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Showing content with the highest reputation since 03/13/2024 in Posts

  1. Dear members We are happy to announce brand new Youtube channel with focus on C4D node system. In our research we realized that training content for nodes is very sparse and lacking in quality and depth. We already have two lessons available which will be part of ongoing series. Humble request from our side is that, even if you are not into nodes, please subscribe in order that the channel grows which will enable us to monetize it down the road. On longer timeline this can enable us to reduce the subscription period or even remove it alltogether and open up forum for many more artists. https://www.youtube.com/@CORE4D Thank you and enjoy the content! P.S. Any member willing to contribute to the channel is more than welcome - drop us a message : )
    14 points
  2. Dear members In December, we are planning to remove ads permanently. We all know and understand how annoying they are but they helped us run the forums : ) Now we are in position to remove them for registered members and improve browing experience. This is made possible by contribution from a member which wants to remain anonymous and we wanted to say thank you to this person publicly
    10 points
  3. If we added everything from the start you would have to wait months more. We delivered what we think is a great release that is very usable. Additional features will come.
    9 points
  4. I've been wanting to do some 'space' scenes for a while but tools to create star fields, planets, nebulae, etc. either don't exist or (if they do) are commercial plugins. So I decided to write my own. I've got several in the works but the first is now available - a shader for creating background star fields called 'StarScape'. Rather than post multiple sample renders here, you can see a few on my site at https://microbion.co.uk/html/starscape.htm I'm no artist, so I'm certain many people will be able to do a lot better than that ๐Ÿ˜€. It's completely free, has a full manual and is available for C4D 2024 (Windows and macOS) and 2025 (Windows only). I'll upload the 2024 version to the Downloads section here or you can get it from my site at the above link. Steve
    8 points
  5. Hello everyone I am happy to announce that of Decemeber 1.st adsense will be removed. This will make the forum browsing experience become much nicer Thank you!
    6 points
  6. Hello. My first personal anim that I've actually had time to finish. ๐Ÿ™‚ Very short, very simple. Started as a fun particles study. More info under the video on YT or my Behance. ( Behance) All the work done in C4D+RS. Xparticles for the web stuff. Comp in Fusion, edit, grade and sound in DaVinci. Oh and the model of the doors/frame modelled in c4d, textured in Quixel Mixer... That was a first. Good tool but for simple work. Aspect ratio 4:3 to frame it that exact way. Any other ratio just didn't work for me. Also i would have to create a lot more stuff of screen I'll drop few more anims in a while. just need to tidy them up. 'End credits' if you can call it like that was my first ever attempt on more creative title/text creation. Designing that kind of stuff is not my thing. Same goes for sounds fx. But i did enjoy creating both I would love to hear some thoughts about it. I know there isn't much too it but feedback is always useful. Thank for watching. Quick breakdowns: The splitting/ghosting effect was a 'creative' fix for a mismatching renders... It was easier than to rerender. And it adds a bit to the story.
    6 points
  7. The OM is arguably one of Cinema's greatest strengths, and its userbase are rather attached to it, not to mention, used to it, so I think it makes sense to introduce such a powerful new system via an innately familiar interface, and using its workflows and structures. I like having all the particle stuff there in the OM where I can always see it and (mostly) what it is doing without having extra windows floating about. That's not to say I couldn't also see it working in a nodal context, but I have to say I kinda like it where it is... CBR
    6 points
  8. I would like to present you totally new way to create sky lighting mainly for arch-viz exterior usage but it is good for interiors too because it has some specific options. Advanced Sky for Cinema 4D : Cloudy sky simulation with soft transition from clear to cloudy sky included all three PRG, Hosek Wilkie and Preetham models Sun height, Sky rotation with individual HDRI map rotation connected to global Sky horizontal rotation Many options to change color of Sky models and HDRI maps like temperature, tint, saturation, exposure, hue... Individual control for Sun parameters Ground diffusion light which can improve brightness of polygons that are towards ground with included GI ( so it looks real not flat ) Horizon maps with included alpha - they can be scaled, moved with repeating effect Special ground plane for HDRI maps which doesn't have included ground - fully customizable PRG light color compensation to looks the same as Hosek-Wilkie HDRI's mixing - you can mix two HDR maps using different options for them ! Camera Exposure and White Point was additionally added to have better control on scene colors. HDRI reflection only object for creating custom reflections. It can be scaled by different ways and customized with color corrections. Tinting for all HDRI maps is now available. It fully works with other color corrections. D65 color correction as option was added to all HDRI maps. This is workaround for C4D issue while using ACEScg color space - HDRI maps looks wrong by default. Special Horizon reflection only map with cast shadow option. Advanced tabs for controlling Reflection and GI impact. Reset color option for individual Ground and Tint corrections. Extended parameters which works above original 100% to create specific effects like saturation, color corrections. Available : https://archviz4d.gumroad.com/l/pdmwo Self-explanation manual :
    5 points
  9. Merry and peaceful Christmas! ๐Ÿ™‚ C4D+Pyro+XParticle
    5 points
