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Cinema has loads of default models (see Asset browser), and includes a range of humans for various animation purposes, but expecting to find one of superman is very specific, especially as it is copyrighted work, which would make its provision in the software almost impossible. And of course Cinema does contain ALL the tools you need to make your own superman model, but obviously you need some skill and experience to be able to do this - it is usually several years before people learn everything they need to know to be able to model, texture, UV, light, rig, animate and render a full character !! I think you need to watch a few very beginner tutorials. PSR merely refers to Position, Scale and Rotation, any of which are freely animatable. But there used to be a function called 'Reset PSR' (now called Reset Transform in the Co-ords manager) which did (and still does) do what you describe. CBR
No that is impossible with that sort of model / mesh. You need to find or make a traditional human style model in a T-pose to work with the character Object, like this one for example... Note the topology, which is eminently suitable for deformation, something that is very important to character animation Your mesh doesn't have any of the properties it needs to, so you'll be needing another model if you want to do any actual movement with it. But, as I said above - if you just want to make your existing model fly across the screen (which is about the only animation that model is posed to be able to do), then you can do that with regular PSR animation. CBR
Did you not take in any of the information I gave you in your last post about this, in which I pointed out that the character object could not possibly work with this model ? The Character object is for binding to a true 3D mesh, and you do not have that - you have a flat superman 'logo' which has been extruded from splines. That is not animatable unless (as I also pointed out last time) you only do General PSR transforms relative to the camera, which doesn't involve the character object at all. CBR
If I knew I'd have said so ! 🙂 I might be a veteran Cinema user, but only switched to RS myself quite recently, and have never done any composting in it, so very much the wrong person to try and answer this I'm afraid... CBR
For the last few years Anton Palmqvist has been diligently creating a useful website where CG artists can go to look up the physical properties of most materials we are likely to need. Nice to have an alternative to the rather chaotically laid-out refractiveindex.info. https://physicallybased.info/ Very clear layouts, complex IOR values, typical color and even density values. Also relevant values for lights and cameras, and some useful tools for converting Specular to IoR and sRGB to Linear. CBR
I know what you mean. Although I like the new look and layout it did take about a month before I stopped going to the old places to get tools, and the oft-changing menus still get me sometimes... CBR
If I open your file it comes in with 2 freeze tags, and is broken. If I delete the top freeze tag it works as expected. Have you got the latest version / service pack for R25 ? It sounds like the version you have might be bugged... CBR
The freeze shouldn't be necessary for this unless there is data in the vertex map you want to preserve after fields get involved. That is working for me with both poly and edge selections dragged into the vertex map in S26. Could you upload your scene file ? CBR
I think the trouble we run into here is that the poly object OP is trying to make dynamic is a multi-part mesh, which means that as soon as we apply a cloth tag to it, no matter what the settings, it falls apart and disintegrates in a way that Fritz's cylinder does not. I wonder if we can circumvent that problem using a mesh deformer and a low poly cage object ? CBR
Alas we can't see the whole error message you are getting in that window in your screenshot, and you haven't included the file or the textures in the question so we can't tell you specifically what the issue is ! Generally speaking that window only pops up to tell you about potential errors somewhere in the rendering or material system. We would need to know a lot more about your scene in terms of what type of RS materials you are using, if the paths to bitmaps are correct, and to see the full error messages etc etc before we can reasonably answer... CBR
You can either make the boolean editable (C), and extrude the walls (with caps) to get thickness, or you can try putting the whole boole under a cloth surface and using the thickness setting in that to do it parametrically. Small risk of that going wrong because of the horrible boole, but you might get away with it... CBR
Global vs local axis mode ? But could also be 'Cinema quantum weirdness' for which the only cure is new scene ! CBR
Not a lot to go on there. Maybe Modelling axis mode or position ? CBR
I think if you are using new sim stuff you should be using a Rope Belt to connect that spline to the object, rather than a spring from the old Bullet dynamics... CBR
Your mistake, presumably, is imagining that you can animate a character which is essentially a flat plane, as is the case with your superman. That is completely unsuitable for animating with the character object, or indeed any method that would deform the mesh, which, in its current state is unable to deform at all because it is made of exclusively ngons. Generally speaking, no model produced from splines in extrudes will be suitable for character animation. If you want to animate that flat superman you'll need to do it relative to the camera and with PSR transforms only. CBR
That image does not contain any depth information and the black and white values in it do not correspond to depth, so it can't really be turned into a displacement map without using it merely as a guide to painstakingly create the depth information we are lacking in photoshop or similar. Not certain of course, but it is likely that the linear gradient in the video you mentioned was applied to an actual model in order to get a depth map out to render, which could then be used for displacement. If that is the case it doesn't apply here unless you have a model that contains the depth information lacking from the picture. CBR
Yes, our own polygon pen does a lot of very similar things to quad draw, including reprojection, which is quite nice. HB Modelling Bundle and its retopo setup provides even more functionality than Mayas quad draw, so we are not bereft in that area so much. CBR
Yes, C4D could very much do with an equivalent for that. Although we can get fairly close to @Icecaveman's last example using sculpt stencils / stamps, we are indeed lacking the normals wizardry that allows the plonking of these sort of details into non-sculpt-res geometry. It's very impressive, and clearly does save an incredible amount of time adding these sorts of details to curved surfaces. It's not that often I am jealous of Blender as a C4D guy, but this would be one notable example where I am a bit 🙂 CBR
Yep, amazing what can be done in the 99 hey ? Well done everyone... CBR
I am convinced it relies entirely on z-remesher for the whole workflow to be feasible ! If the loops it places aren't ideal I hope there is scope within the plugin for changing them, presumably achieved via the flow splines functionality in ZRM. For example, in one of Lazaros's more recent tweets we get a brief look at the topo in the head he has just made. As we can see, the loops are 'generally passable', as in 'not awful', but also quite a long way from 'ideal for realistic facial deformation', particularly on the inside of the eyes and around the mouth. I guess if this is addressable within the plugin that would be a bonus, but I suppose there is nothing stopping anyone from remeshing the final output of the plugin again, and adding custom flow splines if needed, so it might not be that much of a downer... CBR
Yeah I think a lot of us weren't expecting to get a new UI when it arrived, but that the majority seem pleased it did, small fixes notwithstanding... I've also kept my custom layout mainly the same since R11, but finally did a brand new custom one for R25. CBR
I also beg to differ. Nobody hates boolean operations more than I do, and I won't argue that they are not the last recourse of the seasoned modeller, but there are definitely situations where only Booles will do, and their use is part of several different fully valid workflows. CBR