Felt better and made it from scratch Wall.c4d
Truth is it cannot be done with vanilla C4D tools. I don't remember where I got the PileUp Effector.
I made an Xpresso tag for easier parameter access.
I think I overdid it a bit...
As a bonus you can switch the Source type of the Voronois to turn it to a stone wall. I couldn't implement that in to Xpresso, I documented it as a suggestion for the next release.
4 layers of bricks to customize might be a stretch... Sometimes by changing the Height of the layers it may brake their contact points (something to do with the Effector refreshing) just disable and re-enable the Cloner...
To make it look more interactive like Blender just replace the Bend Deformer with a Spline Wrap. After the deformation just increase the bricks of the rows from the Xpresso tag as the wall might look overstretched if the spline is long. This way you can make the wall follow hills.
The wall is made to be a rectangle so the bricks won't "zip" if you make a closed loop. Haven't actually tried it but I don't see why it souldn't work, just change the Cloner's distribution to Honeycomb and change Count Width to 2 and Count Height whatever. It's better to disable all Effectors and Generators before doing that.