  10. The new update came out a few hours ago ... I was getting anxious about when that would come out as I had unavoidable delays with my next feature suggestions list... It's quite a big update ! Lots of things to explore. I'm still waiting for Rocket Lasso to air something so I can understand what those "user-defined particle properties" are... Full feature list: https://help.maxon.net/c4d/en-us/Default.htm#html/33010.html?TocPath=_____3 Rest of MAXON ONE showcase: Soon a new Ask the Trainer will air. It is titled special so I guess it will be about 2025.1
    5 points
  11. I would like to present advanced Sky-Rig system for Cinema 4D. Octane and Redshift versions. Using this rig you can have possibility to change every parameters of Sky, Horizon and HDRI map as you like with some special features : - Cloudy sky simulation with soft transition from clear to cloudy sky included special Custom model - Two Sky models included - Custom, Hosek & Wilkie - Sun height, Sky rotation with individual HDRI map rotation connected to global Sky horizontal rotation - Many options to change color of Sky models and HDRI maps like temperature, saturation, exposure, gamma - Disconnected Sky power from Sun Power - fell free to change them individually - Individual color controls for Sun and Sky parameters - Support for Horizon Line maps with included alpha - they can be scaled, moved with repeating effect - Virtual ground plane for HDRI maps which doesn't have included ground that works like backlight - fully customizable - Reflection only HDRI and 8-bit spherical map support - Two HDRI maps for fast switching and comparison - Camera white point included - Reset to default buttons Redshift : Available on Gumroad : Octane : https://archviz4d.gumroad.com/l/yqfoj Redshift : https://archviz4d.gumroad.com/l/pdmwo
    5 points
  12. This nice little helper plugin creates brick wall and offer various parameters to control the final look. Single object is created with selections for brick and grout available. Here is a short video of it in action Find the plugin in store: https://www.core4d.com/ipb/store/product/50-brick-wall/ To install simply import it into content browser Requirements: Cinema version 2025+ is required
    5 points
  13. Figured I haven't posted any recent work here for a while so here's a few of my better recent videos. The ones at the top are more fun as we've been given more freedom creatively to do what we think is best rather than taking orders from the suits with excel spreadsheets. All productions are 4-7 days of work. c4d 2024, octane 2023, rendering on 10x geforce 4090 cards. Not much in terms of post work, we tend to get it 95% there in-render, mostly just brightness, contrast and saturation changes. Plus a few lens flares on the top video.
    5 points
  14. Applause from the gallery ๐Ÿ™‚ CBR
    5 points
  15. Another day, another setup inspired by a C4D thread. Here's a basic umbrella rig using KineFX, with a very basic IK chain driving the thing. houdini_qO0fR14w27.mp4 KineFX_Umbrella_Setup.hiplc
    5 points
  16. Here is a free node which interprets particle data. This means you can import particle attributes into Neutron graph by particle group and do what you want with it : ) 228_Neutron_Particle_Import.c4d
    5 points
  17. It is true that you can't drive the creation of particles with map, shader or noise yet. But there are two workarounds. You can either drive a polygon selection with map/shaders/noise and use that to restrict the emission, or you can emit evenly and instantly kill particles based on a map/shader/noise. Here is an example. The shader field drives a vertex color tag which is then used to set the particle colors on emission. Particles are emitted into a first group where there color is checked. If the it is below a certain value the particle is killed right away, if not it is moved to a permanent group where it will happily continue it's particle life. In case you wondering where the animation is coming from, that's set in the Shader Field with the remapping graph to cycle through different grey values of the texture. This is not the most efficient way as the buffers need to be cleaned up more frequently than needed, but you can achieve the intended effect. kill_by_map.c4d
    5 points
  18. Today I was fooling around in the new release and the possibilites are certainly mind-boggling. Here's a particle stream that drives a volume builder which is displaced at rendertime for super-fine detail. Nothing special, but it was super-fun to make... and it plays in the viewport in the 20-30 fps range, which is very fine ๐Ÿ™‚
    5 points
  19. My guesses and expectations for the new particles: Good performance Properly embedded in the new universal simulation system Somewhat basic feature set at launch, but deepened in the next releases Natural behaviour (I hope for good presets/starting points) Easy, intuitive UI As for x-particles - in hindsight, it makes a lot of sense that they broadened their portfolio with Terraform, Taiao, Cycles, Meshtools, etc. Perhaps they knew or anticipated this move by Maxon. Yeah, well, it's quite obvious actually, as particles are so immensely useful. in comparison to my expectations above, i think of x-particles: Performance is mediocre at best, even with the GPU-Nexus-Acceleration It's somewhat isolated in C4D, interactivity is possible, but it often requires jumping through extra hoops It's packed with features, to the point where it's all too much. I kept learning and forgetting stuff at the same pace ๐Ÿ˜•. I guess it will take some years until C4D's new particles fully replace x-particles. But maybe it's a lot faster with a fresh new concept. We'll see soon ๐Ÿ™‚ In my experience, it's a lot of work to make things behave natural. Just some rain with turbulence? It never feels quite right, I feel like I always have to fight that damn thing Watching Bob Walmsley's great tutorials make it look easy, but I keep getting lost in the tabs and sub-tabs of this plugin. It doesn't help that there is no translation for my native language available, which sucks at this price.
