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Everything posted by Cerbera

  1. Cerbera

    Infinite Ocean

    The only way I have ever got this to work with animated ocean cannot use either infinite ocean or HOT4D ocean. The reason for this is that none of those things offer a way to apply the effect to anything other than a plane, which is not very helpful for what you are trying to achieve. Instead you need to displace just the top side of a very high res square box with axial noise displacement on Y. That is the only way I have found to do this without booles, which cause endless problems in animations like this. CBR
  2. Cerbera

    Infinite Ocean

    Is this for a still shot or an animation ?
  3. The extrudifier is much more important now that Greebler is no longer available. Personally, I would be delighted if the features in that tool got refined, expanded and made it into the software proper...
  4. Cerbera

    Low Drone

    Well that's in the top 3 best things I've seen done in C4D this year :) Sound design also spot-on. Great job all round really ! :)
  5. Lots of good points in this one. It's a really good idea for a tut. It's very well explained, and your tone of voice really lends itself to this. Your renders are very rewarding too. It's at an especially good speed for beginners I would have thought... If I had to pick one thing I would prefer was done differently, it would be to not encourage the use of booleans, or at least if you do, to explain why they are not proper modelling, and why they will break any bevelling or subdivision that your students may later try to apply to them ! CBR
  6. No, no, maximum 3D violence ! Peace in the real world ! :)
  7. REALLY good stuff - textures are great, and he looks properly cross :) Love it.
  8. Cerbera

    Low Poly W.I.P.

    Cool little scene :) But what, in that scene, requires, or is helped by GI ? No, I'd get some standard lights in there, turn GI off, and your render times will improve considerably... CBR
  9. Cerbera


    Thanks @Ukushonga Yeah the bins were fun :) Your Gameboy model is heading in the right direction topology-wise - the back especially has some good clean polyflow going on.
  10. Cerbera


    I got the highest res reference I could find for mine, and found a group of pics from someone's repair workshop that showed the Horn from loads of angles. Then I just gave it weeks and weeks of time - think it took about 5 to get the whole lot modelled doing a little bit every day...You did very well to get yours out in 2 ! What I do, instead of rendering Isoparms with S&T is slightly annoying, but it does work. In the Object Manager, search for SDS, and then set all your SDS objects in the scene to 1 and 1 (viewport and render subdivisions). Then choose Standard Render, and in the settings, add Cel Render, and tell it to only do lines, not outlines, and set colours to black and white or the reverse. Render out your cel render wireframe, then combine with beauty pass in Pshop or similar using overlay or screen modes... not quite isoparms, but looks enough like it to pass, and no annoying dots... This was done like that, except I also did a cel render with SDS set to 2 x 2, and set that layer even lower in transparency than the 1x1 file, which gives a nice 2-tone effect... CBR
  11. Oh lose the array - doesn't need to be there :) Works faster on single objects...
  12. Yeah, I also dumped it in scripts initially ;)
  13. Extrudifier is .c4d file !!! Just open it directly ! Some Extrudifier tips, btw... 1. Put your geometry as a child of the Extrudifier, but then turn it off with the cross to see all the greebles, not just the externally protruding ones 2. It has some refresh problems. Changing settings on the object under it won't update the effect until you turn the object on and off again, or change the random seed in the extrudifier. 3. Expect it to take some time to calculate on higher polycount surfaces. Spheres with high segments and 5 levels take around a minute to calculate, but just wait, and it does get there....
  14. Yeah, that goes in c:\users\yourUsername\appData\roaming\Maxon\RXXXXXXX\plugins CBR
  15. Yip. Simple but effective. Extrudifier is great; not as much control as Greebler, but a damn good step in the right direction, and most welcome in the absence of the original... Made this in under 30 seconds. So whatever kind of magic it is, it is quite speedy :)
  16. Cerbera


    Oh very nice :) Topology gets an IQP Gold star ! You might enjoy my French Horn too. PS: No, that IS the way to render isoparms !
  17. Maybe I'm late to the party, and you've all been hiding this from me; if so I'll delete the thread... But if not... TEST POTENTIAL NEW C4D FEATURES NOW !!!!! Really ?????!!!!! Yes !!!! Check out the Coons Mesh and the Extrudifier Python script !! https://labs.maxon.net CBR
  18. Round of applause :) Getting better and better all the time...
  19. I'm not sure how that would work if I'm honest, given that lofts need source splines; how would any script know which nulls belong in which splines ? I'd be very surprised if proximity to other points alone would be enough help in doing this to produce a usable result. So, at the risk of being contradicted by anyone that may know better, I am going to guess 'No, that's not possible' :) CBR
  20. OK, you'll have to use Xpresso for that.
  21. Align to Spline tag ? You can set a specific segment / percentage along any spline... CBR
  22. Cerbera

    Steam Punk Airship

    Excellent stuff, Nige :)
  23. Oh that IS unfortunate - to have realflow, and to be unable to use it for a product that could really do with it !! New computer for you then ! :)
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