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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/05/2024 in all areas

  1. My guesses and expectations for the new particles: Good performance Properly embedded in the new universal simulation system Somewhat basic feature set at launch, but deepened in the next releases Natural behaviour (I hope for good presets/starting points) Easy, intuitive UI As for x-particles - in hindsight, it makes a lot of sense that they broadened their portfolio with Terraform, Taiao, Cycles, Meshtools, etc. Perhaps they knew or anticipated this move by Maxon. Yeah, well, it's quite obvious actually, as particles are so immensely useful. in comparison to my expectations above, i think of x-particles: Performance is mediocre at best, even with the GPU-Nexus-Acceleration It's somewhat isolated in C4D, interactivity is possible, but it often requires jumping through extra hoops It's packed with features, to the point where it's all too much. I kept learning and forgetting stuff at the same pace 😕. I guess it will take some years until C4D's new particles fully replace x-particles. But maybe it's a lot faster with a fresh new concept. We'll see soon 🙂 In my experience, it's a lot of work to make things behave natural. Just some rain with turbulence? It never feels quite right, I feel like I always have to fight that damn thing Watching Bob Walmsley's great tutorials make it look easy, but I keep getting lost in the tabs and sub-tabs of this plugin. It doesn't help that there is no translation for my native language available, which sucks at this price.
    3 points
  2. Aturtur's Cinema 4D Scripts https://github.com/aturtur/cinema4d-scripts Kaktak https://kaktak.gumroad.com/ Rocket Lasso https://rocketlasso.gumroad.com/ Kengo Ito https://kengoito1110.gumroad.com/ Plugins 4D https://plugins4d.gumroad.com/ Maxsim Bitiukov https://mbitiukov.gumroad.com/ Matthaus Niedoba https://matniedoba.gumroad.com/ Ihor Dmytrenko https://ihordmytrenko.gumroad.com/
    2 points
  3. This post is a list to contain all plugins I've encountered across the web. I will be updating this post regularly so keep visiting it every month or so... I will only provide links to the plugins/scripts, not the plugins/scripts themselves unless the author gives permission. You can p.m. me to add things to make the list grow faster. Scripts : Gabriel Smetzer Callout Rig Bounding Box Vidar Nelson Fake Diffusion Limited Aggregation Effector (R16-R19, Read comment for R20-2023) Lightning Generator (R19-2023) Frank Willeke/fwilleke80/C4D-Jack Oscillator FlockModifier TrainDriver 1.2.1 (R20 - R23) PointProjector 1.4.4 (R20-R23) SplineDataVisualizer (R20) GearBuilder (R16,R18) SceneDocumentor (R16) CanStack (R18) RotaryKnob CustomGUI (R18) SwitchObject (R18) Sidewalk (R18) Maksim Bitiukov Ihor Dmytrenko Quick Copy Paste (R24-Present) iDTools (R22-Present) Free Plugins : fwilleke80 PointProjector(R20) SwitchObject (R18) RotaryKnob 0.4 (R18) SplineDataVisualizer (R18) Oscillator (R23, S24) SceneDocumentor(18) GearBuilder (R16) TrainDriver(R20 - R23) FlockModifier(R23,S24) Valkaari Py-Timer (R12-R13) Easy Light (R13-R16) hot4D (R14-R21) Spider Web (R15-R18) Uniform Resizer (R16-R21) Safina NES EMULATION Torus Knot (R20-2024) L - OBJECT (R20-2024) SELECTIONS TO OBJECTS (R20) OBJECT SWITCHER (R21-2023) RANDOM COLOR (R20-R23) ZARABIC (R14-R23) FLAPPYBIRD (R19-R21) SNAKE (R19-R21) SPACE SHOOTER (R19-R21) TETRIS (R19-R21) Lasse Clausen Import Adobe Color CC Swatches (R18) PickFocusDistance (R18) Toggle Deformer, Effectors & Forces (R18) Instance Renamer (R18) C4D_Renamer-Pack (R18) Add Null to Selection (R18) Group Objects / PSR-Zero (R18) Transfer all Objects to last selected (R18) A_Simple-Spline (R18) Delete All Tracks (R18) Toggle Visibility of selected Objects (R18) Welters Site All are compatible up to R25 with Insidiums' Bridge UVtoObject CopyPastePolys Smooth Point Collapse Tool Transform Duplicate Object Noise Deformer SplineConnector SplineNoiseDeformer UV Deformer Atmosphere Shader Cellular Shader Extended Starfield ThingsOnSurface Shader Time Shift Simple Colormap Vidar Nelson Color4D (R15) Softbox shader (R14) Ola Sikström Ocean Wave Effector (R13) Microbion About Object (R19 - R2023, S22 not compatible) ArrowMaker (R19 - R2023, S22 not compatible) ChemLoader (R26, 2023) LightShade (R23 - R2023, S22 not compatible) Mirror, Mirror (R14-2023, S22 not compatible) Nudge-It (R19 - R2023, S22 not compatible) Plotter3D (R23-2023) Quick Render (R16-2023, S22 not compatible) sIBL Loader (R26, 2023) AutoRename (R14-R19) DarkTree simbiont (R14-R21) Insydium INSYDIUM Bridge (R20-S26) Cactus Dan's CD Tools (R14-S24) Curious Animal Cluster Effector (R15-R21) Difference Map (R15-R21) Super Source Falloff (R15-R19) Boole Falloff (R15-R19) Noise Falloff (R15-R19) Grid (R14-R19) Membrane Deformer (R15-R21) Rebend (R15-R21) Motion Stretch (R15-R21) Seam (R15-R21) Expand (R15-R21) Poly Edge Spline (R15-R21) Populate (R15-R21) Shadow Falloff (R15-R19) Spline Faoff (R15-R19) Snap Deformer (R15-R21) Impact (R15-R19) Sphere Wrap (R15-R19) Scroll Roll (R15-R19) Twirl deformer (R15-R19) Velocity Effector (R15-R21) Robert Hitzer InstanceMan (R18-2023) Eggtion egg object . 2.1(R20-Present) AL'EM . py 1.2 (R20-Present) roll it (R20-Present) Code Vonc Selections (R22-R23) Utils Deform (R22-R23) Tools (R22-R23) SVG Import (R22-S24) Proc3Durale (R18-R25) Point deformer (R20-Present) Gélatine (S22-R25) Spline Guide (S22-R25) Subdivision inverse (S22-R25) Aturtur CAMERA FRUSTUM OBJECT (R21-2023) SHOW INDICES GENERATOR (R21-2023) MIRROR GENERATOR (R21-2023) WIRES GENERATOR (R21-2023) RANDOM INDEX EFFECTOR (R21-2023) TEXT ANIMATOR (R21-2023) NODE TOOLS (R21-2023) COLOR DELAY EFFECTOR (R21-2023) SEPARATOR NULL (R21-2023) SELECTOR FIELD (R21, 2023) ALIGN OBJECT TO PLA POLYGON (R21-2023) AUTO ADD EFFECTORS TO GENERATOR (R21-2023) CINEMA 4D LOG VIEWER (BETA) MOGRAPH TO SPLINE DATA (2023) FIXED RANDOM PSR EFFECTOR (2023) QUANTIZE PSR EFFECTOR (2023) Master Slider 2 (2023) CUSTOM COLOR EFFECTOR (2023) FADE CLONES EFFECTOR (2023) INHERITANCE PYTHON TAG (2023) ZERO SCALE FIX EFFECTOR (2023) MIX GRADIENTS (2023) CINEMA 4D SPLINES TO AFTER EFFECTS MASKS (R19-R20) CONNECT X-PARTICLES EMITTERS (2023) TURBULENCE FD DIRECTION TOOL (2023) DELETE EFFECTOR (2023) COLORISE PLUG-IN (R20-2023) PILE UP EFFECTOR (2023) TAKE CONTROL EFFECTOR (2023) IMPORT AND PLAY OBJ SEQUENCES (2023) FOLDERLINK (2023) DISTRIBUTED SLICES WITH VORONOI FRACTURE (R23) DATA FROM PROCESSING TO CINEMA 4D (R21) BPM IN XPRESSO (R19) VERTEX MAPS AND PYTHON TAG (R19) DATA FROM MOGRAPH TO X-PARTICLES (2023) CONNECT SPHERES (2023) SOUNDFLOP – A MISSING PIECE OF THE SOUND EFFECTOR (2023) CLONE OFFSET WITH A PYTHON EFFECTOR (2023) X-PARTICLES COLORS TO OCTANE RENDER (2023) TURBULENCEFD (2023) Aturtur's Cinema 4D Scripts (R25-Present) kaktak Drop To Floor (R25-Present) Chain Effector (R25-Present) Organic Effector (R25-Present) MoTracer (R20-Present) Kengo Ito Motion Manager for Cinema 4D (S24-Present) mikeudin Advanced Instance (R12-R25) Duplicate with Materials (R12-2023) FastPinNulls (R16-R23) Images To Planes Importer (R16-R23) Import Colors Script (R20-R24) Merge Objects Script (R12-R21) Multi Spline Mask (R14-R21) Open Folder (R12-R23) Sequence tracks (R12-R20) Shuffler (R12-R23) Spline Flow (R12-R25) Step Offset (R12-R23) Commercial Plugins : Insydium X-Particles (R19-Present) NeXus (R19-Present) Taiao (R19-Present) TerraformFX (R19-Present) MeshTools (R19-Present) Cycles 4D (R19-Present) Code Vonc UV Projector (S22-R25) Unfolder (S22-R25) Alvéole (S22-R25) Influence Point (S22-R25) TexTerrain (S22-R25) kaktak CopyPoints (R25-Present) Legacy Bundle (R21-2023) MoConnections (R20-R26) Kengo Ito Gemgen (R23-2023) Matthäus Niedoba Spline from Edge (R19-Present) Spline Outline (R19-Present) Spline Chamfer (R19-Present) Selection to Object (R19-Present) Aturtur HAWKEYE (R25-2023) Redshift Proxy Exporter (R21-2023.2) VARIABLE TOKENS (R21-2023) florenoir Building Generator (R24-2023) CityBuilder Pro (R21) CameraRIG (R21-2023) RetroRIG 1.0 (R21-2023) CITY RIG 1.9 (2023) MANTIS (R20) mikeudin File Sequence Exporter (R17-2023) Batch Processor (R18-2023) Custom Buttons (R17-2023) PolyDivider (R20-R25) Target 4D (R17-2023) UV Colorizer (R14-S26) Terrain Builder (R17-S26) Fast Spline Connector (R17-2023) Flash Buffer (R17-S26) TakeMatPass (R17-2023) Valkaari Delta Mush (R20-R21) Prizrak_KD Terrain Builder Cinema 3 (R23-2023) 3dtools / Merk Plugins TILE-PRO GEO|Projector Spline|UV Mapper Rhino.IO Tile3d Soft|Patch v2.0 C4D Material Filter SnapShot INTERIOR|Mapper Topoformer 2.0 TopoFormer 1.1 (R15-R22) Trypogen 2.0 (R23-2023) Respline 1.3 (R23-2023) Poly Greeble 1.3 (R15-2023) Topowire 1.3 Toporizer 1.4 (R19-2023) Symex 1.3 (R15-2023) Snap To Floor 1.5 (R15-2023) Line Object 1.5 (R15-2023) Snowgen 1.0 (R20-2023) Trypo Lite Paracloth Cosmegen Differential Growth Fractal Polypedia RedShift OSL: RedshiftOSLShaders
    1 point
  4. @Johnny Maunason For this particular use case the Fracture object isn't the right solution. Just group your objects along with the effector (with deformation set to object) under a null and it should scale relative to the individual axes.
    1 point
  5. How about animating a delay effector into the scene with a high setting to stop everything, then jitter the animation in the timeline. Or maybe animate the speed of your noise shaders to zero. Not sure if you can do anything with the mograph cache ? Bit beyond my area of expertise to be honest. Deck
    1 point
  6. This whole thread is very entertaining!!!!!
    1 point
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