    5 points
  20. Paul established a US-based entity for Maxon, to serve North and South America and introduced Cinema 4D to The Americas in 1998, His initiatives included strategic partnerships with industry-leading production studios and design firms, along with orchestrating product bundles with Adobe After Effects and Apple Final Cut Pro. Paul's leadership and strategic planning played a pivotal role in Maxon's unprecedented growth. Today, Cinema 4D stands out as one of the fastest-growing and widely-used 3D products for digital content creation. He takes pride in being part of a team that facilitated the emergence of 3D in the motion graphics industry. In 2016, Paul was honored with the Studio Daily 50 award, recognizing influential creatives and technologists. Known for his creative energy, customer service advocacy, and support for training and education, Paul is often invited to speak at industry events, particularly on the subject of motion graphics. Describe yourself in a single word Enabler (the good kind ๐Ÿ™‚ ) How did you get into C4D/ Maxon and 3D in general? In the early 90โ€™s I got my first job in the 3D industry โ€“ marketing managerfor ElectricImage (a 3D animation product on Mac). This was in the early days of 3D. I was there for a few years (learned a lot about the industry, artists and studios). They were purchased by the company Play (wellknown for the Snappy). Play was formed by former marketing people from Newtek. I was pretty sure my position was redundant, so, I went back into freelance marketing. Maxon started out as one of those freelance jobs. Which area interests you most? Facilitating, inspiring, motivating and helping creatives be successful in achieving their vision. What other apps are you using and what for? I assume this question is more geared towards artists. How about I tell you one of the things I find really interesting out there? I think Rive (https://rive.app/) is an extremely innovative and unique new offering and a significant breakthrough in the creation of real time vector graphics. At its core, Rive is a new graphics format. Rive graphics are not just static; they can be animated, interactive, and functional. The format and its players are open source so designers can create interactive content forproducts, apps, websites, and games - and Rive runs anywhere (web,iOS, Android, Windows, Unreal, Unity, C++, etc.). A huge advantage is how greatly it speeds up workflow by reducing designer-developer handoff. Which learning resources you used and would recommend? This forum of course, Cineversity, of course! School of Motion, Linkedin Learning, and YouTube/Google searches for anything useful. Do you think talent is overrated and can be offset with a lot of hard work? Iโ€™ve always felt there were two types of 3D animators and digital artists ingeneral - those who are naturally artistic and less technical, and those who are more technical with less artistic background. We used to call it right and left brained, (but Iโ€™ve recently read some scientists call that a fallacy). And there are those amazing exceptions โ€“ the people who seem to have both artistic โ€œtalentโ€ and an innate understanding of technology. Talent is an intrinsic skill (as in something that comes natural to you). But it is a skill. So yes, I do think those not born with it can develop artistic sensibility. Your best advice for newcomers, tip or trick to pick up regarding marketing and industry? Create. Even with talent, nothing comes without practice and execution. Create what you love, what inspires you. Be inspired by others. Inspire others. Thoughts on AI? Artists worrying about how AI is going to affect the industry and their careers is completely understandable. But it cannot be ignored. Itโ€™s here and itโ€™s not going away. The best thing to do is figure out how it canultimately serve and empower you. Part of being a creative professional is adapting to what is thrown at you, whether it be a clientโ€™s desires or technology advancements. Top 3 wishes for C4D a. That it will continue to humbly serve the artistic community. b. That it will continue to innovate and impact the industry. c. That it will be remembered as having a positive impact on the industry and secure a place in design history. Message for Core4D Stay positive, stay passionate and keep the community spirit. Tell us something we could not possibly know about you but you find important or funny : ) In my early 20โ€™s I was an actor. I did mostly stage musicals, but I did doone film. I was a pirate in the movie Hook. I was also in the Hook Coke commercial โ€“ like everything else it can still be found on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUIAPbXevaA For fun, I still perform in a band with my buddy and my daughter