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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/16/2024 in all areas

  1. I'd just get a circle spline or other suitable shape (loads of subdivisions), whazz it in a linear cloner, and then group that with a displacer using animated noise. Wavy clones CBR 01.c4d That sorts the movement out (tweak speed and noise scale / type to taste). But how to get them to fade out as they fall off ? I wonder if Blend mode in the cloner would blend between luminance colours of a material applied to 2 operands within it ? That, or some sort of fog / environment in C4D / RS. Or using depth pass in AE or similar (providing your clones fire off into Z space) ? CBR
    1 point
  2. Here is how to calculate smooth tangents in nodes. Setup is interesting because it shows some previous/next iteration techniques which are widely applicable 🙂 237_Calc_smooth_tangents.c4d
    1 point
  3. @Smolak import c4d def main(): objs = doc.GetActiveObjects(0) for index, obj in enumerate(objs): inst = c4d.BaseObject(c4d.Oinstance) inst.InsertAfter(obj) inst[c4d.INSTANCEOBJECT_LINK] = obj inst.SetName(obj.GetName()+"_inst") orig_pos = c4d.BaseObject.GetAbsPos(obj) orig_rot = c4d.BaseObject.GetAbsRot(obj) orig_scl = c4d.BaseObject.GetAbsScale(obj) print(orig_pos, orig_rot, orig_scl) inst.SetAbsPos(orig_pos) inst.SetAbsRot(orig_rot) inst.SetAbsScale(orig_scl) if index == 0: doc.SetActiveObject(inst, mode=c4d.SELECTION_NEW) else: doc.SetActiveObject(inst, mode=c4d.SELECTION_ADD) c4d.EventAdd() if __name__=='__main__': main()
    1 point
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