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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/05/2024 in all areas

  1. What ??? How ? Our content is only text and images (videos are usually GIFs or external links)... Although I noticed recently that one can upload videos... Have you considered cleaning too old or irrelevant content ? (don't know if that would trim any costs in hosting) I'm no forum expert but I thought any updates involved only the front/backend of the server mostly how things look and how things communicate with the server which I thought would be relatively small like 300MB or something ... Took a look at InvisionCommunity, they don't seem to share what kind of CMS they use like Wordpress or Joomla so I guess they use their own or a weird mix of common ones... Dayum ! and people were complaining about Maxon's prices ...
    1 point
  2. Shees, that was a lot of data to process in upgrade, forum is over 300Gb. we are working on it in background but everyhting should be in order now, including emoticons 🙂 💫
    1 point
  3. dear members, forum is upgraded, we will be working on all little issues as we go. You can freely post and enjoy the forums!
    1 point
  4. 9 downloads

    Here's a C4D-project featuring Redshift's new Volume Displacement-tech. Several Objects and Noises and can be combined in the procedural Volume Builder for the Base Cloud. In the Cloud's shader additional fine detail can be added on top using Redshift's Volume Displacement. Have fun 612397332_ProzeduraleVolume-Builder-WolkemitRS-Volume-Displacement_LY01.mp4
    1 point
  5. It's more than 10 years old, but I still dig the original debut video for Microsoft's Surface. It's so snappy! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nx1VPLu2r3I&pp=ygUgT3JpZ2luYWwgTWljcm9zb2Z0IHN1cmZhY2UgZGVidXQ%3D
    1 point
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