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Everything posted by Cerbera

  1. Yes it would be nice if that sort of thing was in the documentation, but if it is, I'm damned if I can find it :)
  2. @VECTOR Hail Vectron ! Which will make no sense unless you've seen this.
  3. Por favor, use sólo Inglés en este foro. Puedes usar Google Translate. You can access these files by sending a support ticket ( select 'storage access' as type). CBR
  4. Those are excellent ! Really like the style.
  5. I like the little rubber hairs :)
  6. I like the overall look - reminds me of that guy from the Hit-man games. The nose is particularly good. Couple of crits if you don't mind.... 1. That 'happy accident' on the lips just looks like an accident - you should really fix that. I suspect it is caused by a problem in your UV map. 2. You will rarely see a photograph of a human head, that close, with that much depth of field / blurring. Usually the whole head is in focus and only the background blurred. 3. Keep trying with C4d hair. It is possible to get great results out of that. At the moment your eyebrows look a bit weird. 4. He seems strangely hairless apart from eyebrows - perhaps would benefit from some stubble around the jawline / beard area. 5. Even though you have put some lines and pores in, which are good, it could still do with more detail; this is a very smooth face. Some colour might help to distinguish it from clay. Hope that helps CBR
  7. @czarnyrobert Have you given this to MAXON as a suggestion on their website ? They'll never add it if nobody tells them about it...
  8. That looks really cool. Impressive collision avoidance, and speedy real time :)
  9. No, that was something that Nigel, who used to run the forum did, and he did it very thoroughly... but alas, he has moved on to Modo now, so AFAIK, doesn't review C4D anymore.
  10. Yeah, they are really good. I would have been blown away if you'd said you'd modelled and textured them yourself, but don't take that as meaning I don't see the skill in the rest of it :)
  11. That IS weird :) And very well done. Are they 3D people ? I'm going to be seriously impressed if they are !
  12. Cerbera

    Cycles for C4D

    Wow that IS good. Might even tempt me away from my beloved Physical Render.
  13. That is one very rewarding model. Nicely done. Don't forget to post the occasional wireframe for us topology nerds ! :) CBR
  14. I have several other GSG plugins, so was given Topcoat when they first released it. I have to say, I prefer setting up my reflectance manually - I suspect that is because I was already well comfortable with the reflectance channel when they introduced it, and don't consider it much of hassle to set up. I suspect I'm in the minority - lots of people love Topcoat. It certainly gets reflections going very quickly.
  15. If you do not have suitable blueprints for at least 2 of the orthographic views, and there is no manufacturer's web site to give you pictures and dimensions, then you must find every available museum photo of said bike, from every available angle, and you may get enough reference to be able to accurately 'guestimate' the dimensions you need. It is possible to model a bike by eye, with no reference blueprints at all. You could also use relative sizing to help you - where you look for known-size elements within a photo, for example a tennis ball next to a wheel... if you can see the wheel is, say, 7 tennisball widths across, then you know the diameter of the wheel and can base your other measurements off that. If it is for artwork, you may not be held to millimeter accuracy, so you should check if that is necessary with your client. Lastly, if you do need that level of precision, and you can't find enough photos of the 1909 bike, then you need to find a motor museum that has one, and ask them nicely to go round taking photos and measuring it for you ! CBR
  16. If it was me I'd be trying to make those tentacles not go through each other as they move about - that would add a quite a bit to the 'realism' of it.
  17. RIP Dan. Always found him to be a lovely guy. And a master animator, and a massive help to so many. Yep, we lost a good one there. Thanks Nigel for letting us know.
  18. Cerbera

    Mountain Intro

    Yeah I like that :) Couple of things struck me as a bit off though, if you don't mind some constructive crits... 1. Snow particles are quite big. 2. Snow is falling from a clear blue sky. 3. The flag sound needs to fade in as we approach it, rather than start once we get there. 4. The camera move at the end could be adjusted to keep the flag in shot. 5. (This one is really picky) There is no evidence or surrounding structures to support that flag being there - ie how it got there, who put it there, or why etc... 6. This sort of ident might benefit from some music as well as the soundtrack Don't get me wrong - these criticisms are all very minor, and the overall idea is a good one, and on the whole everything was nicely done. Thanks for sharing CBR
  19. Yep - photo texture with a little bit of bump channel (or normal channel) and little bit of nice reflectance stacking (rough diffuse base with higher gloss beckmann layer over the top, possibly a scratch layer over the top of that). Possibly some subtle diffusion channel noise for a bit of break-up / wear ? CBR
  20. That's quite a rewarding object :) If I did have one minor criticism it would be the slight lack of realism (too flawless) in the table texture, but otherwise that's great... keep up the good work ! CBR
  21. Cerbera

    Smokey Mountains

    Yeah ! That's some good foresting there...
  22. That's very orange :) And beautiful geometry, as we've come to expect...
  23. That is maximum awesome :) That illuminated canyon cloud fog at the end was particularly rewarding.
  24. HDRI studio does require GI to light the scene, however, if you have a scene with lights in it already, it is still useful for quickly adding reflections. I think the latest version has a button in the HDRI object controls that says 'add render settings', which turns GI on if you use it's presets. Otherwise, you need to turn that on yourself in render settings. You'll know if it's installed wrongly because you'll get texture errors on render. Hope that helps CBR
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