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Everything posted by Cerbera

  1. Moved to correct section. I don't know the answer to your exact question, but I do know that if you copy an object or objects that have Xpresso controls set on them by just ctrl-dragging in the Object Manager it doesn't work and breaks the Xpresso, but if you copy and paste the original objects, that is technically a different type of copy that does preserve the Xpresso, and if this theory is correct, will automatically create a copy of the user data auto-assigned to the new object so you don't have to do anything. I saw that in an Ask GSG a while back but have never tested it myself. Let us know how you get on ! CBR
  2. The thing that struck me most when I first looked at these was 'why are they so noisy' ? I don't know if that is intentional, but even if it is, there is a big risk that people will look at your work and think 'oh he doesn't know how to render !' :/ It just looks like your quality settings were way too low. Also, seeing as most of the visual interest is coming from reflection, i think there could be more interesting things in the scene to be reflected - what you have now is kind of 'OK' but doesn't really pop as being amazing like it could be... Also it would be nice to see some depth of field and perhaps something more subtly interesting in the environment than just pure black. There are some decent creative ideas in there, and if this was 'wicked clean and ultra-glossy' I'd like the style as well... big fan of gold on black myself :) CBR
  3. No, I don't think there is. You've noticed that in the preferences / layouts folder you can only access your custom ones and not the standard layouts. If we were meant to be able to delete the defaults I guess they would be there also... interestingly, I think in way older versions they were all there, so maybe it causes some problem to remove them, hence the change... CBR
  4. I can tell you what's happening about Navie FX. That has ceased to be an ongoing project, so the developer kindly gave away the last version of it free. There are a few posts on the cafe that go into where those files are and guide you through the various install problems... CBR
  5. Just beautiful. Especially the underwater stuff. And soundtrack equally brilliant... Gold stars all round basically :) CBR
  6. I'd have to agree with Bob. If you are doing motion graphics I'd say you absolutely need the full mograph set, including Voronoi Fracture. Likewise the dynamics and softbody tags, which I find myself relying on quite a lot for all sorts of setups. I think it might also be a mistake to be assuming that XP cloth will be totally fine for every cloth-related need. For character cloth, you really do need something like Marvelous Designer, but for other cloth work you might find it useful to have some cloth functionality built in. The other things you have mentioned I would say are less of an omission / problem in day-to-day work, and as long as you have RS and XP you do have your rendering and particle bases covered. Sculpting-wise, Zbrush is a good idea if you do it all the time, and know that software well. However sculpting in Cinema is rather quicker and more intuitive if you are not already a ZB expert ! CBR
  7. It's a shame the MSAs are not included in these sales :) But I do see their value for people who have fallen out of the MSA cycle and now want to get back in, like me with R17. If I hadn't got back in with a 30% off sale then my punishment-for-leaving-tax would have been about double what it was, so I was grateful to have got away with it a bit cheaper. CBR
  8. A quick browse of the webs suggests its not possible with Xpresso but is with Python and this handy script, which just sorts it all out for you :) https://www.curiousanimal.tv/blog/c4d-python-party-rigging-splines/ CBR
  9. Yes. Contribute to the cost of running the cafe by becoming a bronze, silver or gold supporter, and you get given more space ! If you have exhausted your current allocation, and don't want to do that, then you need to find the 'My Attachments' page from the menu on the top right of the home page, and delete some of your existing images, which will free up space to add new ones. Unfortunately this has to be done 1 image at a time in the current system. Or, you could really show your appreciation for the cafe and sell your library through the cafe store or become an advertiser here ! PM @HSrdelic if you would like to arrange this. CBR
  10. Cerbera

    Boolean Plugin?

    Yep, I'll second that... CBR
  11. Cerbera

    Barry BBQ

    Lols. Definitely needs the testes :) I like it, but maybe his arms are a bit thin in comparison to the rest of him ? CBR
  12. Cerbera

    Final - R8 model

    No need to I'm only that quick because I've had 20 years modelling experience, so if you as a relative newcomer could do it that fast already I'd be upset ! Don't worry - it's far better to take your time and do it well than it is to rush through and do a slap-dash job. Be more concerned about quality, and let speed develop over time... Also, re the other point - forgot to say; ALL images should get some attention in post before being released into the wild :) Photoshop is the icing on the cake for stills, and everything you do in Cinema should get a blast over there at the end... CBR
  13. Cerbera

    Final - R8 model

    Some people think so, but I'm not one of them. I have seen absolutely stunning results from the native renderers - really top-level stuff. But it does struggle in some areas - it is sometimes hard to make huge outside objects look filmically 'big' in the same way that something like Octane can very quickly, but for most jobs, if your skills are up to it they are more than sufficient. I'd say between 12 and 20 hours, depending on how fussy you were being about topology... CBR
  14. Cerbera

    Final - R8 model

    That's pretty good modelling overall :) Shame about the remaining triangles and coplanar quads in places, but otherwise nice job. CBR
  15. Cerbera


    I think the problem we are having is that we can't quite believe you actually want characters to move like that - it is honestly unlike any human movement I have ever seen. Forgive me, a lot of it looks like early robots, so it's confusing to us when you try and defend that, and appear to have little regard for the animation principles on which all realistic character animation is built. CBR
  16. Cerbera

    Final - R8 model

    We can't judge the modelling until you upload some wireframes, but the renders are looking good. Not bright enough, or post processed, but good nonetheless :) So I'd give that some levels in photoshop to make the grey bits brighter, and maybe add some subtle depth of field, but otherwise, that's looking pretty spot-on. CBR
  17. Also, forgot to mention the HB modelling bundle has the script you want already in it - it's called HB CleanView. Obviously I can't give you that script, but if you were willing to pay for one, why not buy the bundle and also get the other 100 brilliant scripts it comes with ? CBR
  18. I think that was me. I did share a Grid / Horizon toggler a while back, but it's a COFFEE script, so shortly to be deprecated with R20. Might be better to get a Python version. This is the script that does that (if yours is the same). If you view this one in the Script manager you can copy and paste the lines into your new script, and add lines that also toggle the remaining attributes, which I believe are named logically after the hyphen so you should be able to just go down the list changing the words at the end. Am no great scripter myself ( in fact think this was the only one I ever did !) so others may be able to give you more detail if you're still stuck. CBR
  19. Ok, that looks plausible :) But why are you hooking a range mapper up to a deformer ? You want to drag the posemorph tag in there and connect to the Pose 0 (or whatever you've called it) port dragged directly from the PM tag attributes, don't you ? This sort of thing... CBR
  20. Ah OK. I'm not sure that's possible. I can't see any parameter of the effector that could drive PM. But we should wait for a second opinion I reckon, not 100% on that myself... CBR
  21. You're welcome. Just tested it, works a treat ! :) CBR
  22. You're missing the Morph Deformer ! You can give that a falloff and then use it to do what your Plain Effector is(nt) doing now... There are more detailed tuts if you search it, but there general idea is shown at the end of this one... CBR
  23. Not any more it doesn't ;) Must have missed those the first time - thx for the heads-up. CBR
  24. You posted this 3 times ! You only have to hit the submit button once, then wait. I have removed the other 2 for you. CBR
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