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Everything posted by Cerbera

  1. Seems the same, I think, Times New Roman, and too small ? (at least that's how it appears on Chrome / Win 7)... However the text that appears under our names / pictures to the left remains the perfect font and size ! :)
  2. Are we definitely keen on that new font ? It's too small and old school for me - what we had was loads better and a lot more legible to the over-40's !!! :) Pleeeeeease can it go back ? Gotta say, I prefer the 2 sided home page as well :( CBR
  3. Well possibly, but let's not forget IQP membership is strictly by invitation only !!! We can't let any old triangle-wielding maniac into our hallowed halls of modelling excellence !
  4. Cerbera

    LightBulb Robot!

    Actually (lolz) I am seeing some other issues with it now :) You didn't do any physical thickness on the glass bulb, did you ? So it looks like one solid ball rather than a glass shell... CBR
  5. Cerbera

    LightBulb Robot!

    Oh that's very nice :) Lovely warm colour set. One question though; if it's raining, why isn't he wet ?! CBR
  6. I think it makes sense to have clubs for all the different renderers and add-ons out there; it might help all the right threads find their way to the most interested people. CBR
  7. I imagine they'll just do what they did after disappointing R17 - have a massive 1/3rd off (or more) sale later in the year and try and get the people back that didn't MSA in protest. That worked for them in my case, and successfully lured me back with fairly minimal 'punishment costs' for leaving :) But until we actually know, I am not going to just assume that R19 will be as duff as R17 was. Perhaps we'll all be pleasantly surprised ?
  8. Ah OK, yes that is working for me. Glad you sorted it out :) But Instant Meshes, yeah ? NO EFFORT RETOPO !!! Surely I can't be on my own in appreciating the wonder of that ?!! And for free !
  9. Sorry buddy - are we talking about DualGraph plugin now, or Instant Meshes ?! :)
  10. So.... what about it doesn't work for you ?
  11. That's confused me. DualGraph is the Aixsponza plugin that turns triangles into hexagons, right ? Instant meshes provides similar triangulation function, but dualgraph does it quicker and easier and in one step. So I haven't considered that as the main use for Instant meshes, even though it should work as shown in the tutorial below. https://www.cineversity.com/vidplaylist/turn_any_object_into_hexagons_with_instant_meshes But I have done several imports of hi-res hideous topology meshes, and it has worked every time at transforming them down into manageable quads with even some degree of directable edge flow ! That's the main functionality I care about, and was so keen to share :) So what about it doesn't work for you ? CBR
  12. Yep mine too. But no pressure, hey ? :)
  13. For those of you who don't know about it, or haven't yet seen the new tutorial released by Cineversity today, it references this bit of free software, which is properly amazing, and deserves its own thread. Just export as .obj. Instant retopology, Modo-style(in fact Modo uses this technology for its own auto-retopo feature), courtesy of 'Instant Meshes'. Go grab it, and retopo any resolution mesh, triangles / ngons / whatever, into any other, including quads only option ! Then it's straight back out to obj and back into Cinema. CBR
  14. You really are ludicrously productive ! :) Are you tempted to get some Magic Snow out for your Wintery exteriors ? (I mean the nice free Nitro4D plugin) CBR
  15. Must be all the weighty subjects we deal with here on the cafe ;) I think he means 'resource-heavy'. Can take a while to load and refresh sometimes.
  16. No, but I'd like to see the attempt ;)
  17. Oh I'm not worried - the force is strong in you, my friend :) If you need me test stuff, just let me know. No that's our fault, Vecs. We need to do something so impressive that @Igor can't resist leaving it there :)
  18. That's a hell of an update; I got tired just reading the list ! :) Good luck with the upgrade ! CBR
  19. Yep, what @VECTOR said :) CBR
  20. Cerbera

    MSA Renewal

    You can phone MAXON up, and ask to delay renewing your MSA until you have seen what's in the new version. James from MAXON UK informs me that as long as I renew before the next version is actually released, I will remain in the MSA unbroken chain. Don't know if that's the same everywhere in the world, but don't see why it shouldn't be... I am fairly sure the case is that each MSA you pay will get you one new version. CBR
  21. Thank goodness nobody's desperate enough to try adding things like /r19 to the end of MAXON's url. It doesn't work, btw ;) CBR
  22. It's properly freaky what you're doing there with all the human eyes and lips, but I'm enjoying the series anyway :) CBR
  23. I'm gonna bet that Chris Schmidt's presentation will include more practical information than anybody else's :)
  24. I'm not using it, so can't be helpful there, but have you tried putting the plugin in ...Users/YourName/AppData/Roaming/MAXON/R18XXXXXX/Plugins ? (ie your preferences folder) That works more often than the plugin folder in the main system directory I've noticed... CBR
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