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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/27/2022 in all areas

  1. So it's been a week since I saw one of those 2-minute papers video ... and he's been asking the new ChatGTP all kind of weird stuff to test it's capabilities in math. I didn't really pay much attention. Until a few minutes ago when I stumbled across this video where this guy is asking it to script things in Blender... And I'm like "Let's see how biased this little AI is. I bet it doesn't even know what "C4D" means".... Ooohh boy ! This thing does know how to script ! I don't know shit about C4D python calls but I know there is no intersection checking mechanism when I don't see one. So I asked it for one... Anyway ... I did check the first algorithm in C4D using the Python Generator but nothing came out. The compiler found no syntax errors so I don't know what it did wrong since the only Python I've written in C4D in in the XPresso and only to evaluate simple numerical functions... Maybe it's been trained for older or newer versions of what I used (R20). Here's the script for anyone wanting to test it or correct it: I didn't want to end my game so quick, so I asked it something else... Still nothing in the viewport... OK one last time Well the script doesn't work but I'm impressed that it knew how to make the most common projection of a hypercube on the 3D plane... EDIT: I noticed that the spoiler boxes did not hold the code I put yesterday so I asked again the same questions. The first two answers were almost identical (the first one actually now has an intersection check) but on the third one this time it didn't extrude the cube but used a 4D vector to scale it along the 4th dimension... I'm not sure if this is a valid action to do in C4D... Even if it is, it called for a regular 3D cube, scaling it to the 4th dimension doesn't make it a hypercube. Have fun ! https://chat.openai.com/chat
    3 points
  2. Merry Christmas everyone! Wishing all the best for 2023! I guess this render is like a yearly exercise for me now
    1 point
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