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  1. Actually they meant to add real sculpting features from Mudbox into Maya but the project was too complex with the DAG. there is even old videos floating around about a tech proof of concept. It was never even put in beta before they dropped it.. subsequently dropping Mudbox development too a couple years after that.
    2 points
  2. Not sure what currency that is but we haven't raised prices.
    1 point
  3. That's not the reason Autodesk put the sculpting tools in Maya. It was never meant to compete with Zbrush. They are there for editing Blendshapes for facial animation and Skinning Poses. Don't believe me? Just watch the videos they published when they released those tool. A hint: Both the Shape Editor (for Blendshapes) and the Pose Editor (to fix skinning problems with Pose Space Deformation) are in the Sculpting shelf with all the sculpting tools.
    1 point
  4. Thank you. I stand corrected. I had no idea D5render was available for C4D. I'll check it out when I have the time. My point was that it's weird that Maxon and Autodesk let Unreal take the lead on this, not that they can take it's place. Anyway, let's agree to disagree here.
    1 point
  5. Actually there is and I've tested it but I haven't used for a long time because I was too distracted with some other technical stuff and didn't care for renders. https://www.d5render.com/?_sasdk=dMThlZDY1MDAzOTMxM2I5LTAwMGNlYzQzYjQ2ZGQ4M2Y4LTI2MDAxYTUxLTIwNzM2MDAtMThlZDY1MDAzOTRhNTA I like it. But i'd prefer it being more integrated in C4D rather live-linked to D5. Usage of CPU and RAM skyrockets easy dealing with both apps open.
    1 point
  6. Is Maya doing motion graphics now? And all this is to do what? Make motion graphics, or something else? If you're teaching those students of yours how to make animated shorts and stuff that would appeal to job openings where they're trying to do Dreamworks / Pixar / animated character stuff, Maya might be the best choice there. You could skip all the reasons you listed and just add another. Most other animation students in the state or country are probably also using it and students diving in will find things 1000% easier if they do what everyone else is doing. If the students are trying to learn motion graphics, the above list of negatives just comes across as whining. They can either get over it and learn the software and become competitive, or do something else. You've probably specified in earlier threads exactly what you're teaching these students so I apologise if I don't have immediate recall of it. But if it's a generalist course there's likely no burning need to use C4D. I still think as an intro to CG that C4D provides one of the easiest ways in though, as it's easy enough to get started and begin making things with. I haven't followed the UI of every other 3D app out there, but I would not say C4D has a bad UI, which is really the main point. It has a nice cleanly laid out UI and it's easy to grasp and use. This is unless you prefer the old pre-R25 look, which I can't fathom at all but a few people here and there apparently do. If they buy the software post-graduation they won't have to worry about how students get treated at all. They can just do what everyone else does, subscribe, use it, maybe make money from it, or don't. The $100 for Maxon One for a student is dirt cheap because of the opportunity it gives them - try out Maxon One for a year (or two or three) to see if you can get proficient at everything it does, and whether it points toward an enjoyable and practical career path for you. Folks who try it and find themselves nodding and seeing it as the way forward will find the $100 well spent as it's given them that info they couldn't have received otherwise. Meanwhile, folks who spend the $100, don't really click with it, and decide that a different app or even a different area of CG is preferable, now again have some really useful info they can run with and use. They didn't click with C4D so probably motion graphics isn't for them, so they should probably jump on the Maya train or (if you prefer) Blender. I think a lot of folks use C4D for a reason, and there are also a lot of people out there who don't use C4D for a reason. Both reasons are legitimate, but I just question how many people in either camp are there simply because they couldn't afford $100. You might feel the number is really high, but everything I've seen suggests to me that other considerations are likely taking precedent.
    1 point
  7. Teacher goes up to a bunch of students, beginning of the school year for a two or three year course. The class looks at him. "Hey kids, this year we're going to learn Cinema 4D! It's really easy and intuitive and does a lot of cool stuff. it's my personal favourite." The students all look at him. "One thing though, over the life of this two/three year course, the software does have a fee. It's hugely cheaper than buying it and you can use it as much as you want, plus you get lots of other cool software like Zbrush bundled with it. But it's a $100 a year. You pay the $100 and you can chuck all this software on your laptop, it'll be easy and fun to learn, and you should be able to make some amazing stuff." The students all look around at each other. No one says anything. The silence feels like it might go on forever. "Or.." says the teacher "..as an alternative, we can all learn some software that isn't quite suited for career work, and it's a bit less intuitive, and it's not my absolute favourite, but it's free. That one's called Blender." The class as one breaks into an enormous YAYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!! People jump up and cheer, papers fly around the room, the kids are dancing arm in and everyone is cheering with joy. Everyone breathes a sigh of relief and sits down to learn Blender. This will be amazing and a happy ending for no doubt everyone but I do kind of wonder how all those kids are going to fare when they're out looking for a job and they tell the recruiters about all the free software they used rather than the paid ones like Photoshop.
    1 point
  8. Maybe some students are okay to pay $100 for a year of Maxon One? I get that every student claims poverty but they'll also probably be spending five times that on their new iPhone. So this won't change anything then. I agree with you here for sure. It was a long WTF? moment and an apology from top brass didn't really change much. Maybe they could have waited till the semester break? If they're learning animation to go work at Pixar or something, do they need to learn C4D? Maya would be the better bet there. Equally, if they're one of the various students who really wants to learn C4D and AE so they can do cool Mograph all day, is the $100 for Maxon One for a year really going to put them off? It's a once a year thing, so maybe they could ask their parents to help with that one? Fair point. ZBrush looks like a useful purchase for Maxon, so it seems even smarter here to just push everyone towards Maxon One. The ZBrush nerds get C4D with it, the scattered C4D folk here and there get ZBrush on their available apps. That would probably be more enticing than all the Adobe apps I get but never touch because I'm subbing to the Adobe Suite. It's now getting bundled with an app you just described as a 3D cash cow, and you think this means it'll be going the way of Lightwave 3D? Not sure if I see the logic. You make an excellent argument in many respects but realistically anyone who will dump their choice of app over a $100 annual Maxon One sub was probably always destined to go to Blender anyway. Anyone who is already keenly using C4D on a student level and wants, uses or needs the Maxon One stuff, isn't going to be put out by a $100 fee annually to get it. I'd love to pay $100 annually for Maxon One. I'm about to go to the grocery shop shortly, to buy some more groceries, and if I add up the costs of the groceries I also bought yesterday, I'm pretty sure it's over $100. This time next week I won't have much to show for those grocery purchases, and I'll still be without Maxon One. Ultimately, like many other things Maxon does, the biggest visible impact will be on some message board threads where people rant for a bit, otherwise folks on both the "I like this!" and "I hate this!' sides of the fence will all shrug and probably just get on with their lives over the next week or so. If C4D is not an option to teach compared to the wonderful alternatives of Maya and Blender, you probably shouldn't be teaching the students C4D. Alternatively, set up some classes where if folks are really into doing high end FX with nodes, they can use Houdini Apprentice, and if they really want to be a Pixar animation rigger, they can try out Maya, and if they really want to spend all day posting colourful abstract GIF's of swirling circles on Instagram, they can shell out the $100 and sign up for Maxon One. I'm not sure why any of these options need to be accompanied with much angst.
    1 point
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