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OK, you need some quite specific settings to make that work. First of all we can't have ngon caps on the extrude - that is not a suitable caps type for anything that is twisting, and that's why you get shading errors you struggle to eliminate. So first up, change caps type to Delaunay and quad-dominant. That gives us more even polys, but not at enough density because of your spline's intermediate points settings, which should be something like subdivided to 1 cm so you get lots of edge points for delaunay caps to work with. Next up the wrap deformer is causing problems with the current hierarchy order. I can't get it to work if I keep the order you have now, but if I change it to the following than I get a result that works better and allows bevels in the Extrude. Here's my file if that helps... screams0 CBR.c4d CBR
Captain Disillusion has dropped another great one, this time it's the Horrors of the Alpha channel ! CBR
It's hard to know how you went wrong or what you are doing wrong without video of you doing it ! The instructions are correct though, and should apply in the version you are using. CBR
This is unrelated to the previous problem in this thread so should have got a new one really - next time - please do new thread per problem !! OK, what we have got there, I'm afraid, is an absolute disaster of a mesh, as revealed here by mesh checker, which shows how this mesh contains almost every type of broken polygon it is possible to make ! You have non-manifold edges, bad polygons galore, non-planars that shouldn't be there and coincident polys - it's a nightmare ! 🙂 This isn't worth saving - you need to start again. The selection and modelling tools cannot work predictably when they are dealing with this sort of mess. How you got into that state I cannot say ! 😕 CBR
Try baking the sim as an alembic and then see if you can make that a child of volume builder / mesher. It may run very slowly in viewport, but use a large voxel step size initially in the VB, and it might be alright. CBR
Additionally, I am not sure whatever tutorial you are following is giving you great advice ! This sort of form does not come out well when made like this because cylindrical forms with a lot of counter-flow topology do not surface nicely under subdivision, and yours is no exception - it looks lumpy and unattractive, because this isn't the right technique to make this sort of thing. What you do instead for a flawless and beautiful result is to model the object as if it were unwrapped (so flat), then use deformers to wrap that, or more ideally its parent SDS object into a cylindrical form. That way we get an entirely lump-free surface when we render. You should also be aware that complex poles (points where more than 5 edges meet) will cause problems with subdivision, so ideally you would avoid creating them as you modelled... CBR
Also your SDS mode is wrong - that should be Catmull Clark. OpenSubDiv Bilinear will not do the smoothing you need - it is more of a tesselation setting. CBR
It looks like you have forgotten to tick create caps when you used the extrude tool. There is no reason you shouldn't be able to create thickness on all this at once by going to Poly Mode, selecting all polys, then doing the Extrude. However that won't work if there are other problems in your mesh, and there are... This mesh has not been optimised to join all its points so it exists as multiple polygon islands within a single object, which is not helpful for adding thickness, because it will do it individually per island. So you need to optimize your mesh (points mode, select all / optimize with suitable threshold) to make it suitable for adding thickness to. CBR
Er... why aren't we using the amazing cloth sim in C4D 2023 for this ?! However, we need to be a more careful about polygons to do cloth simulation than we do sculpting in ZBrush, so you need to model clothes that have a very even, clean all-quad topology just outside the body mesh, then use the latter as a collider for the clothes, and belt or pin areas of your cloth to it so that when you play the simulation it all drapes down like clothing would. I will just say - I can't see your character's topology in that screenshot, but I suspect coming from Zbrush that it may contain millions of polys. If that is the case, that will make it unsuitable for use even as a collider, because simulation stuff is very much about polygon density, and calculating the collisions of 10s of millions of polys is a sure-fire way to grind your computer into freeze-land. So consider making, or exporting from Zbrush, a low poly proxy object you can use for simulation. Z-Remesher will probably be instrumental to this endeavour, so you have choices about which app you do it in... Cinema seems easier if that's where you're doing the sim. CBR
Generally, nobody bothers trying to make condensation curve around the can in those tutorials - they just intersect the drops, which doesn't usually matter if the can is solid. With a leaf it's a bit different of course, and this presents something of an issue in C4D because it is quite hard to get natural looking trailing water without any sort of simulation help. Bizarrely enough I think the rolling droplets might be best handled with our new soft body cloth sim in 2023, possibly using a volume builder setup, or even metaballs to merge droplets as they cross paths etc. I think that might be the closest you can get to macro trailing water drops without recourse to Realflow or similar. CBR
You cannot select it because you haven't made it yet ! There is only a guide spline overlaid on the model but you haven't actually made the cuts into the original object. CBR
Alas I am busy most of the weekend, but will try and help with this when I get some time. The baking workflow in Cinema does need some rather specific settings and experimentation to get the best results out of, and I too am keen to find out what they are, and which bits, if any, are broken and need further reporting !! I hardly ever need baking in my day-to-day work which is why I haven't got this nailed down already, but to those that need it is it very important that our workflow here can produce serviceable results. CBR
Nice how a little bit of comp'd foliage so nicely frames and contextualises it - lovely work 🙂 If I had one small criticism it might be that the purple flowers look too uniform in colour, and the sky is a bit...undramatic, which might be what you want ! CBR
I've still got the 3D glasses 🙂 CBR
Well, there's 'polygon islands to objects' (previously called something slightly different to that, which currently escapes me), which will sort it all out in one go based on islands within a single object, but we can't get that to do it by tags as far as I am aware... CBR
Oh yes, there is that too !! 🙂 sometimes you forget to say the most obvious thing ! CBR
Yeah you need to figure that out on your mates machine, cos I don't think Cinema can deal with importing the native files. It should be as simple as File / Export textures !!! CBR
Well I have a perma-license of Subtance Painter via Steam, and that allows me to export all my maps directly from it to a nice neat folder ! Kinda curious as to why your version doesn't offer that option... which version is it ? CBR
I think we've always done that manually haven't we ?! Export the images from substance, then hook them up with new materials in the nodes of whatever renderer we are using ? I don't use it much, and am hardly an expert, but every tutorial I have ever seen says import the maps manually ! CBR
Oh very nice - proper evil jester ! 🙂 CBR
Yes that is very nice. I thought we were heading in that sort of general direction a while back with Physical Render and its cloth-specific reflectance model, but we haven't had anything similar since then. I agree we should have an equivalent in RS. CBR
That'll be the non-manifold edges in the model preventing that. Turn on mesh checker and you'll see all the red errors there... CBR