https://thelaurelcanyonband.com/ Plans after a long journey with Maxon? Clear my head, look out into the horizon of the industry and get a good idea of whatโ€™s happening in the industry and where itโ€™s going. Hopefully, I will find something where I can focus my passion and energy. Yes, I am actually looking for a job (itโ€™s been rumored I am retiring โ€“ no way!! I have too much energy left.) โ€“ hopefully, it will besomewhere in the industry. This industry is my family. Also, some exciting news. This week I've accepted an invitation to be an Advisor for the team at Rive. Itโ€™s not a job. I took an advisory position for a product I think has a tremendous amount of potential in the interactive design industry. I encourage everyone to check it out. Really innovative and fun. If people want to contact you https://www.linkedin.com/in/paulbabb/
    5 points
  21. It really isn't a port of any kind, it is a new development from the ground up and any similarities to TP are simply due to it being a particle system as well.
    5 points
  22. Time to revive this thread, here is a fun one ๐Ÿ™‚ 12_Butterfly.c4d
    4 points
  23. Dear members Adsense is gone now. This should vastly improve browsing experience. Please let us know if you notice some remnants so we can act on it. Big thanks to all subscribers and contributors, this would not be possible without you โค๏ธ
    4 points
  24. Hi, I'm an old core4d user but I've never posted anything before, I'll introduce myself here and apologize for my bad English. My name is Gianluca (Abetred) I am present on other platforms and I consider myself a problem solver and an experimenter in the fields of 4D cinema, xpresso, thinking particles and python. I have an unhealthy passion for particle systems and related systems. I would like to introduce you to some experimental projects that I have been carrying out for some time to force the use of CUDA acceleration to manage intensive computational calculations, usually entrusted to the CPU through third-party libraries. I would like to point out that the tests refer to pure python code and only accelerate the datasets passed to the cuda function, the python code remains single core and unfortunately has its limits. The first project (test) is the 3d flocking of TP interactive entities and the attached video is not the final result (which has much better performance) but an intermediate point. Flocking simulation parameters: Separation: Boids avoid mutual collisions by maintaining a pre-established minimum distance. Alignment: Boids tend to match the speed and direction of their neighbors. Cohesion: Boids cluster toward their group's center of mass. Boundaries: Boids remain within the simulation domain with natural behavior. Speed Limits: Speed is limited within a preset range for realistic movement. Prey: Boids can track moving targets relative to distance. Obstacles: Boids interact with obstacles in a realistic way. All parameters are adjusted by response factors to recreate a smooth reaction. Further implementations are possible, such as the tracking ray of complex obstacles which consists in predicting the most reliable escape route while avoiding collisions, the direction of travel which maintains an axis of rotation in the direction of acceleration and the arc of vision which limits the interactions only with visible boids within a circle section, for greater realism of the simulation. The second test is developed around a surface of points simulating a moving fluid... Some significant data on the scene: - The "liquid surface" is a mesh composed of 40,400 points, without faces or segments. - The spoon interacts with the surface through a selection of about 600 vertices (but there could be arbitrarily many more without excessively burden on performance). - The VertexMap is generated for visual feedback only; the actual calculation is handled internally by the code. The code is executed in real time by a Python Generator and is responsible for managing the interaction between the two objects, calculating the effect of the waves in the fluid, calculating the positioning of the points. This test is also in the full experimental phase. I point out that in the following video the cuda acceleration refers to the first part of the video, the one indicated as "raw simulation" and that already applying the data to the vertexmap slows down performance because it is managed by the CPU. But let's go further... The revolution is evident not only for the simulation in viewport. The real advantage lies in the construction of the cache (I'll give the example with the alembic export or a trivial writing of the dataset in a file), which is also calculated by the GPU resulting in a real time saver. Thanks for your attention, I will try to keep this topic updated...
