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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/06/2023 in all areas

  1. 1. Use spline distributions for resampling, simple scene attached resample.c4d 2. This can be done with bounding box and some remapping, Scene attached 198_Match_Size.c4d 3. That is recursion. Here is a simple example. Elaborate setups need time and are not that trivial, hope this helps you move forward 40_Recursion.c4d
    2 points
  2. Sorry for answeringen such a old thread. But this was the thread that made me aware of Harvester as an plugin. Use the contact form at their page http://www.totalemersionstudios.com/ Nate will then get you up and running with the latest version. I am currently working with C4D 2023.2.0 using Maxon ONE subscription. Nate's latest version of Harvester works as expected. And harvester feels so much cleaner then motion clips, since you can store the animation and retain the actual keys. no need to bake on every frame.
    1 point
  3. Create objects/scenes Edit objects, colors, and props Physics and randomness Animations and events Style alternatives Collaborate in real-time https://spline.design/ai
    1 point
  4. It'll be nice if they can keep it chugging along.
    1 point
  5. I used LW for years before switching to Maya 1.0. LW was mismanaged for years, just like XSI was. It's no wonder both were eventually sold cheaply.
    1 point
  6. He can't, he stated :
    1 point
  7. yes, this are very good news. I like LightWave a lot and I still use it for Projects. Even the last Version LW 2020.3 works great and the functions and output can still hold up with other DCC. I think LightWave is in good hands now and I'm looking forward to the future of the new Lightwave Digital.
    1 point
  8. Lightwave was one of the very first 3D applications I had when I was working on the Mac - way back... in the days when you could barely render a chrome sphere on a checker floor : ) Mid 90's I think...
    1 point
  9. ...and another job bites the dust : ) https://podcast.adobe.com/enhance
    1 point
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