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Showing content with the highest reputation since 05/06/2016 in Image Comments
Cerbera: at first I thought I could just sweep a star spline primitive over a helix spline. But that was unconvincing, and did not look like the ice cream photos I was looking at on Google Images. And the Star spline primitive wasn't quite right, either, because its "teeth" weren't acute enough at their tips. My final solution was to create a special star shape in Illustrator... merge it into C4D, then extrude it into a long pipe shape. Then I used a "Twist" deformer to twist the long star/pipe shape along its length. This was key, I observed, because the real-life ice cream swirls get twisted AS they distribute the ice cream into a pile. From there I used the Spline Wrap deformer to bend that twisted pipe into a spiral shape using the Helix as my spline. That basically worked, but was too sharp-edged. So exactly as you observed, I ran it all through the Volume Builder to soften the overall look and let the "ice cream' sort of melt into itself at various junctures. From there I just tried to make my Material include all the little qualities of a semi-frozen milk-based product... lots of SSS, AO used to make tonal variations, and my attempt to make the surface "sparkle" a little bit to represent frozen crystals. There is a frozen yogurt store in my town... and these 8 flavors are the ones they serve. vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, coffee, mango, banana, green apple and unflavored.3 points
@CerberaMy hardware is very low specs and my patience for long renders also low But for this particular render (more than a year old) I think I had set a very blurry reflective floor and background, so no matter the settings there would always be a grain. Somehow the grain for this particular render gives me the impression of a more realistic depiction reminiscent of old photographs and that effect gets more justified with the low lighting giving the center object a more jewel-like character on display which I wasn't intended for but rather intended for an abstract object.2 points
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These are 2 items from the Playstation 2 games Jak & Daxter. Played the games when I was a kid and there still a lot of fans out there. I've made these in Zbrush and printed them, sold them to a bunch of people. Since I don't have any space for my resin printer at the moment I thought I would create a nice scene for them.1 point
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You might want to add that one to your wireframe section of images in the topology album, or whatever it was called. It could be a really good resource for people trying to model a keyboard or something electronic with panels and details, using SDS. That's what piqued my interest in this model in particular (especially to see how you handled the diagonal parts intersecting with the horiz/vert topology).1 point
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