C4D Tabs is a Cinema 4D plugin to increase your productivity. You will be able to switch between your projects in an easy and fast way (with preview!). It also comes with extra features like save/restore sessions. Customize it as you want and start working faster and smarter.
- Fast Project Switching
- Session Management - Store and Load groups of projects, easily switch between sessions
- Start with last opened projects
- Keyboard shortcuts to switch even quicker between first ten projects
- Customizable UI and workflow (thumbnails, tabs, dropdown, menu or any combination thereof)
More preferences options than you could ever imagine for a project switcher...
Why would one want to buy it, since Maxon added project tabs in Cinema 4D R25?
- Provides similar experience as Cinema 4D R25 for Cinema 4D R17+
- Session Management!
The simple experience of C4D opening where you left, sounds like a minor feature
Believe us, you will get used to it faster than you think - Project thumbnails still provide a different feel
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