I've been longing for more performance in C4D for quite a while. Now I decided to just chew my bank account and go for a RTX4090. I now have a 2080 Ti for Desktop apps and viewport display; the 4090 is dedicated for rendering and GPU-accelerated tasks.
Since I've been working on a huge project, I was still staying in C4D S24, giving the new versions only peeks of interest and curiosity. Today though, I have finally set up C4D 2023 properly and took the new system to the track.
Just... wow O_o
Scenes that rendered 12:00 minutes on my 2080 Ti are now finished in 00:52 seconds - Same settings!
Rendering on both GPUs is actually slower, because the 2080 doesn't finish it's buckets in time. The Redshift benchmark finishes in 1:20 (room for optimization left, I don't know how to set the bucket size in the benchmark command line)
Using a dedicated GPU for IPR makes everything SO much smoother. Yay! There's a little lag before the IPR starts to refresh, but it clears up almost immediately. Seeing this, I'm not even so sure about Redshift RT anymore, to be honest.
New C4D GPU features
Cloth is SO much fun! I'll have to relearn the system, but I'm already quite confident that I can use Marvelous for designing cloth, but simulate directly in C4D. That would make the whole workflow so much easier. A lot to dig into, but very promising. I'm so looking forward to fire stuff Dave has been teasing 😄
Nexus stays interactive even longer on the 4090. Still no Houdini, but the Particle situation is improved immensly
It's still early, but all in all, this really feels like the huge performance jump I've been craving for.
After a long period of mediocre updates, C4D now feels fresh, powerful and exciting again. Kudos! 😄