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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/17/2023 in all areas

  1. Here is a fun one, line to line intersection 🙂 It works only with straight lines and 2 lines for now. Quite a bit of work but shows what can be done! Intersection is depicted with a sphere Viewport OM Graph has few subgraphs 174_Line2Line_interesection.c4d
    1 point
  2. I really like this post but it's not a python related question/issue and i'm afraid we are going to loose it a week after you finalize it as it will be buried under new posts. Is there a "personal blog" type of thing where you can put this ?
    1 point
  3. Hi, I am not sure if I understand it right, but they are the cogwheel. Hope that helps
    1 point
  4. EDIT: Correction. Here I did it with a Force field Force and a box Field
    1 point
  5. Change the Random Mode to Noise and set a big value to Scale and/or a small value to Animation Speed.
    1 point
  6. Hi, maybe you can try it with XPresso to drive the speed of the effectors color change. I will have a look on your file later today and try to find a help solution.
    1 point
  7. Hi, during my first learning time with Houdini I created this short open ocean clip. I also written down some steps how I did it. 2022_Houdini open Ocean – CDA3DLive Visualizations & 3D Art
    1 point
  8. I can not share the whole idea. "HOW TO RUN WITH PYTHON "SELECTING MODE" OF USERDATA`S - LINK?" "Can somebody help me with activating this button with script? " I think this sentences can understand anyone. You just don`t know an answer. - What are you trying to achieve? - List of data from picked objects successively . successively - immediately one after another So once you made a click on exact Link button, python run a loop, so there would be no need in clicking on Link button each time to select next object. Esc to stop the loop. It works with deleting link, after data took from linked object. Clicking every time on link button to select next object is not very handy. I have described issue, would be grateful for any keyword, how that button named in API.
    0 points
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