    4 points
  25. Hi CG-fans! Nice of you to drop by and check out my little corner where I would like to present my handmade texture collections. https://mlon.gumroad.com/ No shameless self-promotion whatsoever here! ๐Ÿ™‚ This started out as a free-time fun project where I made photos of my surroundings and created textures from them that I gave away reaaally long ago on Cg Channel and Lightwave forums. Then I thought of creating a few new packs because I like doing it and see if I can sell them to likeminded people who could use them in their projects. I am mostly focused on archviz and have worked on several tv-series, animations and movies. So, here I am selling you my stuff! ๐Ÿ™‚ Each material has a C4D scene and rendered with Corona. This is my first Gumroad page and am not even sure it works. We'll see if I have set it up properly, haha! Anyway, if you have suggestions, problems or tips then don't hesitate and let me know. Oh and if you buy 2 packs you get the third for free. Just shoot me a mail with the ones you bought and I will send you the third one. Thanks! Cheers, mlon
    4 points
  26. Obviously biased here but C4D is quite a package at the moment ๐Ÿ™‚ Regarding Modo, abandoning such a large code base must have been difficult decision. There must be a lot of tech that will be extracted and placed elsewhere. There is also a remote possibility, pure speculation of course, to create new3D package.
    4 points
  27. Despite the fact about the constant whining on the forums about C4D and that it was considered an amateur tool a decade ago it has now outlived a good number of competitors.
    4 points
  28. Yes indeed, I am also thinking about GeoJSON support and load from OpenStreetMap, but the way the road are designed is different. However, there is a new big update with the support of median stripe (not sure about the translation) : - Median - Better performance - Undo / Redo - New bike texture https://code.vonc.fr/pathphalt You can try this configuration : {"roads":[{"prio":1,"curve":"centripetal","sub":40,"shear":0,"tex":"wear2","texL":"","texR":"","lineOnly":false,"points":[{"id":0,"prio":1,"width":30,"wLine":5,"texL":"","texR":"","pos":{"x":-100,"y":0,"z":0}},{"id":1,"prio":1,"width":30,"wLine":5,"texL":"","texR":"","pos":{"x":0,"y":0,"z":0}},{"id":2,"prio":1,"width":30,"wLine":5,"texL":"","texR":"","pos":{"x":100,"y":0,"z":0}}],"modLignes":[{"id":0,"tex":"empty","width":"3","offset":"0","shear":"0","side":"gauche","color":"#ffffff","pos":{"x":39.396875316,"y":0,"z":-15}},{"id":1,"tex":"empty","width":3,"offset":0,"shear":0,"side":"droite","color":"#ffffff","pos":{"x":38.086987303,"y":0,"z":15}},{"id":2,"tex":"empty","width":"3","offset":"0","shear":"0","side":"gauche","color":"#ffffff","pos":{"x":-62.123474544,"y":0,"z":-15}},{"id":3,"tex":"empty","width":"3","offset":"0","shear":"0","side":"droite","color":"#ffffff","pos":{"x":-67.302948819,"y":0,"z":15}},{"id":4,"tex":"empty","width":"3","offset":"0","shear":"0","side":"droite","color":"#ffffff","pos":{"x":-30.103290328,"y":0,"z":15}},{"id":5,"tex":"stop","width":4,"offset":-9,"shear":0,"side":"droite","color":"#ffffff","pos":{"x":27.00899457,"y":0,"z":15}}]},{"prio":1,"curve":"centripetal","sub":40,"shear":0,"tex":"wear2","texL":"","texR":"","lineOnly":false,"points":[{"id":3,"prio":1,"width":30,"wLine":5,"texL":"","texR":"","pos":{"x":20,"y":0,"z":-100}},{"id":4,"prio":1,"width":30,"wLine":5,"texL":"","texR":"","pos":{"x":20,"y":0,"z":0}},{"id":5,"prio":1,"width":30,"wLine":5,"texL":"","texR":"","pos":{"x":20,"y":0,"z":100}}],"modLignes":[{"id":6,"tex":"empty","width":"3","offset":"0","shear":"0","side