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  1. I have to do this a lot as my clients tentbti give me Sketchup to rework amd render. No great magic to it, but here are some tips (perhaps you know these already). I group objects I want together and then hit S while hovering over the object manager to find the new null. Copy and paste will bring this to the top of the stack and then I rename it and hide visibility. I repeat this until I have everything organized. I always do this in a separate file and only once it's all organized do I bring it into my master working file. Hope that helps some.
    2 points
  2. Not really ! The whole OM is rather built around the principle of dragging things about with a mouse, which although in most cases is its best feature is also its biggest curse for these vast unorganised scenes we tend to get. All good tips so far. We should also mention the ability to open more than 1 OM at once so that one can always be scrolled to the top, making dragging things from the other involve less upward scrolling, and also the use of modifier keys when expanding or opening multi-level folders / nulls to speed up readability. My approach to these things is much like EAlexander's above, I try and use rectangle select in the vp to grab groups of things that seem to belong together, Alt-G them, name and hide the group, then rinse and repeat until there is nothing left in the vp. CBR
    1 point
  3. Two things I do to save my sanity 1) Add "fold all" as a button to the UI right next to the object manager. I am forever delving thousands of objects deep into the object list after a while of unfolding stuff it gets longer and longer. Fold all keeps me sane. 2) Lazy nulls. So your issue is that youve selected a bunch of stuff in the scene. Maybe its 500 objects down, maybe its 20 folders deep. Who knows. What I do is I add a null. Name it something unique and easy to spot, "xxx" usually works. Now copy and paste it 10 times. What you can now do is go off and select all the stuff you want to organise, in the object manager or 3d view. Then when you're done and want to drag them all to the top, or into a folder, is click your "fold all" button to clean up the object manager. Now CTRL click one of your XXX nulls so it is selected. What you will find you have is all your selected objects and a nicely positioned XXX null at the top of your list. Just drag the XXX null where you want it and all your selected objects will come along for the ride..
    1 point
  4. What I want to achieve is to speed up and optimize my workflow when working with imported scenes. Very often I receive a scene from the client that is from SketchUp or Revit and objects in the manager look like an endless list of randomly named objects. See attached and multiply it by 100. I need to sort and clear the objects to study and remodel the scene. For example, I group some of them, and the group is made above the grouped objects, but it is nested somewhere in the middle of the list. I need to put this group to the top so to find it easily afterwards. Very often there are other objects to be added to this same group, which involves moving them far up in the hierarchy. I hope this is clear.. Maybe I should work with folders, I don't know...
    1 point
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