Yes I think that that is why beta guys offer some value to Maxon above most customers in that regard - unlike your report, which was atypically thorough, and any @HappyPolygon makes (which seem to be on a whole new level in terms of detail and frequency), regular customer reports are usually limited to 1-liner 'this doesn't work - sort it out!' kind of thing, which is about 5% as helpful as they need reports to be, and there is a much greater incidence of user error in their findings. This is why I have my doubts about Maxon potentially doing fully public betas, because it is impossible to discipline any large (unpaid) crowd into writing the sort of reports they can usefully act upon, and if you allow reports to flood in from those sorts of numbers there will be a lot of white noise and wasted time in there, from people, who through no fault of their own, and despite their best intentions, won't always know what they are doing, or how to do it well !
It will no doubt be appreciated that you have taken the time to provide the info you did, even though it was in rather aggravating (for you) circumstances.
And although I have absolutely no influence over these things, it would be nice if support were in a position to offer people additional subs time when they are forced into a corner like you have been...