":"gauche","color":"#ffffff","pos":{"x":35,"y":0,"z":-17.837263259}},{"id":7,"tex":"empty","width":3,"offset":0,"shear":0,"side":"gauche","color":"#ffffff","pos":{"x":35,"y":0,"z":24.403466582}},{"id":8,"tex":"empty","width":"3","offset":"0","shear":"0","side":"droite","color":"#ffffff","pos":{"x":5,"y":0,"z":-59.900413914}},{"id":9,"tex":"empty","width":"3","offset":"0","shear":"0","side":"droite","color":"#ffffff","pos":{"x":5,"y":0,"z":31.585357038}}]},{"prio":1,"curve":"centripetal","sub":40,"shear":0,"tex":"bike","texL":"","texR":"","lineOnly":false,"points":[{"id":6,"prio":1,"width":10,"wLine":5,"texL":"","texR":"","pos":{"x":-70.627555784,"y":0,"z":51.190721316}},{"id":7,"prio":1,"width":10,"wLine":5,"texL":"","texR":"","pos":{"x":-13.172042513,"y":0,"z":-35.25534822}},{"id":8,"prio":1,"width":10,"wLine":5,"texL":"","texR":"","pos":{"x":84.80652565,"y":0,"z":-76.60485278}}],"modLignes":[{"id":10,"tex":"empty","width":"3","offset":"0","shear":"0","side":"droite","color":"#ffffff","pos":{"x":-4.494001118,"y":0,"z":-35.631325338}},{"id":11,"tex":"empty","width":"3","offset":"0","shear":"0","side":"gauche","color":"#ffffff","pos":{"x":-13.691259738,"y":0,"z":-41.16251629}},{"id":12,"tex":"empty","width":"3","offset":"0","shear":"0","side":"droite","color":"#ffffff","pos":{"x":-52.492035814,"y":0,"z":26.206269416}},{"id":13,"tex":"empty","width":"3","offset":"0","shear":"0","side":"gauche","color":"#ffffff","pos":{"x":-62.304384741,"y":0,"z":23.369488233}},{"id":14,"tex":"yield","width":3,"offset":-2,"shear":-1,"side":"droite","color":"#ffffff","pos":{"x":-33.318294531,"y":0,"z":-5.56126942}},{"id":15,"tex":"empty","width":"3","offset":"0","shear":"0","side":"gauche","color":"#ffffff","pos":{"x":-43.506444211,"y":0,"z":-8.426703539}},{"id":16,"tex":"empty","width":"3","offset":"0","shear":"0","side":"droite","color":"#ffffff","pos":{"x":40.084634038,"y":0,"z":-57.833407636}},{"id":17,"tex":"empty","width":"3","offset":"0","shear":"0","side":"gauche","color":"#ffffff","pos":{"x":39.832640212,"y":0,"z":-68.339736675}},{"id":18,"tex":"yield","width":3,"offset":-2,"shear":1,"side":"droite","color":"#ffffff","pos":{"x":13.538677417,"y":0,"z":-46.528428659}}]}],"modSols":[{"id":19,"tex":"asphalt","color":"#ffffff","rot":"0","fill":"medianBevel","lineTex":"lineUsed","lineCol":"#ffffff","lineW":3,"lineOff":-1,"pos":{"x":60.003474111,"y":-0.1,"z":-33.761216957}},{"id":20,"tex":"asphalt","color":"#ffffff","rot":"0","fill":"medianBorder","lineTex":"lineUsed","lineCol":"#fbe01c","lineW":3,"lineOff":-1,"pos":{"x":60.284636448,"y":-0.1,"z":25.249393975}},{"id":21,"tex":"asphalt","color":"#ffffff","rot":"0","fill":"medianBevel","lineTex":"lineUsed","lineCol":"#ffffff","lineW":3,"lineOff":-1,"pos":{"x":42.885203556,"y":-0.1,"z":-82.208960311}},{"id":22,"tex":"asphalt","color":"#ffffff","rot":"0","fill":"medianBevel2","lineTex":"lineUsed","lineCol":"#ffffff","lineW":3,"lineOff":-1,"pos":{"x":-18.403487882,"y":-0.1,"z":-56.121304811}},{"id":23,"tex":"asphalt","color":"#ffffff","rot":"0","fill":"medianBevel2","lineTex":"lineUsed","lineCol":"#ffffff","lineW":3,"lineOff":-1,"pos":{"x":-0.159001486,"y":-0.1,"z":-24.258869672}},{"id":24,"tex":"asphalt","color":"#ffffff","rot":"0","fill":"medianBevel","lineTex":"lineUsed","lineCol":"#ffffff","lineW":3,"lineOff":-1,"pos":{"x":-77.120233245,"y":-0.1,"z":25.41978791}},{"id":25,"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    4 points
  29. They should make it so even Maxon One subscribers have to pay additional to get them - call it Maxon One Pro Plus Ultimate - so the number of people globally who get to check them out is less than 50.
