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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/07/2023 in all areas

  1. Let's start with some MoGraph. Simple airplane route prototype with movable start and end location. Intermediate point is adjustable too. 01_Airplane_route(MG+constrains).c4d
    3 points
  2. Hi folks Here I will post general CINEMA 4D scene files, mostly setups depicting certain functionality or solving particular problem. This will be completely random but in regular intervals. Hopefully they can help : )
    1 point
  3. It is. The point I was making is that it's available in Houdini now - along with lots of similar 'high level' nodes. As 'Happy Polygon' says: C4D just needs more nodes - lots more, High level nodes. No artist is going to build an 'intersection node' from low level components like that. I'd really love to know what's going on with C4D / Maxon and Scene Nodes. They were the next big thing - now they seem to be 'the child no one at Maxon dare speak of'. Seen any Maxon training / promo stuff relating to Scene Nodes recently? Me neither. You seem to be the only Scene Node evangelist. Will there be a revival?
    1 point
  4. I think its tricky if you want to have the same set of colours in each box, if you want to randomise the 9 colours across all boxes then you could approach it with a slightly different set up, I dont have redshift and only R18 so there may be a node solution out there but in mograph I would do it like this, first separate the box out into its own duplicate cloner. Then instead of cloning the spheres into a box clone an object, I like to use a single poly plane. so instead of 81 spheres you have 81 polys created in the two cloners, now drop that cloner of planes into a connect object to make it one piece as far as mograph is concerned. Now you can clone your spheres onto the connect object and also effect all of them with a single random effector, Im using multi shader here to get the same 9 colors. Deck random col test.c4d
    1 point
  5. The amount of complexity for such basic (useful) geometric computation amazes me (dissapoints). I have made several suggestions to MAXON about similar nodes. I think the number of geometry problem solving nodes has to increase dramatically to make scene nodes a breeze to work for artistic purposes.
    1 point
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