Getting better all the time...
Now I'm worried about contrast and busyness. :)
I like high contrast scenes on the whole, and generally speaking they are better and more impactive / impressive for the viewer. But here, it's working against you a little bit - it's a little too harsh, and exactly the same over the whole image, which confuses the eye, and leads to it not flowing across the scene. You may or may not care about such things, but you could fix it either in post, or with additional 'bounce' lighting if you felt so inclined... I see you've left the sunlight almost blowing out in certain areas, which I assume was to try and get the strong sunlight feel, but it's a slightly wanton eye distraction to have front center in an image. I suspect you could solve a lot of it by putting some clouds in the sky to diffuse and soften that sunlight. I'd be tempted to not overexpose it all in Cinema, but resolve to add a softer and more aesthetically subtle exposure / glow in post.
Busyness is another thing that distracts the eye, and there's a lot to look at here ! I wonder if it wouldn't be more effective if there was less - small focused groups of objects that draw the eye and hold the attention, rather than 100's of things of equal contrast and and complexity all screaming 'look at me' ! :) If you did want to keep all those things, you could try and direct the eye a bit more with some subtle depth of field, which will help isolate focus, add to perceived depth and increase variation across the image, all to good effect I would have thought.
Lastly, do you think your bricks are a little too saturated ? Old rough brickwork like this is sometimes much greyer than you'd think, even in bright sun, and I just feel it's a little overpowering at the moment...
Obviously I am being 'maximum picky' here, and if you disagree with me, of course feel free to disregard any or all of my late-night ramblings :)