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Everything posted by Cerbera

  1. I don't have anything sub-26 installed any more. But here's how it might work in Standard Render... So Standard Material, and nothing other than a layer shader in the colour channel, which is used like Photoshop in terms of blending modes available and for its masking ability, though that works slightly differently to PS. So, orange base color is applied to whole mesh by being at bottom of layer shader. Vertex map sets top half to 100%, and drives the Mask Layer above that. Above that, we have the green color that it masks. Above that another mask layer, this time driven by another vertex map And the colour above that, the blue is masked accordingly over all the lower layers. And so on and so forth... CBR
  2. You can get round this by 'stacking', which is how people have done it for years. So, multiple texture layers and multiple vertex maps (or noises) to mask them, within a single material. You just keep stacking them up - material blend node into material blend node (RS) or using the Layer shader and it's masks / blending modes in PR/ Standard Materials. And where that isn't flexible enough, as mentioned above, the same approach, but with multiple materials and using alpha channel (opacity / RS) to mask those over the top. CBR
  3. Click on the gray text next to the parameters to turn them yellow. Ctrl-click to add multiples. Now, if you hold control whilst adjusting values, they ALL update. CBR
  4. Dead's a bit harsh I'd say. I still check in every day, and not only because I am moderating ! And I note that most questions do get answered in the end by those of us that remain. It's not up to me of course, but yes, I would like to see something change to get more people in here - just not sure what... CBR
  5. Welcome to the Core ! 🙂 Please start by completing your profile so we know which version you are running, and therefore what tools are available to you. Lordy, that's a complex thing to want to visualise - I can see why there aren't many of those ! 🙂 But I bet Cinema can do something. Not my area of expertise at all, but I will enjoy seeing what others suggest - I presume it'll be something to do with Field forces ?! CBR
  6. A particularly clear and interesting, but also perplexing and intriguing exploration of topology and manifold surfaces of various types. We'll be needing a mobius strip and a Klein Flask of course... CBR
  7. Yep, use that lock icon - that's exactly what it is there for ! 🙂 CBR
  8. Need more information. Is the displacement baked in for example ? How many objects are you trying to distribute, what sort of objects are they, and does it matter which way up they point ? CBR
  9. That doesn't just apply to Correction deformer-based selections under nulls - it is the same even if a direct child ! It is a known bug in 2023.1 unfortunately. I think it should be fixed soon. CBR
  10. Thank you for sharing your fix - I hadn't come across this problem before, so good to know. CBR
  11. Cerbera

    Pyro as particles?

    It is based on some kind of particles though, I believe. Just in this incarnation we don't have controls at that level. Wouldn't surprise me if we end up seeing Pyro adapted / expanded into all sorts of weird and wondrous things as time goes on... CBR
  12. No, as far as I recall there isn't an equivalent of cel render that would let you just do the points. But you could clone little low res spheres to every point in your model (Object Mode / vertex distribution), and the hide the base geo from render ? CBR
  13. Have you read the help for this item ? You don't alter the grid directly, rather you insert a number of guides and have the correction calculated for you. CBR
  14. Some generators include separate editor / render settings, but for the ones that don't I have to say most people don't consider it too much hassle to just change the number before they render, which might explain why I don't recall seeing any scripts that would do this ! In a way you could use the Takes system to do this I think, but you'd still have to physically change something every time you wanted to render. CBR
  15. I would try and use forces rather than Xpresso to manage this, especially if the objects going along are simulated softbodys like in the example vid. You can put an attractor force inside the tube for example, and then lead the sim stuff through it by its animation along a path and by animating its strength for example... Likewise, if stuff falling back down is an issue, keyframe gravity to help you throughout the sim. Lastly, we do have a Mix animation command in 2023 which would allow you to keyframe the path of the objects directly up and through the tube, then mix that with any simulated animation you need using that control in simulation attributes. CBR
  16. Do you mean for the cloner ? CBR
  17. I do believe I am ! 🙂 Yeah - wasn't sure if that worked in 2023. CBR
  18. Welcome to the Core 🙂 You will need to say which version of Cinema you have. Pls put this info in your profile so we don't have to ask every time you post ! Difficult to provide a definitive answer on this I would say, because it might take hours and hours of experimentation to find the right tools and methods, and it is unlikely to be produced in the same way as Blender's, but might be possible using other tools native to Cinema. CBR
  19. Natively, the cloner struggles with mixed width stuff because its step value is constant in all the modes. I seem to recall there being a plugin / script that works around this, but my memory fails me and I can't remember what it was called. I bet @bezo remembers ! CBR
  20. You could turn off Banking in the sweep ?! CBR
  21. You'd need to upload your scene file before we even begin to answer that question. Please also complete your profile so we know which version you are working in. CBR
  22. That'll be to do with where the axis is. First select the circle, then hold alt and add your Lathe. That'll make it a parent at the same location, and give you the sphere. But now move the circle spline away from the origin of its parent, and it will become a torus. CBR
  23. You're sort of thinking along the right lines, but implementation could be better. Rather than adding tons of segments to your base cube (you need them on Y to be able to twist), use very minimal segments on X and Z, and an elongated cubic form (one of the directions other than Y), so more rectangular. Then you can use L3 Subdivision Surface to round that out into your final cylindrical form like below... You can see the shape I started from on the right there - note lack of segments on X and Z, which is what allows SDS to round it so nicely. The more rectangular the 'cube' is the more 'cork-screwy' the twisted horn will be. Other than that it's exactly the same deformers as you used, but with 1260 odd degrees of twist. If you want the base properly cylindrical, when you are happy with your deformers you can Current State to Object the low res base mesh, delete the bottom and top polygons, and then add 2 loop cuts into your twisted mesh which will give you enough (8) points to conform to a circle, either with Points to Circle script (if you have HB Modelling bundle or one of the similar free scripts out there) or you can just load an 8 sided n-side spline and manually conform / snap the points to that to achieve a perfect circle. You will still need the SDS to make that so, which is why we CStO the base mesh and not the SDS result. CBR
  24. Lols, I told you that in your last post !! 🙂 CBR
  25. This is an English only forum. Please use Google translate and post your thread in English. Also, you will need to be a lot more specific - what do you think is wrong with it now ?! CBR
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