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Everything posted by Cerbera

  1. Hey cafe This is part of an ongoing client project, but I am lucky enough to get to do some very interesting modelling work for it, and this bit was no exception. Many thanks to @spiralstair for letting me post a render or 2 here... It's an aging Roland Monosynth from the 80's, and it has seen better days, but the lights are still on and that filter can still buzz like 1000 angry bees :) Physical Render / Adaptive / Auto, 5%, 3, 3, 3, 0, AO, no GI. 32 minutes. 100% quads. CBR
  2. Moved to correct section (Plugins, making / finding / using etc). CBR
  3. Cerbera


    Well you look like you're off to a pretty decent start ! :) I see you've been at the sculpting ! We do need to know what is the final format for this, and other things like is it animated or still, and where will it end up ? If we have that sort of info we are in a much better position to advise... CBR
  4. Cerbera

    Big Baby

    I like the bendy arms :) CBR
  5. Vecs is keeping this thread alive at the moment, while I'm busy modelling a Roland SH09 at the moment so no Star Wars action from me just now. But here's an exciting Star Wars Tech Demo of the impending real-time raytracing in Unreal 4 to keep us all amused... Shiny shiny reflections, much like we have in our R19 viewport :) CBR
  6. 1. Yes. 2. No, not if you are intending to use the helix in a live sweep object. But yes if you are prepared to make a more complicated setup involving cloning instances of profile splines along the path spline to use in a loft. 3. Yes. If you know how to use Xpresso it's a very simple thing to connect PoseMorph to any other parameter, usually via a Range Mapper, or even as basically as just using set driver / set driven. There are lots of beginner Xpresso tuts on Youtube. The key here is dragging the Pose 0 strength slider from the animation tab of PM into the Xpresso window, as opposed to any of its other parameters... CBR
  7. Properly awesome :) CBR
  8. Oh - late to the party - don't know how I missed this :) Congrats, Dan - you already had all my gold stars for this, but good to see you're getting them from everyone else too :) J
  9. Check out this Lichen Katydid, which renders with its own isoparms ! :) CBR
  10. Awesome. So sorry it made the plugin redundant, although I'm not sure it did - there will be a lot of people who want it on all the time and you could easily pop both options in the zip ;) But I for one am exceptionally grateful for that bit of scriptings so cheers ! :) CBR
  11. Oh, please call it 'Kill the Orphans' ;) lols. Maybe 'Points be Gone!' is less controversial... In some ways I quite like that it just runs in the background, doing it, and that should certainly remain one 'mode' of it. But I think I would appreciate some alternative functionality where it was turned off all the time, but when I make a poly selection and hit say, shift + delete that could remove the polys AND points, whereas delete alone wouldn't, thereby preserving the choice to kill the points or not on an action-by-action basis, without having to dive into project settings first... it's a small point, but thought I'd suggest it anyway... although I am one of the few people on earth who sometimes uses remaining points to plot different topology, even I have to admit I want the points gone about 90% of the time... Lastly, thanks for continuing to make and share these sorts of plugins - very helpful stuff. CBR
  12. Very nice. I never liked BF anyway :) CBR
  13. Me too, and I particularly would appreciate a macro for that ! :) CBR
  14. Yep, even if we can do it with Normal scaling or by typing in the coordinates manager, it would still be useful to have 'Make Planar On...' buttons like Max does. I look forward to someone telling you how to do that ! :) CBR CBR
  15. Awesome :) So many pretty lights ! And whereas usually with these things I am reaching to turn the volume down (or off in some cases), today I was very much turning it up. Lovely job. What sort of render times are you getting per frame, and what are your render settings !! :) CBR
  16. Indeed it was, 2 days after I posted :) CBR
  17. No they can't - the free version has been withdrawn because Navie has been acquired by Insydium the XParticles guys... CBR
  18. I think that hat rack is just a bit too small - don't people usually reach up to put their hats on those things ? And I think I've only ever seen them made out of wood for some reason ! :) Also, if I may, I think your shadows are really very black and could do with being a little less dense, and the floor seems a little evenly lit compared to the rest of it, or perhaps it's just a little too bright ? Lastly, whilst I appreciate that the richer people are the less taste they tend to have when home decorating, are you sure you want the red of that carpet next to that orange on the floor ? ;) CBR
  19. Nicely done ! Lookin goooood..... :) CBR
  20. You are right that no tris are necessary here, and we can certainly help if you have trouble solving any... Interesting project - will watch with interest to see where you take it ! CBR
  21. Ha ha - nice that VW are still making them in 200 years :) Modelling looks nice, but we don't know for sure til we can we see your wires ;) CBR
  22. Yep, you can certainly go the Normal channel route instead, although the amount of bump you want is SO minute relative to the scene scale, in this instance bump might just be enough. Easy enough to try both I guess ! Do post what happens if you turn parallax on ! ;) CBR
  23. Dammit, I've been itching to help you out with those loading bay doors, but clients have been keeping me a bit nose-to-the-grindstone recently, so I haven't had much time to experiment on your behalf. But I did wonder if one viable approach wouldn't be making them in 3 vertical sections (top and bottom plates and the middle bits) so that your edge loops could be independent of each other. Just a thought - I see you've pretty much sorted them anyway :) Something else has caught my eye if you are interested... Those little luminant port-holes there - they are very 'on the surface' at the moment. What about using an inverse of the luminance map (possibly minutely blurred) to subtly bump those windows into the mainframe ever-so-slightly ? That might add another little contributory factor towards the perceived 'bigness'... what do you think ? CBR
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