Yes - this is correct. The RS sky model is based on an analytic model of daylight. You can select the older 'Preetham' model, or the newer 'Hosek-Wilkie' model. The latter is recommended.
However... Rs also supports the C4D Physical Sky shader as well. So if you want more artistic control you can use that. One note: The C4D physical sky is baked to a texture, so you will need to increase the texture resolution for detailed results - typically 8k+. I'm not in front of Rs right now, but there is a setting in Rs render settings to set the resolution as a default, or you can set it in the material texture node.
** Having written this I'm not sure if the Phys Sky is supported in the new nodes shader system, or just in the older Xpresso shader graph. I'm using the latter in R21.