I've spent almost a year now trying to figure this out and there is no end to it and you won't find or get any answers about it from searching. What you will hear the minute you start doing something in one network is you really should be doing it in another network. You're doing something in LOPS? You should be in SOPS. Working in SOPS? You should be in LOPS. Trying out somethings in DOPS? You should really be doing it in SOPS. Trying something in SOPS? You should actually be doing it in DOPS. Trying to parent something are you? You should be doing that in OBJ, unless you need to do it in SOPS, or LOPS, or DOPS, depending on why you need to do that. Need a camera or lighting in your scene? That's what LOPS is for, unless you need to parent or animate any of those things, in which case you should do it in SOPS and reimport into LOPS, unless you want slick looking sliders for your lights, in which case you must go back and do them in LOPS, as long as their positions don't need to be animated, but if they do maybe you can drop into a SOP Create, but it's a work in progress but don't worry it will get there someday. Trying to stay in one context or another, you should really be using each for its strengths and bouncing back and forth. Try doing that and then you will be told it's a waste of time. Why does LOPS even exist? No one knows but a lot of people have their theories. For one thing it's the only context in which you can render with Houdini's new render engine Karma. Why does Karma only render in LOPS? No one knows.