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Everything posted by Cerbera

  1. I think I'd have a go at that with pose morphs. You'd just start with the first shape, add a new point morph, then change the points, repeat. Then you have keyframe-able sliders for each new shape it needs to go into, and can edit the curves. if you do wanna go that way, then this will help. CBR
  2. Fair play. I stayed up and did it again from scratch, because it annoyed me that I hadn't built it myself, but your strategy for tackling it was damn helpful and produced a really nice result once I'd rebuilt the inside slightly differently so the folding sections weren't causing thickness problems. Anyway - I'll stop banging on about it here - we're hijacking the thread ! :)
  3. Indeed. Talking of which, I may have fallen asleep in the middle of that conversation - apologies if I went awol :)
  4. Oh nuts, I missed those ! That's why you're a Grand Inquisitor - you spot these things ! :) Regardless, the overall modelling and edge flow is great, so the gold star remains :)
  5. Excellent use of SPD there. I'd be interested to know more about if and how you translated the photos you took into usable UV maps. I imagine that would have been quite difficult to match photos to the mesh layout when viewed flat. Or did you just make a 'general rock texture' and not worry about if it was accurately mapped because it looked fine anyway ? Thanks CBR
  6. Oh it is nice to see things modelled properly :) IQP GOLD STAR CBR
  7. Yeah - very very cool :) Lovely renders. CBR
  8. The biggest thing wrong with this is the lack of edge bevelling.. No surface in the real world has perfectly sharp corners / edges. You could also do with some improved texturing and some Ambient Occlusion / shadows to make this look real. CBR
  9. Excellent share - thanks for that Igor CBR
  10. If it isn't fixed in the next update, I will have to start writing to them / phoning them - we can't go on like this. I'd better just check that @HSrdelic and @RBarrett are aware of the problem... Same applies to OpenSubDiv. That has been unusable since release because it still won't work with UV's ! CBR
  11. Indeed. I cannot for the life of me figure out what causes it to work sometimes and not others, but when it's not working it drives me properly insane, and I have to go and watch cat videos until calmness returns ! :) PLEASE, @MaxonUSA, help us out here !!
  12. That's some nice work there, and couldn't agree more about the knife tool, although I can confirm they still haven't completely eradicated all the issues with 'cut visible only' being ignored. As soon as they do that, it will be capital awesome :) CBR
  13. Just checking you've all seen this, on MAXON's site, about the new short film by Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg. It's some properly lovely character work, great C4D use, and is SO shiny :) And comes with a load of cool little breakdowns, and making-of's even though we can't see the whole finished film as far as I can see... So, enjoy that :) CBR
  14. Yep - I'm in too - always happy to learn cool new stuff from Hrvoje... and I'm particularly interested in that little turtle, and all its L-system goodness ;) CBR
  15. Cerbera

    Floating Barrels

    Probably not. IME, no1 gives a sh1t what qualifications you've got; they are only interested in your showreel and how much you charge.
  16. Cerbera

    Floating Barrels

    No, I didn't overdo it, but my standards are high. Everybody will be different of course, and there is no right or wrong to it, other than the results you produce, and how they stand up to everyone else's...
  17. Cerbera

    Floating Barrels

    That very much wasn't my point. Quite the opposite, if anything. I was trying to get across that if you are going to ask people to pay you for your expertise in this program , then you'd better have that expertise. Too often I see people selling their services far too soon, when they have nothing like the level of ability they need. So just warning against that really... I'm not the fastest learner, so I waited 7 years until I felt I had enough skills in enough areas of the program to be confident that I was able to solve 99% of the challenges clients give me with no external help. How you feel now is how I felt in Year 2. So it really is just the addition of time and experience that moves you from one hobby-wise state of affairs to something more commercially viable.
  18. Cerbera

    Floating Barrels

    You can want to be perfect at both - nothing wrong with that as long as you are prepared to put the years of work in... You just gotta keep doing stuff in the program, every day. And work at it until it does pop, or whizz, or whatever else you're looking for...
  19. Cerbera

    Floating Barrels

    So perhaps your key talent is to be a technician rather than a creative spark ? What do you do to inspire yourself and improve / develop your ideas ?
  20. Cerbera

    Floating Barrels

    Well, talent is just natural disposition for something, so you don't acquire it from anywhere specific. You either have it (less time investment required), or you don't (maximum time investment required). Or you may be good at some areas of the program, and worse at others, which is the case with most people that use it I would imagine. For example, I have some natural propensity for modelling and hierarchy, and absolutely none for Xpresso. So I got my Xpresso chops with hard work and (a lot of) time. All depends how your brain is wired, and what sort of tasks you have optimised it for so far in life. Some people find this easy, some people find it a constant struggle. 3D is, at the end of the day, quite hard, despite how easy MAXON try and make it for beginners. CBR
  21. I do like a bit of dark art, and that's very dark, and very excellent :) Great, original work. CBR
  22. Yeah, that doesn't really happen with MAXON :) We see what's in R19 when R19 is released. At least we get to see the new version before we have to renew our MSA's, but that's about as much heads-up as we get, other than what the rumour mill generates. However, MAXON have responded to frequent criticism of / exasperation with this policy, and have now got a corporate blog that also doesn't give much away, and the occasional little video snippets of things that are coming soon, but is at least something. Still won't tell you what's in 19, alas. The only rumours I have heard involve updating UV tools / Bodypaint, but that could be wishful thinking, and it would be mad to rely on hearsay to make any purchase decisions. CBR
  23. Hmmm. My first impression is that this is going to be very very hard to try and do in C4D. Even in the latest release I can't think of many tools that could help. We can rule out cloth, collision and dynamics straight away because of 'proximity explosion problems'. Which only leaves hair, joints or connectors really. And I don't envy the person who tries to set that up using either of those ! Maybe hair can do it ???? But you'd have to be something of a hair expert to make that happen... Very interested to hear from anyone that can see a way, because initially at least, I really can't ! :) CBR
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