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Everything posted by Cerbera

  1. Know what those are specifically by any chance ?! 🙂 CBR
  2. Very nice ! Thanks for the share - some really good trees in that pack ! CBR
  3. Cerbera

    Cerbera's Octane Scrapbook

    Been using Physical for many years. now it's time to learn another one ! I'm giving Octane a spin first...
  4. Cerbera

    Deep Blue Sea

    From the album: Cerbera's Octane Scrapbook

    Seeing where I get with god-rays, volumes and microfloaties...

    © Luminetrics

  5. Actually, I missed someone - let's not forget @imashination... and all his 3D fluff tuts over the years. His lucid clarity, great explanatory skill and subtly humorous presentations always raise a smile with me and I enjoy his vids a lot. CBR
  6. yes, by which I mean no 🙂 lols... And also Yes. I would say R25 is stable, most notably moreso than previous versions when switching layouts. CBR
  7. Yes I agree the early months of R23 were dark days in the reliability department, although as noted, that did get better with service pack updates. S24 was better again, and from my experience I would say R25 (in my case with Octane) is a leap up again, and much nearer the fabled R21 levels of stability Cinema was famous for. CBR
  8. That will be a fair expectation, but it is impossible to say when developments in that area will happen. For now, a lot of the gaps are admirably covered by XParticles but of course I appreciate that is an extra cost, and not an insignificant one ! But I don't think the native situation is quite as hopeless as some may imagine; we recently had a look at new dynamics in the S24 placement tool, and it seems reasonable to imagine that PhysX style interaction could be expanded and further integrated as time goes on. I hope cloth gets some love though - it would be great if that were capable of something more than drapes or capes - something that would make it genuinely useful for character clothing. And it can only be a matter of time (though how much time is anyone's guess!) before we get some sort of proper fluid / fire / smoke action... CBR
  9. Modelling-wise, there is nothing quite like Modo in look, feel and precision. I hope it doesn't get subsumed by everything else around it. I often wonder if I would end up there if I ever lost my love for Cinema - although I am more familiar with Max, which seems these days like a sort of stagnant monolith to old school modelling (which in itself isn't a bad thing !), there is something about the look and organisation of Modo which makes me think I would prefer to work in it over Max's horror show muddle of a GUI. Of course now Igor and the interwebs is showing me the wonders of Houdini of course that is also a contender. But I am generally very happy in Cinema now (with the normal list of exceptions 😉 ) so I ain't going anywhere in the short-term, but kinda hope Modo remains there should I ever feel the winds of change (cue Scorpions anthem etc etc)... CBR
  10. I've just spoken to a PC guru type friend, who informs me that on my Gigabyte X570UD I only need to enable TPM, and don't need to flash the bios or do anything with bootloaders... And Microsoft themselves provide a way to skip the TPM check altogether ! I am in the middle of too many projects to risk this immediately, but my buddy Nick has upgraded 4 Ryzen machines so far by modifying that key, and hasn't encountered any negative issues so far ! CBR
  11. Are these 3D or actually 2D painted / drawn ?!! CBR
  12. Yeah that last one dude, particularly - wonderful sunlight / haze combo 🙂 CBR
  13. Impressive stuff ! Initially you have to look quite hard to recognize it as 3D ! CBR
  14. Well that's a 30 page essay you're asking for right there ! I'd be surprised if anyone had the time TBH... CBR
  15. Cerbera


    Nice machine, and lovely case work ! Hope you're gonna put the wires up somewhere !
  16. Well done Dave, you beat me to it 🙂 Let's have a massive round of applause for our man Holger and his ongoing generosity in providing free updates like a shining rare gem of brilliance in an otherwise rather muddy pool ! I've said it 1000 times before and I'll say it again now - if you are remotely serious about modelling in Cinema you simply NEED these tools, so if you don't have 'em, go get 'em - it'll be the best 99 euros you could ever spend ! CBR
  17. Cerbera

    The Geezer

    Yeah, really REALLY good Lovely stuff !
  18. Welcome to the Core ! Excellent - happy learnings, and we look forward to seeing what you work on... CBR
  19. Indeed - welcome on in ! CBR
  20. Oh well that s considerably more rubbish news than I was hoping for ! Bet it's the same for me 🙂 Thanks for the heads up. CBR
  21. If you do a general search for Win 11 you will shortly find the PC health check tool you can download, which has a 'Is this machine OK for Win 11' tab... https://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/windows/windows-11#pchealthcheck CBR
  22. I ran the health check and was vaguely appalled to see that my relatively new machine did not meet the spec for Win 11. I am hoping that I have the following 'Trust Management Platform' available but disabled - will have to look in BIOS and see if I can find it - apparently it is often disabled by default. CBR
  23. Yeah - good advice from HV there - I'm with him - always wait a year until they make it work properly 🙂 CBR
  24. Stunning work as usual from the master of polygon efficiency 🙂 CBR
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