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Everything posted by Cerbera

  1. That's interesting, Lubo - I didn't even try zero extrude here because I am so used to that also failing where regular extrude has issues ! So in this case it really is a failing of the primary function of the Extrude tool - this is not a difficult shape, and not something I'd expect our main Extrude tool to have problems with... I think that's probably worth another mention to Maxonians ! CBR
  2. Welcome to the Core ! 🙂 Please complete your profile so we know which version of Cinema you are using, and always upload the original .c4d file rather than an FBX. There are certain shapes that Extrude struggles with, and this appears to be one of them. When I did it only the bottom side was wrong, and that was fixable using Flatten command or by zero scaling on Y. However I do note that in your case Cloth SDS, which can also be used to add thickness, does work, which is unusual - normally these things fail in the same way on the same meshes ! So you could also do that and then make it editable to commit the thickness. CBR
  3. Have a read of this, from HelloLuxx's page on the subject... With Redshift, you use the RS Color User Data node. You need to make sure you specify which attribute you are reading... you should use Mograph / Color (RSMGColor). These colour values can then be piped directly into your material channels or for more control wire this through a Ramp node and this works just like the C4D Coloriser Shader. You can define the colour range directly in the Field’s Color Remap Gradient or in the RS Ramp, both options offer different benefits. CBR
  4. Oh no there is - I always forget - we can shift-delete polys to retain points ! CBR
  5. I love your tiny stylized skateboard, but it's killing my OCD that his feet look fractionally too widely spaced to fit on it !! Lols 🙂 Anyway, lovely clean render... CBR
  6. If faces are deleted, any points not shared by remaining polys will go too, and hence point order changes, so I reckon that's still a no... CBR
  7. Yeah you have to charge something for this time - your (presumably) massively expensive electricity is still going on during rendering is it not, and probably moreso cos your GPU is working so hard ?! But perhaps not your full hourly rate.... CBR
  8. Delphis, we do not hide or remove posts when we have found the answer - that's not how forum-ing works - we post the answer so everyone can learn from your success !! if you could explain how you used that mesh deformer to solve this that would be even better ! CBR
  9. What res is your displacement map ? 8k should be enough for this level of detail. And are you using a 32 bit map ? Cos that'll help if you're not. CBR
  10. Lols yes - Mash beat me to it, but indeed you can't change coordinates in CM if those same coordinates are keyframed. I am guessing Autokeying must have been left on at some point if any of these are unintentional ? CBR
  11. Without any of the information we need - Cinema version / file etc we can only speculate, and if I had to guess, as I do, I would guess you might have Axis mode inadvertently left on in the problem scene ? CBR
  12. You could delete half the mesh, and add symmetry, so the current poly selection is transferred to the other side ? CBR
  13. Here's my working scene file.. test-inheritance CBR.c4d CBR
  14. You got inheritance effector on wrong matrix. CBR
  15. Could we see a wireframe, and ideally have the file to play with ? Some of that (the inside) looks like displacement, and some like it might be topology (outside). My first instinct would be try the mesh deformer and to try and work with a low res proxy. Can we find a deformer that will do a cylindrical peel action though ? If not we might need some Pose Morph action as well. CBR
  16. I nearly gave exactly that advice yesterday, but I tried it, and for some reason, with Unused Points unticked It doesn't matter how high you turn the threshold, optimize will not remove or thin out those points, or at least it wouldn't for me ! CBR
  17. Please update your profile so we know which version you are working with. Answers sometimes depend on us knowing that. Let's get our terms right before we start - By 'skin tool' you mean 'Loft'. However the loft generator ONLY accepts splines as inputs so what you are doing in that file is incorrect because your extrusion object is a polygon mesh, not a spline. So first thing is to get the spline that made that star and that text, and use them directly in the Loft. However, big problem: The text is multi segment spline, and the star is not, and that, I am afraid, is going to ruin this plan completely. So, no, this cannot be done, or at least not using that method. CBR
  18. Indeed - most interesting that the export file size is so drastically smaller - wasn't expecting that ! CBR
  19. Aha ! That was what I was doing wrong - I was creating a new pose and dragging the ref object directly into the target field, rather than not adding a new pose and dragging the object directly into the pose list to create one ! Excellent - that's that mystery solved, my own databanks updated, and everything working as it should be... 🙂 MJV's point still stands though - the memory used is about the same ! CBR
  20. Yes I thought that too initially, but I tried it, and even if mixing mode is set to relative, the A icon that appears next to Pose.0 remains, and does not change back to the target that would indicate Relative mode, and indeed deleting the referenced objects from the scene still breaks the morphs for me in the versions I tested in. I am in the process of trying to find out if that should work. In latest S26 when I drag my test target mesh into Pose.0 target I don't get asked any more whether it should be relative or absolute - it chooses Absolute automatically, and that remains regardless of what the mixing setting is doing in the panel, as shown below... CBR
  21. That should be fabulously easy to sort out in UV Edit, but we have to make some allowances for the fact that your image isn't square, which means we have to manually stretch the UVs Cinema auto-generates to fill the square UV canvas, so that ALL the image fits on all the object if you see what I mean. I don't know if you want to fix the mesh to get rid of all the unnecessary triangles, but if you do, you should do so BEFORE you do UV unwrapping. When finished your UV should look like this... 1. Go into UV Edit and select both the object AND its UV tag, then Poly Mode, and Ctrl-A to select all of them. 2. Find the UV Unwrap button in the middle column and press it once, which will give you a narrow strip of polys at a weird angle like so... 3. Go to UV packing, turn off preserve orientation, turn on stretch to fit and hit apply, which should align that strip to the top of the UV canvas and make it (almost) fill it. If it guesses this wrong and the lines are going horizontally across the canvas instead of up and down it like they should be, then you can use the Transform tab / rotation settings in the UV panel to rotate it 90 degrees so it looks like my example above (top) 4. Lastly, apply a material to the object and make sure it is using UV mapping as the mapping type. CBR
  22. Oh that's nice - some AI that doesn't also come with the threat of imminently replacing us 🙂 That's a genuinely really useful way to utilise it and a lot of fun to play with... CBR
  23. I am trying to help with this, but waiting on a few colleagues to confirm or deny some stuff before I say anything definite ! My initial thought is that's a 'no', but I'd hate to definitively say that and then find there was a way I didn't know about. What you should be able to do is use external references so the extra objects in theory don't have to exist in the same file, but I had some issues with my tests of it so hesitant to recommend that either ! CBR
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