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Everything posted by Cerbera
Please let conversations happen. Stop censoring instead of moderating.
Cerbera replied to No One's topic in Discussions
In the 10 years I have been moderating this forum I have only ever locked 3 posts, which I do not consider the behaviour of someone on a power trip. Indeed I sometimes face 'moderator criticism' for letting things run and run. Sometimes, Admin lock stuff I might have let go ! And if you think there weren't warnings, you must have missed the 2 cautionary posts I made on March 25th, of which this was the second. If you do not like the decision you are free to petition @Igor / Admin to get it unlocked, as I am free to present the case for it remaining so, and this thread (which is adding nothing) with it ! CBR -
Also, if you need help in C4D with this you need to complete your profile so we know which tools are available to your version, and your hardware specs so we know what is likely to stress your machine. CBR
Please let conversations happen. Stop censoring instead of moderating.
Cerbera replied to No One's topic in Discussions
I did not lock it for no reason at all, nor in response to any one post. It started off toxic, and remained largely that way, despite some reasonable points being made amongst the maelstrom. Whilst not exactly an enjoyable read, personally I found it interesting. But then it became apparent that it was something of a crap-magnet for anyone who just wanted to generally bad-mouth Maxon, reasoned or not, there was a sort of undercurrent of recrudescent anger, it was all getting very tired, circular and repetitive, and I didn't think much new or constructive was going on, so it seemed to me to have reached its natural conclusion. If I was censoring stuff I would have deleted it shortly after it started or would be hiding it now. We DID allow the conversation to continue for at least a month - almost 2 ! Only when it was rattling on and on did I feel the need to lock it in the hope we could all move on and talk about literally anything else ! I am aware some people will appreciate that and others won't but we can't please all the people all the time hey ? CBR -
Welcome to the Core ! 🙂 Good to have you here - hopefully you will find it a useful place to be... CBR
Probably about time we locked it, and moved on with our lives isn't it... CBR
We have no excuse not to be now hey ? CBR
I believe especially Holger always thought those tools should be in Cinema, and had suggested as such periodically, even though he knew he would probably lose out as a result of it. I too have relied on his scripts for the last 10 years. But there are differences between the way his tools work and what we have in S26. For example, our native Fit Circle is a definite improvement on the HBMB equivalent (not only curvature aware, but also inside points auto-relax and free normal scaling / rotation. Smooth Edges is a brand new tool, and not just the same as hb_round edge - it preserves volume, and equalises point distances, which the latter does not, so I find it massively helpful to have both options. And we still need HBMB for vital functions like hb_relax, Symmetry fix, clip symmetry, PipeIt, retopo and whole load of other stuff that still isn't native yet. The new Close poly hole (grid) and bridge patch tools, and little helpers like Set Flow are the real winners though ( some early bugs aside) and this is genuinely new functionality to us, far and above what hb quadcaps can do for example... One tool I just can't get with though is Equalise edges - where we have to ring select the edges we want equalised. If you've been doing it the other way round with hb_evenDistribution all this time that doesn't compute, so it's one circumstance where I almost always continue to use what I know, and its helpful 1-click solution. In fact that's the only other thing I don't particularly like about the new modelling tools - most are a 2-stage process call - getting the tool, and then deploying it, although I accept it has to be like this if we want the advantage of lots of freely adjustable options before we hit the go button...so it's a price I am wiling to pay. So from my side of the page I love all the new modelling stuff, and had requested it often myself, but I remain pleased my HB stuff remains as well 🙂 Now if only we could get them to sort Symmetry out we'd be back on the road to modelling supremacy ! CBR
Are the bevel tools under-appreciated ? I certainly appreciate the Cinema ones !! That's the trouble with nice tools that do everything we want though - when they work perfectly we never mention them, yet if something about them is wrong, then we bang on about it endlessly ! 😉 CBR