    4 points
  30. I do wonder how many of these crashes people complain about are just the current realities of gpu based render engines all being less stable than their cpu counterparts due to endlessly changing gpu drivers. How much is c4d itself being unstable vs redshift being the new standard render engine. 99% of my crashes are octane. Even if redshift is a fraction of that, it could still be the main reason,
    4 points
  31. That is not entirely accurate. 3ds max is the worst example you can bring for the 3d app table to discuss, and i know that for a fact, since i used to work with it and my company still uses it to render unfortunatelly. In short, 3ds max is one of the most overpriced apps in the world for studios (big or small) that cannot use indie licenses such as mine. its around 2.5 k almost per year and that is only the software. Then you must start filling it with other plugins to make it usefull, starting with its most popular renderer vray or corona wich is paid separately. Almost no one uses arnold in 3ds max wich is the actuall inbuilt renderer (although its a good one). But it doesnt end here. In studios like mine we also pay for Forest tools (plugin), Tyflow (plugin) and a bunch of other plugins to solve basic stuff like take system and such. In the end the money you spend in 3ds max is a small fortune and c4d is still better for charater animation, motion, and a lot of other stuff. I believe 3ds max is still popular because of its legacy, a large user base and the connection with the arch viz business. But i agree with you when it comes to Maxon policies of making us pay for stuff we dont use. I really dont need nothing else but the c4d app. Heck, i eaven dont need RS altought i like to use it. So the best they can do is to give users the power of choice. In studios like mine c4d is used to as part of a pipeline along with houdini and 3ds max. I dont need an extremely expensive software with things i'll never use. cheers
    4 points
  32. WTF Maxon? This is insane. I don't want redshift, it's such a laggy mess. How do You plan to compete with free software that is now superior in most areas with the price hike like this? C4D is lacking in almost every area, there is not even a built in fast rasterisation renderer, nodes are barely usable and not compatible with most of the software functionality. Dynamics and particles live in a different hardware areas and are virtually not compatible with each other. The core rewrite stuck in a limbo. How do You think this will end for you? The only thing that prevents my studio from migrating to Blender is object manager's simplicity. How do you think this will unfold when Blender fixes it's UX? Half of our 3D stuff is Blender native. None new employees with c4d skills. This ex Adobe guy ruined the future of this software.
    4 points
  33. From an email: Improved Texture Standards Our textures are higher quality than they were 9 years ago, but our format changes have lead to an inconsistent user experience. So to increase consistency, weโ€™re announcing new texture standards: a framework that sets expectations for what youโ€™ll get when you download textures. In a nutshell, here's the main changes: Defined PBR Maps: A predictable set of deliverables: Base Color, Roughness, Normal, Displacement, Ambient Occlusion, Metallic and a new ORM map for realtime. Improved Filenames: All files are named with the new structure of: Poliigon_DescriptiveName_AssetIDNumber_MapName (no more confusing _metalness at the end of every file!) More Resolutions: 8K-1K for large, 8K-.256 for small. Set Physical Sizes: All surfaces are 2.5x2.5m (large surfaces) or 30x30cm (small surfaces) Material X - An interoperable industry compatible .mtlx file that can be natively imported into multiple softwares. From today all new textures will meet these new standards, including the latest batch of 13. Our goal is to remaster the entire texture library to these standards by the end of 2025. In certain circumstances, a texture may be unpublished if the source material is too old, but access for all previous purchasers will remain. https://www.blog.poliigon.com/blog/2024-texture-standards I don't know of any other 3rd party sites actively starting to support Material X, not to mention refreshing their texture libraries from last gen textures. It looks like a first batch of updated materials on their site supports Material X download, for DCCs actively supporting Material X integration.
