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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/14/2022 in all areas

  1. I'm a member of the forum from the "3dKiwi" era. After the switch of captains there was as bit of upgrading the forum (which took a bit to be honest). I have nothing against paying for the membership, but ARE YOU SERIOUS guys? People are searching for a solution to a problem -> they find a link in google -> you have to pay to find out if this will solve your problem. NOPE. I would never do that. I'm paying my sub just because this was and still is the best C4D forum and I like helping other guys when I can. READING THE ANSWERS SHOULD BE FREE!.
    2 points
  2. @FritzUnderstandable! Thank you for pointing out the downside. But shouldn't that also be a problem with Redshift on a dedicated GPU? RS really profits a lot from a dedcated GPU and the data transfer seems unproblematic? I'm no dev though, so I'll just take your word 🙂 @Mike AActually, having the 4090 dedicated for Redshift solved multiple problems for me: There's a nvidia Driver bug going on for a year, that doesn't free VRAM properly of the display card. Having a GPU dedicated to Redshift circumvents the problem altogether The 4090 gives me a _crazy_ fast IPR, almost realtime in most scenes ... and the viewport stays super responsive, because it's handled by the 2080. I can do full renders in the background and still work on lighter stuff in the foreground (Premiere, Photoshop, etc.) The effect of additional overall responsiveness of the system was totally suprising for me. So I'd like to keep the 4090 as the 'monster in the barn', but I hoped I could feed it Pyro as well 😄
    1 point
  3. That's a bit harsh dude. Looking at our front page today, every post is marked solved, including yours I notice ! 😉 So there are some of us here and I'd say we were helping ! CBR
    1 point
  4. Hi everyone, thank you so much for your support. I got a very satisfactory result with the tips you gave me. In particular the video that VIZN suggested to me was very helpful! Bests Eudes.
    1 point
  5. Yep! Thanks KALUGIN! c4d.utils.MatrixToHPB what I was looking for!
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. here is a simple xpresso setup. You need a spline with 4 points. the second and the third points of the spline are offset on the Y axis of objA and objB to get the smooth result that you are aiming for. cable.c4d
    1 point
  8. All Octane dcc plugins are a single dev afaik.
    1 point
  9. YOU my friend! Have saved my tookus on this one! Thanks so much, Ive been trying to play about with the new roipe simulator to get good results but it has glitched all over the place! Thanks again, its very much appreciated!! 👏
    1 point
  10. Hi everyone, I've followed a tutorial and stuck upon remeshing the object exported from mega scan. In the tutorial it seems like after the author used the remesh, the texture was still fine (it's visible on the chair at this moment https://youtu.be/zY2gYC5pNMA?t=153) I tried to repeat it with exactly the same chair and I got clearly distorted texture in some places. I've tried with other models as well and remesh also distorted the textures. As for the renderer, I use Redshift. Do you know what the problem could be? Thanks a lot!
    1 point
  11. Hey Mina - welcome to the Core 🙂 Great work getting your profile done so quickly - that will help when asking questions. And you're in the right place for those ! If you are using latest Cinema then your renderer is probably Redshift unless you are still deciding on a 3rd party one... May your learnings be rewarding and your 3Ds suitably magnificent ! CBR
    1 point
  12. I don't think it is fine in his version, but because it's just a general brown you can't really tell. I would expect to have to redo UV mapping after any editable remesh operation because the whole point order and layout, upon which UVs rely, changes. CBR
    1 point
  13. I'd really like to know how this Capsule is more preferable to the PolyFX (the practical benefits from it the original person was asking)... I get how this could be useful in the SceneNode Editor ecosystem but not how users could benefit from it in the OM. Maybe it's faster ? Unless it enables to split only polygons from a selection of polygons, that's not included in the PolyFX and is useful. I am hesitant of asking you for new nodes/capsules here as my suggestions go directly to Maxon, and I tend to have big ideas (complex). But this one might be easier... Split Splines Segments This is similar to your Split Polygons but for splines. It divides the spline to its individual segments using the control nodes. This isn't posible using the PolyFX MoGenerator because the PolyFX will split the spline using the intermediate points. (The unintended effect isn't visible on straight splines like a rectangle with no intermediate points) PolyFX effect (with Random Effector for visual aid) I find this node to have more practical applications especially with MoGraph. I will remove this post after you've read it so it does not litter the thread... 🙂 (in about 24h)
    1 point
  14. Yep. Still, we can rant about the usual things and occasionally post funny GIF's, that's surely worth the big bucks.
    1 point
  15. Their complete buisness model was to close C4D gaps. Those gaps are being closed step by step by Maxon so yes they need to change thier model.
    1 point
  16. Fell into an internet wormhole and came across this... https://github.com/still-scene/t3 A Houdini and After Effects love child : ) Scroll down the page for a video.
    1 point
  17. and my favorite settings so far: mimic_0001.c4d
    1 point
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