics

  25. Cerbera

    Chain links

    From the album: CBR Model Wires

    © J Wood / Luminetrics

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