    4 points
  34. Folks, we have new July release - 2024.5 https://www.maxon.net/en/article/maxon-one-july-release-includes-a-variety-of-beneficial-feature-updates New Features Modeling Split Command defaults to not keeping polygons in the source object Simulation Improvements towards auto generated connectors Translations of parent Connectors are applied in the local space Pin connectors inherit the orientations of the Rigid Body Gathering Connectors in a Null object and moving without affecting relative position Connectors now support Colliders simulation type Connectors support for Spring and Motor Object Spatial sampling location when using MoGraph tags now follow the movement of the connectors The default orientation of Ragdoll changed where the cone points vertically Volume Grid list inside of a volume fieldlayer to choose which grids to sample Particles Cloners and Arrays support Basic Particle Emitters and Forces Collider Modifier has an โ€œiterationโ€ parameter Surface Attractor splits out the strength parameters to Attract Strength and Follow Strength Surface Attractor adds a slider to impact the Object Velocity Strength influence on particles Field Sampling Variance parameter in particle simulation settings Particle Group and External Cache export and import scale support Reproduce Emitter colour options match the options in other Emitters types Math modifier input value field shows Degree units for operations Sin, Cos, Positive Sin, Positive Cos, in Constant source Mode Redshift When Redshift is enabled, Redshift Camera is created when using: Motion Tracking Camera Calibrator Camera Morph Camera Crane Motion Camera Exchange Alembic Points object can be imported as a Particle Group Options added to use custom Alembic export settings for the baking. Scene Nodes Split Node - Based on the Split Command Disconnect Node - Procedural version of the Disconnect command Align Nodes in the Nodes Editor Outline Spline Node - allows artists to procedurally stroke or offset splines Points Modifier - allows artists to use simple node networks to easily make your own modifiers/deformers General Improvements Undo History now accessible within the File Menu For Nodes people or ones that want to try, there is a Points modifier which is really great ๐Ÿ™‚
    4 points
  35. Not to be confused with your regular domesticated animal.
    4 points
  36. Houdini 20.5 will feature a brand new environment for processing and generating textures and compositing them seamlessly with your 3D scene. Internally labeled Project Copernicus, it will be the long-awaited update to the COPs (compositing operators) module. A few highlights: Built with real-time/near real-time performance in mind. It's written entirely in OpenCL so you get 100% GPU acceleration. It also uses Houdini's brand new APEX technology under the hood to provide multithreaded performance enhancements where applicable. Tight integration with Houdini's existing 3D modeling toolset. You can freely import any geometry to use as a texture basis or export texture information to affect your models with. Live updates to the existing lookdev and rendering environment, so you get live render updates as you adjust your textures. OpenFX-compatible, so you can use any 3rd party OpenFX plugins (like BorisFX Sapphire for example). Here is a demo of some truly eye-popping abilities of it (skip to the 7-8 minute mark for the actual demos): Here is another video that shows off even more stuff in Copernicus, from the Houdini 20.5 keynote:
    4 points
  37. Vertex map to define clone density on surface 231_Clone_map_density.c4d
    4 points
  38. Fun little one day project made on my day off yesterday ๐Ÿ˜„ Had to make my Squidward model a friend. make sure to watch in 4K ๐Ÿ˜„
    4 points
  39. This should answer all questions about PlantCatalog.
    4 points
  40. My favorite show reels. So epic. I love how they combine screen capture of the software with the rendered outcome. We don't see things like this in C4D reels any more. Vue 5 Infinite demo.mp4 Couldn't find them on the official YT channel... I had to upload them from my personal collection Vue 6 Show Reel 2007.mp4
    4 points
  41. dear members, forum is upgraded, we will be working on all little issues as we go. You can freely post and enjoy the forums!
    4 points
  42. Btw, if the drone blades are moving all the time, you can perhaps fake it completely and save a ton of rendertime. Render 1 still from top with good motionblur settings, use that image as a texture on a disc and rotate the textured disc slowly. Depending on distance and camera, you can get away with it ๐Ÿ™‚
    4 points
  43. dear members, we now have 7 videos on Youtube channel! Hop over and subscribe even if you are not into nodes, it will help the channel grow which will help us make more quality content, thank you!
    4 points
  44. I only watched Chrisโ€˜ video about particles so far... my first impression is really good! It's elegantly designed: a limited set of building blocks, but with endless possibilities. I love the shared use of forces, fields, vertex maps, it's so powerful and versatile. And I applaud the simple, visual setup in the object manager. Very well done! ๐Ÿ™‚
    4 points
  45. It's a wonderful release, adding a boatload of functionality to simulation and a solid first step to bringing our particles up to date, and fully integrated with other simulation components - as Chris was at pains to point out the possibilities now are mind-boggling ! I think a lot of people will be very happy with this release, except possibly the guys who make X-Particles; it will be interesting to see where they pivot next. Of course all the attention is rightly focused mainly on the particles, but I was pleased that there have been good updates in other areas, a few of my own suggestions have been added to modelling functionality, and RS got a lot of love and improvements, not least being the toon shader stuff. The new Connectors functionality and workflows are so much easier to work with than the old system, so that is very welcome too. So all in all, I am loving this release... CBR
    4 points
  46. https://www.creativebloq.com/news/maxon-updates
    4 points
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