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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/14/2022 in all areas

  1. Check the tool for yourself here http://imaginaire.cc/gaugan360/ This is my test: I love it. No more voxel cloud painting and countless hours of sky renderings with Vue for a background. Share your own tests below.
    2 points
  2. Thanks @Cerbera, I knew a UV edit was ultimately involved-but I haven't used them since taking a class on unwrapping so many years ago. I didn't clean any triangles yet as the original model was exported for me from the architect and I have been cleaning up other areas of........issues. I will fix this part and do the UV edit part. As always - thank you.
    1 point
  3. Yes so glad we figured this one out 🙂 Even though the memory used is the same, upon exporting as an fbx for mixamo the file size went from 500mb (with the extra meshes) to 11mb, so quite the savings there!
    1 point
  4. Thank you, that works fine. It seems the first version where I used booles I had corrected the normals which in that case made no difference, but the cleaner version, the version block of 20 cutters with normals fixed sorted it. I now have the full 200 and all is working. Thankyou for your help.
    1 point
  5. Aha ! That was what I was doing wrong - I was creating a new pose and dragging the ref object directly into the target field, rather than not adding a new pose and dragging the object directly into the pose list to create one ! Excellent - that's that mystery solved, my own databanks updated, and everything working as it should be... 🙂 MJV's point still stands though - the memory used is about the same ! CBR
    1 point
  6. That should be fabulously easy to sort out in UV Edit, but we have to make some allowances for the fact that your image isn't square, which means we have to manually stretch the UVs Cinema auto-generates to fill the square UV canvas, so that ALL the image fits on all the object if you see what I mean. I don't know if you want to fix the mesh to get rid of all the unnecessary triangles, but if you do, you should do so BEFORE you do UV unwrapping. When finished your UV should look like this... 1. Go into UV Edit and select both the object AND its UV tag, then Poly Mode, and Ctrl-A to select all of them. 2. Find the UV Unwrap button in the middle column and press it once, which will give you a narrow strip of polys at a weird angle like so... 3. Go to UV packing, turn off preserve orientation, turn on stretch to fit and hit apply, which should align that strip to the top of the UV canvas and make it (almost) fill it. If it guesses this wrong and the lines are going horizontally across the canvas instead of up and down it like they should be, then you can use the Transform tab / rotation settings in the UV panel to rotate it 90 degrees so it looks like my example above (top) 4. Lastly, apply a material to the object and make sure it is using UV mapping as the mapping type. CBR
    1 point
  7. Oh that's nice - some AI that doesn't also come with the threat of imminently replacing us 🙂 That's a genuinely really useful way to utilise it and a lot of fun to play with... CBR
    1 point
  8. Here is a bit more elaborate setup - splinewrap prototype. Generator takes a mesh as input and in link deforming spline can be loaded. Some basic controls are present Graph The setup can be expanded to reflect current splinewrap deformer and expand on it 67_Splinewrap.c4d
    1 point
  9. Here is an example of hot make a fish school, or flocking effect. This is pure nodes setup. Control the effect through controls on grid and random node 57_Fisch_School.c4d
    1 point
  10. Here is a bit more elaborate setup, in this case purely nodes based. Essentially it is an inheritance effector where clones reach transformation of target object with temporal offset. Sounds complicated but effect is quite known. Following controls are provided You can choose what is active (what transforms), duration and gap. The main part of the setup is located in inheritance group To use, simply set final transformation with null object Press play and clones will transform from original state defined by distribution to new transformed state. You can easily swap the distribution. The challenge would be to make this a capsule 🙂 112_Inheritance.c4d
    1 point
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