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  1. Stefano Strika

    Stefano Strika

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/25/2023 in all areas

  1. By the way, Octane render has a special shader Clipping Material, maybe this will work for you.
    2 points
  2. Because character definition and solver transferring everything under it, your hierarchy of retargeted skeleton starts under the root, it is good to have the root bone, which serves to position the character in the scene independent of the animation. If you don't want the joint as root or as part of your skeleton, place it under the null. For example in game engines you controlling movement of character by this root bone and animation runs below it. look to project. happy to help 🙂 MIXAMOvsMOCAP03.c4d
    1 point
  3. Hi, i think that you need the stable root bone of character on the ground and character definition and solver on it. Look on the project. MIXAMOvsMOCAP02.c4d
    1 point
  4. Check 6) Tension Tag and 3) Smoothing Deformer from this post https://www.core4d.com/ipb/forums/topic/118226-10-most-overlookedunappreciated-features-in-c4d/?do=getNewComment
    1 point
  5. Already have that plugin, is decent for distant views but not good enough for closeup since the leaves orientation is a bit messy. I've use it here, as said at this distance it works fine:
    1 point
  6. Thanks to all for your solutions, I try a few of them but none was optimal/fast so I ended up arranging premade assets to my geometry. I'm satisfy with the results but I would still like to grow the plants over my structure procedurally, so if you still have some ideas let me know. Maybe I need to look at other simulation plugins or external software like Houdini..
    1 point
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