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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/27/2025 in all areas

  1. One thing that irks me with every simulation tech I have used so far: Most of the time I want to emulate the movement of something from the real world, as closely as I can. And most of the time it's endless fiddling with somewhat abstract parameters to achieve the realistic movement I know from the physical object. It really should be the other way around. Let me make my object, define it's size and weight and then let me choose from fine-tuned, well-tested presets. That's water! Or milk. Or sand. And then offer an advanced mode where I can fiddle around with advection and all the stuff 'under the hood'. But really, let me express my artistic vision through my everyday-knowledge of the real world. I don't want to study particle physics for any simple sim I do.
    2 points
  2. @Ignash I see what you are after. Edge to line can't use selections, you need to build your own setup. Here is the setup 254_Edge_To_Spline.c4d A spline is built from active edge selection. Note that the spline is built with separate segments for each two points (simpler) but you can use connect object to have continuity as shown in scene.
    1 point
  3. Dave verbally hinted that fluids were coming a few months ago at one of the trade fests when a Youtube interview asked him what was next for simulations, asking if improved muscles were coming, and Dave said we're a German company, beer is important to us, so think along the lines of beer rather than muscles and that's what sim will be coming next.
    1 point
  4. Maybe you turned it off in the prefs?
    1 point
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