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Showing content with the highest reputation since 05/06/2016 in Status Updates

  1. Not sure what you want to achieve here. But as a first step I'd alway check what's available on turbosquid etc. It's usuallly easier to buy something close and tweak it rather than start from scratch (unless you have larger budget). ie: https://www.turbosquid.com/3d-models/rigged-and-animated-horse-v2-clydesdale-953668
    1 point
  2. Hey Kalugin -- you made this 'select similar geometry' script that had 'replace with render instance' as an option, first off -- I love it, and thank you SO much for creating this! It is really great for consolidating & simplifying scenes converted from other 3D engines, and stock models of rooms and architectural environments. (hundred of identical chairs, tables, lamps etc all scattered across a space) The 'replace with instance' feature seems to no longer work with R20, would you be willing to update it for R20?
    1 point
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