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Everything posted by Cerbera

  1. Welcome to the Core ! 🙂 Hmmmm. Tricky. Don't know the answer to that. maybe worth an ask directly on RS forum ? CBR
  2. Yes, we can probably allow generators like SDS or parametric bevelling. So no more or less than 99 polys in base mesh. All other uses of '99' at your discretion ! We should also allow triangles, as this challenge is about such radically minimal topo... CBR
  3. Excellent 🙂 Let's make that even more interesting by making it EXACTLY 99, not just less-than 😉 CBR
  4. Yes, as I said it is known already, and I had previously reported it. For your general information devs ALWAYS need scene files, and very specific information about your setup, which is why it was crucial that you also reported it so they had that sort of detailed information. What crashes your machine may not do so on mine for example, as proved the case initially ! CBR
  5. Not the question you originally posed, and only marginally less vague ! 😉 Pls try and be as precise and accurate as possible when you pose these questions so that we don't spend all that time answering.... something else ! Very pleased you found a solution nonetheless... but just to let you know that I am going to mark my answer as the solution to the actual question you posted, so that the thread makes sense to people reading it in future ! CBR
  6. That's really not how fields are designed to be used. Selections are made with selection tools of which we have many ! Fields can interact with (for example) vertex maps, but not component selections directly AFAIK. What exactly are we looking at there? Are you trying to select a whole object, groups of polygons, or (as it looks from the yellow area) partial polygons, which is impossible with ANY selection tool !! We need to know what you are trying to achieve more globally / in a wider context so we can properly advise. The scene file would help as well, so we can see what that is made from ! CBR
  7. Cinema does not include any built in 'actions' functionality like photoshop. There are plugins that contain all sorts of scripts, but none that I am aware of that let users create their own with no scripting knowledge. CBR
  8. That is working for me just fine in 26.014. Please could you upload a scene file where you have the problem, and which version of S26 is this pls ? EDIT: I HAVE just managed to make it crash in latest release version, so have demo scene file, and have logged it. Thank you for the report ! CBR
  9. How long's that been there ?! 🙂 CBR
  10. Here's a scene file of that if it helps... (S26, but should be OK in 24) spline wrap rounded strip CBR.c4d CBR
  11. Could you spline wrap a capsule (or something else that give you the shape you want) along the mospline ? There will also be some caps options in the sweep itself which can help with rounding the end face specifically, but I think what you want isn't going to be got via that alone - you need to be offsetting a completely different shape along the spline really. CBR
  12. No disrespect to your results so far or anything, but I think I am seeing some rounding in the chisels that shouldn't be there ideally. In the version below I have taken the spline / extrude result from earlier, changed the bevel profile to something a bit more concave, ZRM'd it, then added a parametric bevel over the top. I think the angles on the left hand side of the R and E particularly benefit from not being rounded over. Here's the sort of 'flawless win' type of topology we get from our integrated remesher (we are able to directly tell it which edges will remain sharp, making it very easy to just bevel by angle and it all just works... Am I noticing some phong blurring around your end caps too ? CBR
  13. Yeah, Cinema rocks in this department, and doesn't need polys to do it with either - here's what happens if we extract splines from your model and just bang them in an extrude with the depth set to max, and avoid intersections checked... We also have spline based contours and presets here so get any custom or mixed bevel type result... CBR
  14. Where did you get the selection tags from to feed the bevel ? Actually I think you can also get those selections straight from the Generator using Start and End Shell checkboxes in selections tab. But you need both ends in 1 tag ideally, or otherwise 2 bevel deformers. CBR
  15. Yeah, the extrude caps in the generator can't deal with that sort of thing, so we have to find another way. If you can just make it editable, then do that and manually bevel, or you can use a Correction Deformer to provide the loop selections to a parametric bevel under that, within the loft hierarchy, like so... CBR
  16. Possibly that UV Edit mode is for laying out UVs, and not really anything else ?! Whenever your cursor is over that left panel in this layout you are dealing with UV points, not actual vertices I believe. So I would expect that to have zero effect on a vertex map. But I will defer to people who work with vertex colours regularly, cos I really don't... CBR
  17. Several ways... though they don't apply to ALL versions of Cinema, and you don't say which version you are using. 1. Just keep clicking. Cinema is quite clever about how it selects things. So if you have nothing selected, and you click once on a child of a Fracture in the VP you get the Fracture selected. If you click again in the same place you get the child you are hovering over.... 2. Hold Ctrl (Win) and r-click the object, which will produce a list of all items under your cursor from which you can choose with left click. 3. Select it in the Object Manager instead. CBR
  18. Not enough info to be able to help. At very minimum we'll need to know which version of Cinema, and which version of RS. CBR
  19. Yes it is - I had to manually look it up, download and install it ! At least it's free ! 🙂 CBR
  20. Please complete your profile to show which version of Cinema you are using, and what you are rendering with. For example had I known that I wouldn't have bothered downloading the file only to discover you are using Arnold, which I don't have ! And I don't know which version of Arnold either, which may well make a big difference in a version of Cinema this old. And of course as I don't have it I can't help you other than generally advising that you usually need a hair tag from the Renderer applied to any spline generating object AS WELL as a standard hair material. I notice you are not doing that, and the Arnold manual suggests you should. However, whilst that same manual says that will work for hair objects, it doesn't mention other live-generated spline types, so I would check with the makers of Arnold that it even CAN render a live tracer - I am hopeful, but don't think that is a given. If not you will have to sweep the tracer so turn it into actual geometry you can texture as normal. You may even have to bake it. There are also some very odd things going on in your render settings, which may or may not be breaking stuff. You have Arnold Render AND ProRender AND GI (which doesn't work with any of the above!) and hair render enabled - really you should only need Arnold, and the others should be removed. CBR
  21. Look up Fracture in the help. That allows you take extrude objects (for example) and have them react as if they were a MoGraph Object to effectors and such like. If you need letter by letter control, then you'll be needing to explode the overall spline into its individual letters, which should each get their own extrude object under the fracture. CBR
  22. The 'E' that registers in illustrator as you demonstrated, is not doing so the same in Cinema for some reason, but I don't know what that reason is ! If I look at all the characters for that font in CharMap, I can't see the character that illustrator used there ! Can you ? Can you convert the font to a spline in Illustrator and export that instead ? CBR
  23. I haven't looked at your scene, but what about setting the dynamics on the cassette to 'compound collision object' ? CBR
  24. Are you able to log into Cineversity just out of interest ? CBR
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