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Everything posted by Cerbera

  1. Well that's annoying, or quite helpful depending on your point of view. I thought artists were largely going to keep their jobs during the AI revolution, but it makes sense that more technical jobs like face modelling, UVing, Rigging, and animation might fall to our soon-to-be machine overlords, especially if they are producing nice all-quad solutions that usefully work later on down the pipeline. When I filled in one of those 'Find out if your job will be replaced by machines' surveys earlier in the year, it still seemed to think that 3D artists would largely keep their jobs, but this article seems better evidence to the contrary, at least in (what is at the moment) a fairly narrow range of 3D tasks. But even if AI can model anything it is shown, it still has to be shown something, and humanity is still likely to need our human minds to imagine things that don't exist yet. So it might be that AI becomes great at modelling and UVing (yes please!) meaning that artists can spend all their time being creative rather than being creative and then having to physically or virtually create their inventions. So it might vastly reduce technical skills requirement for 3D artists, but I doubt it will replace us entirely. But that's still not good news, because once this sort of technology is commonplace, the sort of skills we have spent years diligently acquiring may be made irrelevant almost overnight. But this is still 'only' AI, machines intelligently working in a very narrow band of specific tasks. We need to fear it far less than AGI (Artificial general intelligence), which might be in its infancy at the moment, but is a far more deadly enemy when it works, because that sort of thing could truly threaten to replace ALL our skills, if we manage to make its goals so closely aligned to our own that it doesn't try and eradicate us as soon as we turn it on. Let's not get into that one - there isn't time :) So what is the take home message here ? For some it will be 'evolve or become extinct', but for me it's very much 'enjoy it while you still can' ! :) CBR
  2. Cerbera


    No, definitely not GI. If you do that it'll stop looking like space, and will actually work against the feel you are trying to achieve. In space, there is one massive directional light of huge brightness, some additional rim lighting / back lighting adds a sense of scale, and an ambient illumination light set extremely low reveals details that would otherwise be lost to shadow. CBR
  3. Cerbera


    That's much better - we can see ! :) Might still benefit from some additional lighting to sell the scale a bit more.
  4. Cerbera


    Yeah, very nice final image. I like a lot of stuff in shadow. Whilst I appreciate the motion blur is very much adding to the impression of speed, it's a slight shame that it's obfuscating what I hope is some quite rewarding hull detail. You could remedy that by letting us see the clay model or some wireframes :)
  5. GSG is having 3 days with $150 off their whole suite... runs to Fri. https://greyscalegorilla.com/complete/ CBR
  6. Anyone else not able to click 'fullscreen' arrows on C4DLive.com ? Ej has just started, and it's annoying that doesn't work because I want to watch it in bed ! Anyone know anywhere else we could go to watch it ? In the meantime, for anyone else having the problem, you can hit ctrl and + a few times to get it to fill the screen anyway. CBR
  7. For everyone who hasn't seen it yet, Chris Schimdt has done a typically rewarding & thorough exploration of the new Voronoi superpowers... CBR
  8. The Scene Reconstruction in the MT is awesome; even if the geometry it makes is pretty horrendous - it's still brilliant for retopology not to mention actually seeing where stuff is in the scene. And the new Voronoi improvements, especially the detail adding parts - love all that. And the LOD stuff And the sound effector. And the viewport stuff. Dont' know how much I'll use ProRender (tired / ailing graphics card) but for me that's a pretty solid release. No mention of improvements to it in the feature list, but I wonder if they'll make OpenSubDiv work with UV's ? That would make me extra happy. CBR
  9. I am not aware that any application or plugin for C4D that specialises in scattering has any sort of boole functionality. You don't say how your grass is made, but that is not the sort of thing that will boole properly anyway. If your grass is polygons, then why not first scatter it as you like using your plugin, then make any instances editable and go into top view and use live selection to select / delete polys that are coincident with the path ? CBR
  10. Did a bit more work on my base mesh, fixed my complex poles, and started adding basic material forms for the surrounding shroud... CBR
  11. Valar Dohaeris. Thanks PP... I'll try and do justice to the artistry of the original, but of course in the world of GoT, there is no justice, so I don't know where that leaves us ;)
  12. Oh yes you can, if you know the right tools to do it ;) C4D snapping got really good after R17. But don't worry, intersection is fine most of the time as long as it looks OK in the render, and nobody will ever see a nano-space unless there's a light right behind it...
  13. I'll pretend I can't see what's going on with the end of those cylinders, but to be honest, on the whole that could be a lot worse ;) Although it wouldn't win an IQP Gold Star because, well, you know why, but it's certainly not horrendous, and in places it's an aesthetically pleasing wireframe. next time can we have them bigger though ? What is unconditionally good is that you have already improved to such an extent that you recognize the less than ideal bits of your previous work, so that's a win, triangles or not... CBR
  14. Ha - more the second one than the first but I got caught out in a few places, so there was a little redirection needed on occasion where loops didn't work out as I'd hoped ;) It's still not perfect - there remains the odd complex pole drifting about I have yet to circumvent... CBR
  15. Had a week spare and felt like doing a short-ish modelling/sculpting/texturing project. Given that Game of Thrones is back on, and imagining I didn't have enough time to model Dragonstone (!), I thought I'd do one of the face masks worn by the murderous Sons of the Harpy from that show. I'll be doing the mask and head-dress but have made a good start on the former's base mesh tonight and yesterday. Determined to give the coming sculpting exactly the edge flow it wants, there was an interesting topology solve to be done to get the circular detail into the top. Nearly all the detail in this will come from sculpting and materials, so that's where I'm heading next before tackling the difficult loose multilayer cloth hood. I've also got to model in the 30 or so tiny holes round the edges of the mask through which the leather thong passes that tie it to the hood. And model some blood dripping out of one of the eye holes. CBR
  16. You're not wrong - that does look pretty damn impressive ! And rather nice price too by the look of it. Even more incentive for MAXON to keep trying hard... CBR
  17. Actually - I am being mega-thick :) I do have another computer !! And congratulations, Sir @Igor, that is fixed :) On both Chrome, and also tested fine on Ipad / safari. CBR
  18. Oh this is bad - chrome doesn't seem to have a way to un-apply your custom fonts !!! Ok - there is a global reset, but that trashes all my plugins, bookmarks, tabs etcs, so not ideal. Can anyone else help who is using chrome and hasn't activated custom fonts ? CBR
  19. I don't know - I'm overriding the theme fonts !!! Lols. hang on - will turn that off and recheck...
  20. In the meantime you can override it using Chrome custom font overrides (if that's your browser). That's working very well over here...
  21. I can confirm that previous to upgrade Oxygen was displaying totally fine on Chrome, so don't know why it isn't now, but Big Al's suggestion about defaults does sound plausible. Wish I knew more about it - I'd love to help get it back to normal :)
  22. Although we should note for comparison and fairness reasons that MAXON only just fixed all the R18 knife tools (nearly a year later), and still haven't made OpenSubDiv work with UV's, meaning that here, on the verges of R19 announcing, that is a feature that has not worked in the entire life cycle of the version. That's something of a first for MAXON, and something I hope is an anomaly rather than the future norm... after all, MAXON's reputation for rock solidity and working features would take a severe bashing if there was much more like that going on... Don't get me wrong, I love C4D, and I'm already in until at least R20, but unfinished stuff does worry me when MAXON were previously on my list of 'stuff that just works when released'... CBR
  23. Yeah I really like the 2 column layout - feels like home :)
  24. Ah yes, your screenie is perfect, but I'm getting what @regnas is getting, even after a cache clear / refresh...
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