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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/06/2022 in all areas

  1. It's been a while but I used to post back in the cafe days. I then upgraded from visual to the full C4D package and like a good novel no one reads that's where everything stayed. Now I figure I need to do some stuff, I'd like to model static images so I need to get very much better at that before considering anything else. However, I feel I'm very much a novice in all departments so I'm just going to throw myself in at the deep end to see if I sink or swim. Knowing me I'll drown. All the best, Kevin.
    3 points
  2. Let’s be honest, apart from a handful of shows like Mando and the animated star wars stuff, Star Wars has taken a massive nose dive since Disney took over, milking starwars for every penny they can before they leave it’s bare carcass to slowly rot in the sun
    2 points
  3. At its simplest, we can make the speaker faces with this sort of density... ...and that might be even enough to displace holes into if you're lucky, and want to tackle those via textures. If you are modelling the holes, then you will still have to build something like this first so you have a surface to project or conform the holes mesh to, because that is invariably going to be created flat first if you go that way... OR, you could go the volume builder way, and abandon SDS altogether ! So that is just the front panel above (but without the sides) thickened, and under L4 SDS, in a volume builder / mesher, with a grid-array cloner of cylinders subtracted from it. You can make the cloner editable and delete the clones so that you get the patterns you want in the corner areas - I only did it roughly, but you get the idea hopefully... If you do go that way, you will need a very low voxel size - 0.5 or similar, which will produce a horrendously dense mesh you can try and rescue with ZRemesher, though I don't envy you the time that will take to calculate ! CBR
    2 points
  4. This one's tricky because of how mograph selections don't re-sort the indexes and only hides them. Scalar User Data: MoGraph ID Normalized > Change Range: 0 - 1 to 0 - # of polys in selection > MultiShader: Integer Loop. Only thing I can't figure out is how to procedurally get the poly count out of the scene nodes random select into the out max of the Change Range shader node. Multishader Selection.c4d
    1 point
  5. Try the "RS Integer User Data" with Mograph Object ID instead of Scalar Data. I see now It gives the same result. false hope 😄 sorry
    1 point
  6. Yes. You work from the outside in and move incrementally smaller sets of components up slightly on Y, like so... Then you can tweak the points to match the reference more exactly in the orthographic view(s). CBR
    1 point
  7. Select that outer perimeter edge loop, and ctrl drag backwards with the move tool ! If you only go back half the distance of the mid band you can use Z symmetry to get the rest like I did below. Then select the perimeter ring of polys and extrude them a tiny amount to get that little ridge, then add your SDS control loops. Next, here's the topology you need to cut into that to achieve the subtle inner curvature of the divot bit. I should show you that a bit closer, so you can see the control edge separating the 45 degree corner edge from the border, for it would be a mistake to run that all the way to the edge... it goes inside the control loop there. CBR
    1 point
  8. Modelling the holes is really making your life unnecessarily difficult, and there is an argument that SDS is not the way to go with this model because of the hardness of the edges everywhere, and the amount of effort required to get the holes utterly distortion-free despite the curvature of that surface. That is why I come down on the side of VB for this, because it isn't a problem for that. But, if you are a glutton for punishment it is certainly possible 😉 The principal stages would be thusly... 1. Make a single hole from a 2 x 2 plane, maintaining its square outer perimeter. 2. Clone that into a grid array that closely matches the reference using precise values so the clones meet exactly. Make that editable, and remove the excess clones you don't need on the corners. 3. CO&D all those into a single mesh, and optimize. 4. Expand that section using the existing topology into the rest of the side using normal poly tools. keep the mesh density similar throughout. 5. next, build the sort of low poly SDS mesh I showed above for the whole side panel, but flat - ie with no curve, but with exactly the sort of topology you need to be able to add that curve, which is the edge flow I showed. 6. Get a Mesh Deformer on the holes mesh, make the SDS of the low res model the cage it needs (apply it if necessary), and initialize it while they are both flat. Now any deformation you add to the low poly mesh will be applied to the high poly holes one too, allowing you to get the curvature you need. However as I mentioned above, this will subtly but noticeably distort the circularity of the holes wherever things get most curvy, and the only way to remedy that is to manually adjust (or fit circle with project to surface enabled) the points on the ones that are wrong once you have applied it. Lastly you would apply that deformation (CStO) and add thickness via Zero-Extrude and move. the rest of the mesh can be regular mid poly SDS. CBR
    1 point
  9. It's working now!!!!!!!!! You guys are life savers, thank you! I was able to pull it off without the RS region.
    1 point
  10. At Greyscalegorilla we have a discord channel, it's free to join: Greyscalegorilla Discord - Greyscalegorilla And RocketLasso has a slack channel. Insydium / X-Particles, also has a discord. Even @Igorhas a discord: https://discord.gg/j6vfhYcN Probably loads of other discords and slacks out there. But for me personally I like forums because information can get lost on threads in discord and slack. Also forums get indexed by google. So you can search and find content. Meaning any long-form posts and information doesn't get lost. However that ability is now gone from Core4D because google won't be able to index any of these discussions. I prefer the community here as a place to hang out, and I also prefer the forum style interaction.
    1 point
  11. Check out our latest success story! How the Belgium-based creative studio Glitch has accompanied Jérémie Makiese's performance on the Eurovision stage, by using U-Render, Cinema4D and other tools. Read more here. Don't miss our webinar on July, 7th. Register for free today.
    1 point
  12. I have left the poll open for a month, so hopefully it will be visible to people when back from vacation. It does feel like there has been a drop off recently. The visibility of the forum being locked off to only those who have signed up will be a contributing factor. Since you can't even browse the forum now to see what it is about unless you sign up. So new users won't be here asking questions since they don't even know that this is a place where they can ask questions.
    1 point
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