Distribute a spline shape in another spline shape
Cerbera replied to stepahneFont's topic in Cinema 4D
That' quite a vague request, but with a very specific requirement ! No, you can't do that directly with splines, so you'd need to convert the main hexagon into a poly object, then you could use that to clone disc objects (or splines) into it using the Object / Surface (or other) Modes of the cloner, and then a number of effectors to push or scale those apart in order to get the effect you want. But your target result above seems to demand 2 types of circle; a general large circle, and then small ones to fill those gaps, and you won't be able to achieve that using effectors alone - you would need 2 objects in the cloners - both small and bigger circles. If you only use the one clone, then you will get random scaling to make things fit, which is different to what you illustrated above... So, those have just been randomly placed on the surface, but if you add specific topology to the hexagon, and then clone to the points or polygons instead of the general area, then you can get a lot more control over distribution... so, for example if your topology was this... and you cloned to object / points mode, then your initial distribution of circles would be not random, and more like this... ... which you could then use push apart and random effectors to further scale apart and alter from this base distribution. But it's a lot of pushing and pulling and trying different distribution modes, and whatnot while you try and find the method that lets you specifically tell Cinema HOW you want it to fill the gaps, which isn't as quite simple as the question you first posed ! CBR -
Lols, helpful...not 🙂 CBR
There will be a difference in spline direction for the ones that extrude wrong, so I would say the best way of avoiding this situation is to create vectors with consistent spline direction in the first place ! I am guessing (don't use it myself) that Illustrator has tools for showing the splines direction during creation, or is that only important in 3D-land ? CBR
Yep, what he said 🙂 CBR
Using edge selection to limit polygon selection
Cerbera replied to Blaz Vidovic's topic in Cinema 4D
Yes there is, and it is called exactly that ! fill selection ( U,F select menu) !! Requires 2 closed loops of edges on a ring like that. No need to disconnect anything. CBR -
You're going along the right lines with a blend cloner, but I would blend between 2 sweep objects, the second of which has its sweep rotation adjusted an arbitrary amount of degrees more than the first, thusly, until we get the transition / rotation we want across the desired amount of clones. CBR rotating steps CBR.c4d
Yep, either of those. Just to mention. Stick texture is called Pin Material in R25+, and if you do use a projection then 'Generate UV coords' is the option you need from the r-click menu to bake that down to UVs... CBR
And thank you for the tip ! 🙂 JW
Please update your profile to correct version. You need a rail spline, which is a copy of the path spline, but moved slightly to one side of it on X, then you need tick 'use rail direction' in the sweep, like so... CBR
Yes, it's because the end caps don't work with the cylindrical projection that is the default UV mapping type for a sweep object. I doubt any of the standard projections will work for this, so you're gonna have to make it editable, and adjust the UVs for those end caps manually. An alternative to that would be to disable caps in the sweep, and use the scaling spline in the details of that to taper the ends off to nothing - that way the existing mapping will work everywhere. CBR
Do I know IF they switched ? I don't ! 🙂 But the bullet engine in S26 does not have the CPU / GPU option that the new sim stuff does, so make of that what you will... I haven't used nvida flex, so can't comment on that either ! But I like our new cloth, whatever it is ! Not quite perfect yet, but so much better than what we had before... CBR
Trouble in getting textures while using models from Quixel Bridge
Cerbera replied to scifidesigner's topic in Cinema 4D
I think Maxon need to see that. Have you submitted a ticket about it, including that information / screenshot ? CBR -
Yes I have been working with that for a little longer now, and come to exactly the same conclusions as above ! Many more iterations need to stiffen that belt, and bit of a PITA to be constantly switching between the sim settings ! CBR
Did you see this one ? https://support.maxon.net/hc/en-us/articles/212508807-How-do-I-uninstall-my-products- CBR
https://macuninstallguides.com/remove-cinema-4d-on-mac.html CBR
No worries. If you ever can't find something in Cinema, try Shift+C, and start typing its name. If it's there that will find it. CBR